SEN 1913
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- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1416
SEN 1913 - Table of Contnets
- LH Lost and Items for sale
- Sierra Flash
(Reserve Day Tuesday, October 21, 2014)
For Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, F1Q, P-30, E-36 and Vintage FAI Power
Sunday October 19th: F1G, F1H, F1J, P-30, E-36 and Vintage FA1 Power
Tie-Breaker “Espresso Fly-Off” (No Max): F1G 7:15-7:25; F1H 7:30–7:40; F1J 7:45–7:55, Vintage FAI Power 8:00-8:10
(5) 45 Minute rounds commencing at 8:30AM
F1G, F1H and F1J, 120 Seconds, All Rounds
Vintage FAI Power, 180 Seconds, All Rounds
No earlier than 12:45PM (30 minutes after close of Round 5) flyoffs will begin. For F1G, F1H and F1J, the first flyoff round Max will be 240 seconds. The second flyoff Max, if required, will be 300 seconds.
Vintage FAI Power Flyoffs will use the same engine runs, with a 240 second Max for the first flyoff and a 300 second Max for the second flyoff.
For all Sunday events, if a winner is not determined at the conclusion of two flyoff rounds, the Espresso Flyoff times will be used to determine final placing.
(7) One hour rounds commencing at 8:00AM for all events
Round 1: F1A, 210 Seconds, F1B and F1C, 240 Seconds, Rounds 2-7: 180 Seconds
F1Q will be flown in rounds in accordance with current FAI rules. Contestants may use an approved energy limiter or may compute the allowable motor run and post the value on the model. 180 seconds all rounds.
Monday Fly Offs will begin no earlier than 3:30PM
Perpetual Trophies to winners in F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J and FIQ
Glassware 1st through 3rd place for all events, including F1P, E-36, Vintage FAI Power and P-30. Cups to the Winners of “Espresso Fly-Offs”.
Entry Fee: $30 for first event entry, $10 for each additional event entry. $10 for P-30 and E-36. No entry fee for Juniors or Espresso Flyoff
Bill Booth Jr. Bob Beecroft
Oceanside, CA 92056 Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 842-1079 (760) 723-2499
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On Hwy 95 approximately 7 miles south of Hwy 93. Access through the Desert Tortoise fence is on the west side of Highway 95 on the north edge of where the power lines cross the highway. The flying area is to the west, either in the middle (35.867N/114.943W) or on the south end (35.846N/114.961W) of the lake bed. In the early morning, the field is approximately 35 minutes drive time from the Las Vegas “Strip”. Camping on the field is permitted.
Lost in the Hills and for Sale
Lost at Lost Hills-REI 3 leg foldable stool/chair at FF Champs. I really like that little chair.
For Sale: Thunder Power Charger TP 820 CD. $225
Ralph 619 504 2661
Ralph Ray
*George Fuller*, the English designer of many famous classic designs in power models (Stomper, Zoot Suit, Dixielander, etc.) died at the end of 2012. He is remembered in this issue of FFQ in a short obit written by his friend Roy Smith, as well as by the brief autobiography that George wrote some 10 years ago. His Dixielander design of 1956 remains still a competitive model in Slow Open Power. On the subject of power models of the 1950's, we publish an article from that excellent American magazine, now long defunct: *American Modeler*. This is a survey conducted in 1957, where a large number of the best American flyers were interviewed about the trimming techniques used in their own Gas (power) models. The wide variety of techniques reported in the article is quite interesting, and describes well the approach before VIT and Auto Rudder were implemented. This long article will be followed by a second part in next issue of FFQ.
*Michel Coviaux* throws some light into the model "control" process at an F1G contest, a bit of acerbic humour that could be so real.
*Joshua Finn* and *Steve Wrigley* describe their Embryo designs, both of which have been very successful in this popular FAC category. Finn's designs , the Maxouts have been the subject of progressive refinement, and have achieved a high standard of performance.
*Jean-Pierre DeRienzo* is the author of a very comprehensive biography of his friend Jean Wantzenriether, and has been able to unearth a lot of rare graphic material from the long publishing career of our former Editor and friend. The first part of an English translation of this biography is included in #53, to be concluded next January. The last installment of the Adventures of Jimmie Allen and the Jimmie Allen models is included in this edition. Here *David Mills* concludes the analysis of the twenty Jimmie Allen models, from a structural and performance point of view. Sources for plans and kits are carefully discussed, too.
*Chris Stoddart* continues his series on electric power. In the five previous parts of this series, he presented the basic mathematical theory of the motors together with graphs that summarized the performance characteristics. This new part deals with the selection of a suitable motor for the popular E-36 category, making a reference to the Apache36 model of Ray and Buddenbohm presented in the July issue of FFQ.
We finish the study on "Low Speed Aerodynamics Research Association", LSARA, in which *Adrian Duncan* has described the work of this highly interesting English group that flourished in the period 1945-1960 approximately, and considered the reasons for its demise, when its highly skilled professional aerodynamicists continued their separate careers.
*Paul Rossiter* analyzes the new orange P30 propeller from Hong Kong, a well made plastic propeller for this extremely popular small rubber category. It now takes up the place of the now discontinued Peck gray prop, long the favourite of so many P30 flyers. It has a different chord and pitch distribution than the gray Peck.
It is good to see the old master, *Bill Henn*, return to his articles on rubber scale. He talks here about two small high wing aircraft, the Lacey M-10 and the Fike, which have the common characteristic of a very low aspect ratio wing. They perform admirably in scale form (Peanuts for example). He also includes in this discussion the Pilatus Porter, normally built to a larger scale and also a great performer when given the motor and prop combination advocated by Bill.
*Edwin Stoffel* is best remembered by his beautiful Aristocrat Wakefield of 1948. Not as well known is another design of his, the Flight Cup Winner of 1949, rather similar to the Aristocrat. This model is presented in a version of the original article and contains much information, including full size patterns for the various parts.
*Allard van Wallene* reports on the Poitou 2014 contest, which was marred by unsteady weather conditions, but had a rewarding F1A day, for those that knew how to read the conflicting thermal patterns.
Gurney flaps have been discussed in previous issues of FFQ. This time we present a very complete experimental analysis of the Gurney flap, the work of *Brown and Filiponne* at the U. of Manchester in 2003. A cambered wing profile was tested at model Re with Gurney flaps of various heights in a wind tunnel. The authors find that there is an optimum height of the flap that increases the lift without a commensurate increase in the drag and give a mathematical expression for this optimum size. There is an interesting introduction giving a full history of the device, as well a list of references.
The cover and table of contents are, as usual, available in our website:
Sergio Montes
Sierra Flash
1. Don Zink, USA
2. John Cooper, GBR
3. Siegfried Limberger, GER
In the 11 min. fly-off Don had 10 seconds more than John - both had made the 9-minute flight.
F1b flash.
1 Walt Ghio
2 Sevak Malkhasyan
3 Tony Mathews
Roger Morrell