SEN 1925
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1490
- F1G for Sale
- FAI Scholarships
- Q
- Mongolian Update
- F1A WCUP Battle
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">F1Gs for Sale
I have 2 Stefanchuk F1G's that I need to get rid of. The first is an older version with a polyspan covered wing, and it flies good. The other is a newer mylar covered wing model that flies very good. Both models are complete and ready to fly. They both have mechanical timers. I will also include 2 winding tubes, and a Batiuk made white carrying case for them. All for just $500. Contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
George Batiuk
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff" id="yui_3_16_0_1_1415685183151_699523">FAI Scholarships reminder
If you are between 16 to 21 years old and you study, or plan to study, something connected with aeroplanes. Please remember to apply for the CIAM Aeromodelling scholarship. Talk to your national aeroclub. Applicationform can be found under this link.
- from Per Findahl on FB
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Is there a simple/stable rule change for Q?
I was in on the early F1Q discussions and have always advocated for a
limited voltage, a minimum weight and a limited motor run with nothing
else. All of this is easy to verify with eyes, ears and a beam scale. Its
just like F1G, an event with a very stable set of rules for nearly 30 years
and still a wide variety of competitive models.
But I will never see my vision for F1Q implemented so here is a new
proposal that will at least bring stability: No rule changes in F1Q until
2024. If this rule is passed I promise I will finish the Maverick F1Q thats
been sitting uncovered in my shop for five years.
Ross Jahnke
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Mongolian Update
The Free Flight group on FB has an interesting background article about Free Flight in Mongolia written by Chimed Ganzorig
The previous Bulletin 0 for the World Champs drew some negative comments on the schedule because it had the World Champs processing and opening ceremony before the companion World Cup Contests. That meant that those who did not want to take part in the World Cup events would need to be in Mongolia for about 2 weeks. This is too long for some people with other work, family or financial commitments. We understand the schedule is still under review by the organizers.
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">F1A World Cup Battle
With one contest left, the Hanukkah Open in Israel on December 19-20
1 Roland Koglot SLO 217 SA-1 MS-1 SM-1 RH-1 ZA-1 HO-1 CT-1 HG-2 SB-2 MM-2 MC-2 SL-3 KW-3 NA-11 IK-10
2 Jama Danier CAN 214 KW-1 SE-1 MC-1 SC-1 IC-1 KU-1 HC-1 SA-2 PR-2 RH-2 AC-2 NA-3 NO-3 ZA-5
3 Anton Gorsky RUS 207 NA-1 DK-1 AM-1 SL-2 KW-2 NO-4 EL-4 HG-10 MM-12 SA-20 ZA-20 NL-14 EA-11 SE-7
4 Aviv Balassiano ISR 195 MM-1 RB-1 EQ-1 KZ-3 SH-3 PI-4 ZA-4 SA-6 HG-9 SL-14 KW-14 NA-15
5 Per Findahl SWE 189 SL-1 BD-1 NO-2 ZA-2 MM-3 SA-3 DK-3 KW-7
6 Mikhail Kosonozhkin RUS 187 KZ-1 NO-1 SZ-2 SE-3 RH-3 HG-4 MC-4 NL-7 JI-6 EL-5 EA-9 SB-10 HM-7 SL-5 BD-6 DK-16
So who has the most airline miles? Does Aviv have home field advantage? F1A events in Israel get a good turn out but will there be enough bonus points ?
Roger Morrell