SEN 1927
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1447
- Patterson date reminder
- Leepers garage sale
- Rule Changes ?
- Arizona welcome and dates.
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff" id="yui_3_16_0_1_1415685183151_751926">Patterson date reminder
Patterson CD, Brian Van Nest asked me to remind all that the event is not this coming weekend, but the next - Nov 15 and 16 . As Leeper says below. The latest NFFS Digest had it wrong in the printed calendar but the NFFS Web site calendar is correct. as was a previous SEN with the detailed schedule.
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">F1As and related stuff for sale
I still have two Vasily-built F1A bunters for sale. One fine flying Li'l AL, which has done very well, plus an M&K Long.
Also, various F1A-related equipment: towline, winches, etc...
Bringing to Patterson FAI, Nov 15 & 16.
Please contact me via email or phone: 949 885 6346
Come pick up some treasures!
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">Why the rules changes ?
The thought that rules changes will produce a more even playing field makes no sense. Whenever you have a reduction in the models characteristics, whether it be line length, motor weight or engine run, you simply place a higher premium on store bought components. Fliers who want to win will go through the expense, whether it's buying models or machining equipment, to gain an advantage over others. With the demise of the builder of the model rule the guy willing to part with the money gets an immediate advantage. Rule changes regarding the model's characteristics wont make this any different.
Bill Shailor
editors comment
Bill I believe there is some confusion on FB , the document shown there and included in that last SEN is probably an internal CIAM FFTSC document talking about possible ideas that they have recieved but not necessarily endorsed. There was another unrelated posting on FB that attributed all the current ills in Free Flight to increasing technology and model costs. While the FFTSC may have some concerns about costs typically, they are concerned about safety and being able to finish major events in a sporting fashion so might be worried about performance. Most of the items in the possible changes list are performance related. One could consider this to be a CIAM FFTSC Wikileaks incident.
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">Eloy, Arizona - December and January Contests
On December 6 and 7 the Arizona Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, Arizona. This is the last America's Cup and National Cup contest west of the Mississippi for the year 2014. There are AMA, NFFS, SAM, and FAI events. On the field in Eloy it will be cool in the mornings but should warm up to about 70° during the day. For questions please email: elmernelson "at"
For information on the 3-day 2015 Southwest Regional Model Airplane Championships on January 17-19 go to - please use the Entry Forms to pre-enter. This will be the 65th SWR!
Please fly with us in Eloy!
Peter Brocks
Roger Morrell