SEN 1939
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1896
- Sporting Code proposals for Lausanne Plenary 2015
- Lost Hills dues
- Dave's planet
- Discussion ?
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">Sporting Code proposals for Lausanne Plenary 2015
(Don't shoot the messenger
From Allard van Wallene on FB
Country: GB
F1A: Minimum line diameter 1.75 mm, pilot may not release the line at launch (year 2016), no flappers and/or bunters (year 2018), maximum 2 meter wing span, 5 rounds competition, 10 minutes working time to launch (year 2020)
F1B: Propeller must rotate before launching (no DPR)
F1C: 4 sec. engine run
Country: DE
All classes: no flappers
F1C: ethanol instead of methanol
F1Q: max. 40 sec motor run, max. 4 Joule/g @ max. 550 g for energy calculation)
Country PL:
F1A: towline 40 m, max 4 minutes in first round
F1B: 25 g rubber
F1C: 4 sec. engine run
Country: AUT
F1A: towline 35 m
F1C: RDT compulsory, ethanol instead of methanol
Country: USA
New E-class, F1S: max. 10 sec. motor run, min. 120 g, max. 36” span, max 2 LiPo or 6 Nickel based cells.
F1A: 4 min. max first round in F1A
4 min. max first and last round, 5 rounds for F1A, B and C
6 minutes max for first fly off
Fly off with >= 12 participants, split in two groups. Those with max or score of >=75% of max proceed to next fly off.
No flappers in F1E,P,G,H,J and K.
Lost Hills Dues
To all American and Canadian flyers who use Lost Hills.
current status
for questions email Brian Van Nest This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
call 760-873-5073
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">Dave Ackery in SEN 1937
From: rudolf hoebinger
in SEN 1937 Dave Ackery wrote (within an, in my opinion, rather strange mixture of remarks regarding F1Q, F1S, F1P, P30) the following:
<If we compare this with P30. It [P30] is not an FAI event, but it is enthusiastically flown in every corner of the planet>
Now, I'm living and flying on a planet called Earth, in the corner of Europe, and I'm well informed about freeflight in other corners of this planet too, e.g. Russia, Asia, South America etc. However, I 'm definitely not aware of any enthusiastic P30-activities in any of these corners, the number of P30-flyers all over there may be counted with the fingers of one hand.
But probably Dave is living on his own planet, far down-under, comprising 3 continents (Americaland in the north, Koalaland and Kiwiland in the south), and a distant moon called Britty!
Sowhatever. Thermals and Seasons Greetings to all!
Rudolf Hobinger
from Austria (NOT Australia!)
planet Earth (the one with 5 continents and a moon called Moon)
Editor's comment ...
Rudolf, Where Dave lives is not so important, what is important is if people in other places such as Austria or even the Moon would he happy flying a US class of model i.e. E-36 or if they would rather it be an FAI class such as F1S. Or if they don't care about electric anyway...
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff">Discussions in SEN
(Nick sent this email to Ian Kaynes as well as SEN)
Dear Roger & Ian,
It seems to me that round about this time of year there is a discussion about FAI free flight classes, each year polarisation deepens as the onward march of technological benefits and cost increases occur. To my eyes these developments do not seem to have brought many new faces out to play, indeed some have walked away; indeed the latter's actions speak louder than words in any so called "discussion" over the last ten years. One has to assume that the "walkers" have found that life is so much more enjoyable, more content and less frustrating outside the FAI FF bubble.
Monsieur Didier is totally and utterly right. The model has to fit the available flying fields and the typical wind speed. With loss of 3 major free flight venues in the UK this year, free flight aeromodellers mind's have been vexed and concentrated, as some can't fly locally, these developments are show stoppers, that is it, no more, finished, stuffed and very unhappy.
Hang on though, we free flighters are made of tougher stuff:-
Survivors will:
*adapt their flying,
*negotiate with land owners,
*organise new sites for themselves,
*agree to change the competition's rules,
*have to compromise
*accept second best in the face of reality,
*since there is no sensible other economic option out there.
The stark reality is that in the future many these new free flight flying sites will only be 800 yards/metres long, before trees and/or private land block flights or access. Rd/t will enable sportsmen to exploit these small areas fully.
For example by collaborating with full size gliding clubs, using their airfields before the gliders start flying in the morning. Yes it may mean getting up before dawn to test fly, or perhaps organising competitions on a Monday or Tuesday for the pensioners, but so what.
Shortly aviation legislation is going get in the way. This morning the following was published on the UK's national BBC TV website for the public's consumption
"The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) sets the rules on drones in the UK under
what is called an air navigation order.
* An unmanned aircraft must never be flown beyond the normal unaided "line of
sight" of the person operating it - this is generally measured as 500m
(1,640ft)horizontally or 400ft (122m) vertically
* An unmanned aircraft fitted with a camera must always be flown at least 50m
(164ft) distance away from a person, vehicle, building or structure
* An unmanned aircraft fitted with a camera must not be flown within 150m
(492ft) of a congested area or large group of people, such as a sporting event
or concert
* For commercial purposes, operators must have permission to fly a drone from
the CAA
In the US, the Federal Aviation Authority bans the flying of unmanned
aircraft, including hobby drones, above
The FAA also states that, if they are to be used within
five miles of an airport, its air traffic control tower should be notified
in advance. They should not weigh more than 55lbs (25kg).
The European Aviation Safety Agency is developing EU-wide
safety standards, which it says will be as high as those for manned
I respectfully suggest that CIAM has to recognise these pressures and protect the competitor's from their own enthusiasm. Again Rd/t can be proactively used to demonstrate that free flight is sufficiently controlled to satisfy overarching legislation and/or local restrictions.
Controversially, may be it is time to organise an alternative World Free Flight Championship, with a strict one design approach for glider, rubber and electric only, designed for competitions on restricted, small flying fields and with limited budgets.
As a starting point this could be called the FREE FLIGHT CLUB FLIERS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, with the intention of improving participation, team work and bringing in fresh blood.
Best wishes for the festive season and many happy landings in 2015
Roger Morrell