SEN 1763
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1277
- From the CIAM
- Norcal Champs
- Hannan closes the Runway
From the CIAM Meeting
in summary
2015 F1ABC World Champs to Mongolia, first time for Asia?
F1E to Serbia
RDT changes
This change was made to permit RDT to extend the DT time as well as D/T the model.
Also RDT was extended to the provisional classes such as F1H, G, J,..
F1Q EL changes
More later ...
Oakland Cloud Dusters
24th Annual Northern California Free Flight Championships
Waegell Field, Sacramento California
April 27th 28th 2013
AAA Category III AMA Sanctioned Contest
An *America’s Cup and ^National Cup Contest
AMA, NFFS Nostalgia, Classic & Special Events, + SAM Rules Apply
Entry Fee: One Event $20.00, Two or more Events $35.00. $5.00 discount
with proof of NFFS membership for two or more events. Field Fee: 2012
“Friends of Waegell” Card Holders Free, otherwise $5.00 per contestant.
Jrs. $2 per event, with no field fee.
Contest Directors: Bill Vanderbeek, Dick Douglas, & Fred Terzian (FAI)
ParticipantDrawing (to all who “enter”)$600+ in Prize Money
New!!! Special Drawing for F1 A-B-C Entrants--$100 on Saturday
1-Design: Hunter’s “1/2A Satellite” (Rudder on Stab Only) Tee Dee & Nostalgia Engines 1st $45, 2nd $30, 3rd $15
Contest Schedule
Saturday Events Sunday Events
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
*F1A Glider (seven rounds) *F1G Coupe (five rounds)
*F1B Wakefield (seven rounds) *F1H Towline (five rounds)
*F1C Power (seven rounds) *F1J Power (five rounds)
*F1P (.060 Gas Power) F1Q (Electric)
EITHER DAY--All Events must be completed on the same day
^Junior P-30 Rubber ^Classic Junior 1/2A Gas
^Junior Hand Launch Glider ^Junior 1/2A Gas
^Junior Hand Held Catapult Glider +“He-Man” Hand Launch Glider
Junior A-1 Nordic Towline Classic Straight Tow Glider
Old Time Small Rubber Cabin Old Time Small Rubber Stick
Old Time Large Rubber Cabin Old Time Large Rubber Stick
1/4A Gas E-36 Electric 1ST-$45 2ND- $30 3RD- $15
^1/2A Gas ^Mulvihill Rubber <150 & >151
^A-B Gas ^Moffett Rubber
^C-D Gas ^P-30 + Mass Launch 9:15 am Sun.
.020 Replica Old Time Hand Launch Glider
^HH Cat. & HLG plus combined Mass Launch 9:30 am Sunday Only
^Small Nostalgia Rubber OCD Catapult Glider
^ Large Nostalgia Rubber ^Classic 1/2A Gas
^1/4A Gas Nostalgia ^Classic A-B Gas
^Early 1/2A Gas Nostalgia ^Classic C-D Gas
^1/2A Gas Nostalgia A-B-C Ignition Old Timer
^A Gas Nostalgia 8 Ounce Wakefield
^B Gas Nostalgia 4 Ounce Wakefield
^C Gas Nostalgia Rubber Scale
NO ROW THIS YEAR!!! Vintage FAI Power
All “Wocks” Events—plus Mass Launch @ 8:45 am Sunday Only
Barbecue Lunch Saturday & Sunday!!! $5.00 per day
General Field Rules:
Flight time max for all events except F1A, B, & C is 90 seconds.
Gas events will have engine runs of 5, 6, 7 or 10 seconds, depending on event and 2010 NCFFC rules. Fly-off engine runs (except F1C) will be determined at that time.
Rubber events, except F1B will be three maxes of 90 seconds each. Flyoff flights and times will be determined by 2011 NCFFC rules.
Classic Towline Glider events will use 35-meter (115 feet) towlines. A line gauge will be on the field.
Special rules will apply for Moffett, OCD Catapult, etc.
He-Man Glider Rules: All wood construction (no carbon fiber, etc.) D.T. OK—Min. weight 1.5 oz (42.5 g). Min. Span 24”. Must have a name prominently displayed on wing—4 attempts, best 2 count.—All flights before 9:30 am—No use of thermal detecting devices—Time one, fly one.
FAI Events: One hour rounds beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday and 9 a.m.
Sunday. Mini Events will be flown near contest headquarters. One-hour
lunch break on Saturday. Fly-off flights TBD, depending on drift conditions
Contest Information:
Bill Vanderbeek Fred Terzian Dick Douglas
26400 Purissima Rd. 4858 Moorpark Ave. 5303 Calderwood Lane
Los Alto Hills, CA 94022 San Jose, CA 95129 San Jose, CA 95118
1-408-472-0274 (cell) 1-408-725-1065 1-408-266-3598
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Marriott Courtyard Red Lion Inn The Venetian Court
10683 Whiterock Road 10713 Whiterock Road 11269 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova 95670 Rancho Cordova 95670 Rancho Cordova 95742
1-800-321-2211 1-916-631-7500 1-916-635-4040 (Holiday Inn)
Directions to Waegell Field
Waegell Field is located southeast of Mather Field, near the corner of Sunrise Blvd. and Jackson Highway. From the Stockton area, it’s best to take Highway 99 north past Lodi and go northeast on Grant Line Road, just below the town of Elk Grove. Continue north on Grant Line Road until you cross an aqueduct then bear left at the signal light onto Sunrise Blvd. which heads due north. Cross Jackson Highway at the four-way signal lights. Count approximately 14 telephone poles from the corner on the right hand side. After that you will see a gate leading towards a sheep shed and pen. This is Waegell Field. Rev. 15.2 11-29-12
Hannan's Runway is Closing!!!
Dear Customer,
In case you haven't heard, we want to tell you that in one week,
after 27 years, Hannan's Runway is closing its hangar doors for good. The
closing date is April 30th.
All items in our store are being offered at 50% off and orders over $50
receive free Media Rate shipping (USA only). Take a look -
Hint: combine orders with friends or stock up on these great books to give
as gifts.
Thank you all for your business and support over these many years.
Best Wishes,
Bill and Joan
P.S. We'll probably drop our runway@hrunway email address, but, after April
30th you can get in touch with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell