SEN 1769
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1499
- Martyn
- This weekend at Wawaynda
- What is Free Flight
- Budapest Cup
Martyn Cowley
This is part of a message from from Ray Morgan who was long time colleague of Martyn's at AeroVironment
We are planning to have an informal memorial service, coupled with an indoor model fly-in (an event Martyn got started locally some years back) in a Gymnasium here in Simi. Currently, we are planning this for 7:30 in the evening on June 15. We will send out a set of Martyn's plans for a balsa "chuck glider" for those who'd like to build one and bring it for a group "chuck glider" launch at the end of the memorial.
His parents may or may not be able to get here from England for the event. Martyn's remains are going to be interred in England, with a formal funeral held there. He was 64 years old.
If you would like to mail a card of condolences to Martyn's parents, their address follows:
William and Marjorie Cowley
67 Abington Park Crescent
Abington Park Northampton NN33AL
Best to all,
Ray Morgan
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Dear Free Flight Friends:
Here are some specifics for the BOB HATCHEK INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE (Americas Cup, National Cup, run by the Brooklyn Skyscrapers) and the FOUNDING FATHERS MEMORIAL MEET (FAC, sponsored by the Glastonbury Modelers and Pinkham Irregulars). Both of which are taking place at Barron Field, Wawayanda, New York. Sat&Sun. May 25-26.
For the HATCHEK INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE, it has FAI/AMA/NFFS events with Dave Acton, CD. It has FAI events (in rounds, F1GHJQ saturday starting at 9:30am and F1ABCP sunday starting at 7:30am) and AMA/NFFS events (HLG, CAT, Mulvihill, P-30, Dawn Unlimited, E-36, Electric B, 1/2A,AB Classic Gas/ Nostalgia Gas, Classic Towline, Pee-Wee 30 Gas, 1/4A Nostalgia/.020 Oldtime replica). Dawn Unlimited is Sunday 6:45am to 7am. All other AMA/NFFS events are Saturday May 25, 9am-5pm and Sunday May 26: 8am-3pm and may be flown either day, though there is a preferred day for each for National Cup purposes: see the additional schedule details at
For the F1ABCP events Sunday, to facilitate organization of the flight line and flight line moves, we will eliminate the overlap and fly in one-hour rounds. To accomodate this change the CD and Field Marshall have the descretion to delay starts of rounds in response to flights that may go off field. Keep Dave and Andrew (cell 203-645-2786) informed of any retreival difficulties that may arise and try to avoid flying near the end of the round. The Hatchek International Challenge is for all competitors. It is also one of the select contests at which Junior Competitors have a chance to demonstrate their skills for possible selection to the 2014 Junior national team. The first round max times will be per FAI rules (e.g. F1A 210 seconds, F1B 240 seconds), Sunday 7:30am to 8:30am. First round recording of time-to-ground as a provisional flyoff requires agreement of the CD and the event participants who are present at a fliers meeting at 7:20am. Opportunity for such provisional flyoff may depend on weather conditions. Such additional time (beyond the standard FAI first round max) would be activated only for those who max-out the seven rounds. If there is not advance agreement to the use of a provisional flyoff, the CD and Field Marshall are pleased to orchestrate a traditionl flyoff for those maxed-out after the end of round seven.
For the FOUNDING FATHERS MEMORIAL Flying Aces meet, it is also this Saturday and Sunday May 25-26 at Barron Field with Eddie Pelatowski, CD. It has the following Saturday events 9am-5pm: FAC Scale, Jumbo/Giant Scale, GHQ P-nut, Embryo Endurance, Dime Scale, WWI Multi-wing planes, Baby Glider, Dave Stott Commemorative Event, Air Devil. Plus Sunday events 9am-3pm: FAC Scale, Jumbo/Giant Scale, GHQ P-nut, WWII, Thompson/Greve, Golden Age, No-Cal Scale, Hung-Aereon Challenge Mass Launch. For additional details call Ed Pelatowski 203-735-9494.
Baby Glider is a new event run by Eddie Pelatowski this year. It is a catapult glider event, with Rubber Limited to a nine inch loop of super sport with no more than a quarter inch cross section. It is a mass launch event flown in rounds. First Flier to win four rounds gets the Kanonoe! Gliders are limited to a ten inch projected wing span.
Andrew Barron
What is Free Flight ?
I believe. We are losing the true measure of free flight. Once the model is launched it should have no further interference from anyone. RC control of any sort should not be allowed except when trimming the model or if there is a safety problem.
It should be against the rules to interfere with any official flight. Yes, motor flapping or flapping of any sort should not be allowed. After all, how fair is it to have many, many people flapping under one competitors model and another competitor with no help at all.
When will we start having real respect for each other?
Remember, this is Free Flight and should be kept as pure as possible. That means no flight interference of any kind.
Winning should only be an example of a person's flying skills. This is not a sport where winning is based on how many friends a flyer has to motivate a model to stay aloft.
Doesn't the name alone dictate our behavior?
Don Zink
Budapest Cup
Any remarks for Budapest Cup, F1A FO2.
If I know good the situation was that - bacause I was there also - the others didn't come back in time that's why only Koso had a result in 2nd FO. Probably the FO1 round time was tight.
I rcvd notes indicating all but Michail were still downwind but organizer disregarded pleas to wait for them.
Hence the start for FO 2 began with only Koso there to fly.
Roger Morrell