SEN 1790
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1313
- Canada Cup
- Thanks for the Update ...
August 24th. - August 25th. 2013
Zander Sod farm, New Tecumseth, Ontario,
Categories: F1A – F1B – F1C – F1G – F1H – F1J – F1Q
Contest schedule: F1A – F1B – F1C F1G – F1H – F1J – F1Q
August 24th. |
| August 24th. |
Round 1. | 8.00 AM - 9.00 AM |
| Round 1. | 16.00 PM - 17.00 PM |
Round 2. | 9.00 AM - 10.00 AM |
| Round 2. | 17.00 PM - 18.00 PM |
Round 3. | 10.00 AM - 11.00 PM |
| |
Round 4. | 11.00 PM - 12.00 PM |
| August 25th. |
Round 5. | 12.00 PM - 13.00 PM |
| Round 3. | 7.00 AM - 8.00 AM |
Round 6. | 13.00 PM - 14.00 PM |
| Round 4. | 8.00 AM - 9.00 AM |
Round 7. | 14.00 PM - 15.00 PM |
| Round 5. | 9.00 AM - 10.00 AM |
Round 1 Max on August 23rd. will be : F1A 210 sec.
F1B 240 sec
F1C 240 sec
All other rounds are 3 minute maxes.
Flyoffs:18.30 PM on August 23rd. 2013
F1G, H,J and Q rounds are 2 minute maxes.
Round 3 Max on August 25th. will be 180 sec.
Flyoffs at 10.30AM on August 25th. based on weather conditions.
Current FAI Sporting Codes Apply
Entry Fee: $30.00 CAD / Event Junior Entry Fee: $5.00 CAD / Event
All registrations and entry fees must be received by August 20th. 2012 or Late Entry charges will apply. Foreign entries must send Entry Forms in advance but may pay on the field.
Temporary CAD $10.00 membership.
Sod Farm location:
GPS co-ordinates: 44.124309,-79.811856
6114-6746 12th Line
New Tecumseth, ON L0G 1A0, Canada
Tottenham road and 12th side road are the main intersections
(The field is on 12th. side road, east of Tottenham road.)
Angus, Ontario
Tel: (705) 424-7777 Fax: (705) 424-9551
174 Mill Street
Angus, Ontario
Tel: (705) 424-6362
497 Victoria Street East
Alliston, Ontario
Tel: (705) 435-4381 Fax: (705) 435-2265
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
21 Misty Moor Drive
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Canada L4C 6P9
Tel: (905) 886-6959 Fax: (905) 886-3025
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SEN 1788 Thanks for the update:
Dave Mayer
P.S. I was the ...Mysterious unidentified flyer at Lost Hill way back when
...maybe 1999 with the son and his ...Red Tail Hawk!
He just got a Hybred Geer/Styr Falcon and it dives at 250 + MPH! (Another
I got one small third place in a very small rubber event!
My good flying buddy/guru is Toshi Hatazawa!
I have been a sports modeler since 1950!
Whatever happened to Randy Archer? Is he still in New Mexico and flying
FF. I remember when he was the ...BEST!
When is the nixt big event at Lost Hills?
Still have a few FF models. Maybe next yiear?
Editors reply
Randy still lives in Phoenix, helps his some with his R/C aerobatics and his some Ryan, tried to convimnce him to come back to F1C.
The hest place to find dates of Free Flight contest is on the NFFS web site -
You can also go the the lost Hills Assoc website
Roger Morrell