SEN 1812
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1344
- Message from USA FFTSC
- Boulder anyone ?
- Skyscraper Correction
Message From USA FFTSC
The United States FFTSC is seeking candidates who would be interested to represent the USA on the CIAM Free Flight subcommittee for a 4 year period. The position requires considerable e-mailing and writing as well as work on developing ideas and proposals for new rules. The subcommittee, currently headed by Ian Kaynes, meets annually in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The United States F1 rep will be responsible for coordinating input from the US free flight community and will advise the US delegate, currently Bob Brown, how to vote on the F1 agenda items. The US rep may or may not need to travel to the annual meeting depending on the content of the agenda and availability of funding.
The position is open to any experienced FAI flier. A candidate should submit a short and relevant resume and related materials to the FFTSC chairperson by October 25, 2013.
United States FFTSC Chairperson
Blake Jensen
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1743 West Powell
Gresham, OR 97030
For detailed information about the CIAM please read Dan Tracy's article "Some CIAM Perspective and Relevance" pages 87~91 in the 2006 NFFS Symposium.
Unofficial USA TSC news
No official announcement has been made yet by the TSC about the program to select the team for Mongolia no word the Finals site. But it is common knowledge that applications wee received from 2 sites, Lost Hills, CA and Boulder City, NV. While virtually all team contendors have flown at Lost Hills not nearly so many have flown at Boulder City.
There is an excellent FAI contest every year at Boulder City, CD'd by Bill Booth . This years event is at the end of this month. So if you think that this site will be selected fo the Finals and want to see what it is all about, best to think about going to El Dorado Dry Lake at Boulder City in a couple of weeks. Check those flights to Las Vegas. Boulder City has a number of excellent Motels and nice resturants . While I will probably be corrected the only USA F1C sportsman I can remember seeing at Boulder City is Doug Joyce. I can assure those clean living motor men who may be concerned about the proximity to Las Vegas that gambling, etc is not permitted in Boulder City.
Correction to Skyscraper Annual contest results reports
I was incomplete in my Sept 21 report of the scores of F1A at the Skyscraper Annual, neglecting to include the lower rung scores of Bob Sifleet and myself below the better performances by the younger fliers.
The updated lines are here below.
Skyscraper Annual: F1A
1. 180 180 180 180 180 150 150 1200 Timothy Barron
2. 161 171 180 123 180 150 150 1115 Peter Barron
3. 180 180 180 060 180 097 150 1027 Joel Yori JUNIOR (team trial)
4. 165 082 180 174 180 150 030 0961 Gina Barron JUNIOR
5. 064 150 129 143 180 080 090 0836 ANDREW BARRON
6. 160 119 116 117 DNF DNF DNF 0512 BOB SIFLEET
Thanks for your attention,
Roger Morrell