SEN 1830
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 2008
- Leeper on AZ
- Tassilo Schwend
- BFMA Indoor
- John Godden
- WCup Summary
- World Cup Observations.
Leeper Reports On AZ
AZ Ch & stuff (for public.)
Tassilo Schwend
Hello Roger,
yesterday I have got the message that Tassilo Schwend now rest in peace. His daughter Verena phoned me with this sad message. He slept away in the age of 77. He was my coach and my hero, when I started aeromodelling in the age of 14. Every year he told me about his experiences at MaxMen Cups in F1J. My first F1A model was an F1A designed byx Roger Simpson, who was a close friend to Tassilo. Tassilo was a very successful F1C and F1J flyer. I am very sad about his dead. Five weeks ago I visited him together with my son Johannes. Here my last picture (on FB) from "Tasso" - how he was named in Germany. Perhaps you can post this information on scat news.
Paul Seren
BMFA Indoor Technical Committee
We wish to announce a new worldwide postal event for Indoor hand launched gliders (F1N).The event will run from January 2013 through to June 13th 2014 and anyone is invited to participate. Any model can be flown and in any site, indexing will be applied to the submitted times to reflect the category of ceiling.
The winner will be announced at the British Indoor Nationals in June 2014
The rules will be uncomplicated following the FAI F1N rule book.
All of the times, photographs, models and plans received from the entrants will be publicised on the Indoor Technical Committees website at http://
Details, applications, score cards, prizes etc. will be announced in
the next few weeks, in the meantime if you wish to
participate please do contact me
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Mark Benns
Indoor Technical Committee
John Godden. Morley Club - Leeds. UK
Ladies and Gentlemen. It is with great sadness that I have to advise that John sadly slipped away over the weekend and is now with other great and lost free flighters on that flying field in the sky. He has been poorly for a while now.
John was a true gent in every sense of the word, a prolific builder of free flight (outdoor and indoor) model aircraft and one who I know, will be very sadly missed.
An inspiration to many, great friend (over 50 years) to others in free flight including my dad, Jim Moseley and I know, (as I return to free flight next year), I was looking forward immensely to his company and expertise. Soft words, gently spoken by a man who always wanted the best for you. He always will in what ever class of free flight you fly.
A very sad loss to everyone whose lives he touched over the years.
Good night John.
Kev Moseley.
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World Cup summary F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P, F1Q
Date - venue - F1 classes
Feb 8-10 Lost Hills USA Kiwi Cup ABCPQ
Feb 12 Lost Hills USA North American Cup ABC
Feb 13-17 Lost Hills USA Maxmen ABCPQ
Mar 15 Gjovik NOR Holiday on Ice ABCQ
Mar 20 Säkylä FIN Swedish Moose Cup ABCPQ
Mar 22-23 Säkylä FIN Bear Cup ABCQ
Apr 11-15 Nalchik RUS Euro & Asia Cup ABCP
Apr 15-19 Nalchik RUS Naloev Cup ABCP
Apr 18-19 Orim ISR Passover Open ABCPQ
Apr 23-24 Narrandera AUS Kotuku Cup ABC
Apr 25-27 Narrandera AUS Southern Cross Cup ABC
Apr 26 Lucenec SVK L. Janacik - Jumbo Cup ABC
Apr27-May1 Narrandera AUS Australian FF Champs ABC
May 3-4 Vsechov CZE Jihocesky Pohar ABC
May 10-11 Andover GBR Stonehenge Cup ABCPQ
May 10 Salonta ROU Szabo Miklos ABCQ
May 11 Salonta ROU 4th Budapest Cup ABCQ
May 14-16 Kharkov LAT FF Latvia Cup ABC
May 16-18 Vize-Kirklareli TUR Istanbul FF Cup ABC
May 16-18 Pazardzik BUL Sofia Cup ABCP
May 24-25 Zrenjanin SRB 31st Srem Cup ABCPQ
June 16-19 Uralsk KAZ Kazakhstan Cup ABCP
June 20-24 Samara RUS Mihail Knyazev ABCP
June 26 Rinkaby SWE Swedish Cup ABCPQ
June 27-30 Rinkaby SWE Danish Cup ABCPQ
June 29-30 Rinkaby SWE Norwegian Cup ABCQ
July 10-12 Denver USA Centennial Cup ABCPQ
July 11-15 Nalchik RUS Elbrus Cup ABCP
July 11-12 Chernigiv UKR 34th Antonov Cup ABCP
July 11-13 Denver USA Tui Cup ABCPQ
July 12-13 Chernigiv UKR Commonwealth Belarus ABCP
July 12 Mostar BIH 50th Mostar Kup ABCQ
July 19 Tottenham CAN Huron Cup ABCQP
July 19-24 Ulaanbaatar MGL Mongolia Cup ABCP
Aug 2-3 Ankara TUR Anatolian FF Cup ABC
Aug 8 Salonta ROU Harghita Cup ABCPQ
Aug 8-9 Noizé FRA Poitou ABC
Aug 9 Salonta ROU Salonta Cup ABC
Aug 23 Bosanski BIH Izet Kurtalic ABC
Sep 4-7 Zülpich GER 45th Eifelpokal 2014 ABCQ
Sep 5-6 Feodosia UKR FF Holiday Mongolia ABC
Sep 6 Kietrz POL Kietrz Cup ABCQ
Sep 7 Raçibórz POL Raciborz Cup ABCQ
Sep 10-11 Berehove UKR FF Holiday Latvia ABC
Sep 12-15 Samara RUS Almaty Cup ABCP
Sep 12-13 Berehove UKR Victor Stamov Cup ABC
Sep 12-14 Levski BUL Bulgaria cup ABCP
Sep 20 Zabokreky SVK Hogo Cup ABC
Sep 27-28 Andover GBR Equinox Cup ABCPQ
Sep 27 Prilep MKD Prilep cup ABCPQ
Sep 28 Prilep MKD World Cup Macedonia ABCPQ
Oct 4-5 Vsechov CZE Jihocesky Pohar ABC
Oct 11-12 Capannori ITA Trofeo Capannori ABCQ
Oct 11-12 Lost Hills USA Canada Cup ABCQ
Oct 12-14 Lost Hills USA Sierra Cup ABCPQ
Oct 18 Zagreb CRO CRO Cup Siscia ABCQ
Oct 18 Zrenjanin SRB Djordje Zigic ABC
Oct 19 Zagreb YUG CRO Cup Zapresic ABCQ
Oct 25-26 Arzay-Bossieu FRA Philippe Lepage ABCQ
Nov 25 Berehove UKR Cup of Moldovia ABC
Nov 26 Berehove UKR Golden Autumn Moldovia ABC
World Cup Observations
I'm not sure when I flew in my first World Cup events but it has to be about 20 years ago. Again I don't remember the year but it has to be way back then, I went to the Sierra Cup at Waegel field and there were a number of hot European sportsmen trying for a win that would give them the World Cup. In those days the Sierra Cup in “Sunny California” October was the last event of the season. In those days October was the end of the International flying season. Since then the number of contests in the latter part of the year has been increasing. Looking at the 2014 World Cup Calendar, courtesy of Free Flight News there are now 7 events after the Sierra Cup, each trying to be the last of the year, perhaps? Looks like Israel has the best chance of good weather ?
Roger Morrell