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- 2011 Americas Cup
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2011 AmCup Final Report
Another great FAI FF competition is now complete. There were over 1000 entrants in 31 contests.That makes for a large bucket of maxes!
In 2010, the F1A story was about the son, Timothy Barron who led the AmCup for much of the year and I was able to over take him. In 2011 the story is about the father, Andrew Barron who led most of the year and won six contests but alias the hard charging Brian Van Nest over took Andrew with a win at the second to last contest fly-off win against Andrew in Eloy, AZ.To consolidate Andrew, he can take great pride in Gina Barron’s top placing Junior as she did last year. Sister Michelle and Brian’s grandson Logan Tetrick also placed in the standings this year. They will all enjoy the Jr World Champions this coming summer.
In F1B in2010, Blake Jensen was not able to over take Brian Pacelli but in 2011 Blake did catch Eddy Vanlandingham with a win in December to put him in the lead. Third place Bill Booth had a shot at first place AmCup if he could have beaten Blake in Arizona. Sevak Malkhasyan was the highest placing junior flyer.
In F1C, 2010 second place AmCup winner, Faust Parker took a early lead and no one ever overtook him. Gill Morris gave it run but could not get a win at the end of the year. A “old” newcomer took third—Mark Troutman.Lynn Pulley and Bucky Servaites placed fourth and fifth with only 3 scores counted—they needed a third site win to place first—maybe next year.
F1P had a tie for first with the tie breaker win going to“Doc” Glen Schneider and second to the 2010 winner Bob Hanford. Strangely enough there was three way tie for third between Jr team member Taron Malkhasyan, Mike Fedor and Mark Troutman.Ties below first are not broken so these three will all get third place certificates.
Blake made it a double by taking first in F1G with a a considerable point advantage and won seven contests. Charlie Jones is second and Tiffy O’Dell and Eddy Vanlandingham tied for 3. Troy Davis is the highest placing Jr flyer.
Norm Smith lead F1H for much of the year but Mike McKeever's triple wins in October tied Norm and the tie breaker went to Mike. Ever consistent Jean Pailet was third. Gina Barron was the highest placed Jr flyer.
Like Blake Jensen, Faust Parker is a double winner by winning F1J and again consistent Jean Pailet is second. Bob Hanford is third, Taron Malkhazyan is fourth and MarkTroutman is fifth.
F1Q entry is steadly increasing and in 2012 moves from provisional to a full fleged event. One of the early electric FF promoters turned his efforts to F1Q and won- John Oldenkamp. Last year’s winner Julie Parker took second and John O’s flying buddy Mike Pykeny placed third. Dave Lacy is forth and Mark Troutman fifth. Mark place in the top ten in six events!
Top three in F1E is a variation of theme of 2010—first, Peter Brocks, second- Tom Ioerger and third Dick Woods and in 2011 Peter is first,and Tom and Dick tied for second.
So that’s the wrap for 2011 AmCup completion except to celebrate at the awards ceremony. PLEASE NOTE the change for this year only that the AmCup Award Banquet will be the Saturday of the Winter Classic-Ike-KiwiWCup, Feb 11, 2012. Same location, Elks Club- Wasco CA. Sign up via MaxMen registration form as usual or see me on the field. The main course this year is deep pit beef. Those who want a vegetarian are to contact me via email.
2010 winners please make arrangement to have the perpetual trophies at the banquet- shined and engraved please. I have the F1A, F1J andF1 P trophies now so I’d appreciate the other trophies taken directly to the banquet.
2011 winner are to wear coat and tie. You get your banquet dinner free- if you already paid, see George B for a refund. Blake and Faust—sorry double winners only get one dinner! Also, please contact me if you want a different name on your keeper award.
SCAT thanks to the many clubs and CDs that contribute to the AmCup by running their contests.
These results become official on Jan 24, 2012 so send any corrects quickly.
Thermals, Jim Parker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 11 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 14 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 16 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 9 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 3 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 3 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
SkC 6 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL -x- McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 3 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 6 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 5 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 6 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 17 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF 2 FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W 4 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF 5 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 5 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
Ccu 6 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 3 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu 3 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG 3 Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA 12 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 10 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu 15 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 12 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 4 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF 3 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 9 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 7 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 2 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 VanNest, Brian 109 Ike-1 SCA-5* MMM-2* CFA-1 BAl-1* Scu-4* SWC-2 PC-4* AZC-1
2 Barron, Andrew 106 MM-1 SkC-1 SkA-1* USO-4* O&W-2* GGG-1 Scu-3* RSC-1 ESF-1* AZC-2*
3 McKeever, Mike 105 SWR-1 Ike-2* MM-2 NCA-2* NWF-2* NW -1 BAl-2* Scu-5* SWC-3* PC-1
4 Parker, Jim 86 SWR-5 Ike-3* SCA-1 SWC-1 PC-2
5 Zink, Don 85 Ike-5* NWF-1 NW -2 Dcu-3* CFA-2 BAl-4* SWC-5* PC-3* AZC-3
6 Hines, Lee 70 SWR-4 NWF-5* NW -4* Dcu-1 BAl-3 SWC-4
6 Barron, Gina (jr) 70 SkA-4 O&W-1 GGG-3 RSC-2
8 Brun, Pierre 69 NWF-3 NW -5 CFA-3 Scu-1
9 Spence, Steve 65 MM-3 SCT-1 TCC-2
10 Smith,Norm 61 NCA-1 MMM-3 NWF-4* NW -2 BAl-5*
11 Bauer, Ken 60 SWR-2 Ike-4 SCA-4 USO-5
12 Fradkin, Igor 57 SkC-2 SkA-2 HC-3
13 Boiadjien, Todor 52 HC-1 Ccu-1
14 Markos, Chuck 50 Hcu-1 IFA-1 FFF-1*
14 Barron, Michelle(jr) 50 USO-3 O&W-4 GGG-2
16 Diez, Hector 47 SCA-2 CFA-4* Scu-2
17 McQuade, Pete 46 MMM-1 Dcu-2
17 Barron, Peter 46 SkC-5 SkA-3 USO-2
19 Rozenzweig, Shlomi 42 HC-2 Ccu-2
20 Lorbiecki, John 40 Hcu-2 IFA-2 FFF-2*
21 Barron,Timothy 31 MM-4 SkC-3
21 Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 31 O&W-3 Ccu-3
23 Jones, Kyle 30 USO-1
23 Shepard, Jessie 30 TCC-3 RSC-3
25 Tetrick, Logan (jr) 27 MMM-4 CFA-5 PC-5
26 Fedor, Mike 25 TCC-1
26 Danie, Jama 25 KOI-1
28 Pecenkovic, Enes 24 SWR-3 AZC-5
29 Nikolajeras, Vidas 22 HC-4 Ccu-4
30 Ulm, Gene 21 MMM-5 ESF-3
31 Fedor, Colby 20 SCT-2
31 Sifleet, Bob 20 ESF-2
31 Hanford, Bob 20 KOI-2
34 Bauer, Brian 17 SCA-3
35 Fedor, Cade 15 SCT-3
35 Jones, Charlie 15 IFA-3
35 Scharb, Bill 15 Hcu-3
35 Terzian, Fred 15 NCA-3
39 Allnutt, Peter 12 HC-5 Ccu-5
40 Lachman, Ranan 11 SkC-4
40 Brocks, Peter 11 AZC-4
42 Ghio, Walt 10 MM-5
42 Troutman, Mark 10 RSC-4
44 Barron, Julie (jr) 5 SkA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 14 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 26 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 23 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 14 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA -x- NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 5 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 5 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 3 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 12 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 6 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 5 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 6 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 30 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF 8 FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W 7 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF 4 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 5 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
CC 7 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 3 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu 2 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG 6 Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA 21 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 14 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu 31 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 10 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 3 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF 4 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 15 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 5 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 2 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Jensen, Blake 103 SWR-3* MM-1 SCA-2* MMM-4* NWF-3* NW -3* CFA-4* BAl-1 SWC-3 PC-2* AZC-1
2 Vanlandingham, Ed 100 SCT-1 McL-1 TCC-1 Dcu-1 RSC-1*
3 Booth, Bill 99 MMM-1 NWF-1 NW -4* Scu-3 SWC-1 PC-3* AZC-2*
4 Mathews, Tony 98 Ike-4* MM-4* HC-1 USO-3 CC-1 GGG-1 ESF-2*
5 Batiuk, George 95 SWR-1 SCA-4* MMM-3* USO-1 BAl-3 Scu-4 AZC-3*
6 Horak, Ladi 92 HC-3 CC-4* GGG-2 CFA-2 Scu-1 ESF-3*
7 Schlosberg, Aram 87 Sky-2 SkA-3* USO-2 O&W-1 GGG-3
8 Troutman, Mark 85 SCT-2 McL-3 TCC-3 RSC-3 KOI-2
9 Jones, Charles 75 Ike-3 USO-4 FFF-1 SWC-4
10 Clapp, John 72 CC-2 GGG-5 CFA-3 ESF-1
11 Andriukov, Alex 70 SWR-5 Ike-1 MM-2* SCA-1 BAl-4* PC-1*
12 Piserchio, Bob 67 SWR-4 SCA-3 SWC-2 PC-5
13 Crowley, Paul 61 MM-5 IFA-1 FFF-2
14 Morrell, Roger 56 SWR-2 MM-3 O&W-4
14 Felix, Ron 56 Sky-1 SkA-4* O&W-2 BAl-5
16 Schroedter,Martin 55 CFA-1 Scu-2
17 Simon, Greg 53 Hcu-1 FFF-4 CC-3
18 Emery, Jack 44 NWF-4 NW -2 Scu-5* PC-4
19 Vaccaro, Tom 40 Sky-3 SkA-1
19 Reinhart, Pete 40 TCC-2 RSC-2
21 Simon, Evan 39 Hcu-2 IFA-3
22 Allen, Carrol 36 Sky-5* SkA-2 O&W-5 ESF-4
23 Ghio, Walt 35 Ike-2 SCA-5* CFA-5
23 Malkhasyan, Sevak (jr) 35 Ike-5 BAl-2
25 Pacelli, Brian (Jr) 31 MMM-2 AZC-4
26 Gnass, Fritz 28 HC-4 CC-5 GGG-4
27 Beattie, Norm 25 NWF-2 NW -5
27 Rohrke, Rich 25 NW -1
27 Radziunas, Sarah 25 Sky-4 SkA-5 USO-5
27 Bradley, Jim 25 KOI-1
31 Shailor, Bill 24 Hcu-3 IFA-5
31 Shailor, John 24 Hcu-4 IFA-4
31 Jones, Ryan 24 IFA-2
34 Beldam, Paul 21 HC-2
35 Jahnke, Ross 20 McL-2
35 Hoffman, Mark 20 Dcu-2
37 McGlashan, Jerry 17 FFF-3
38 Murrell, Wes (jr) 16 O&W-3
39 Brown, Gerald 15 SCT-3
40 Ioerger, Tom 8 SWC-5
41 Richardson, Martin 7 FFF-5
42 Tetrick, Peyton (jr) 6 MMM-5
42 Rowsell, Doug 6 HC-5
44 Richardson, Mike 5 Hcu-5
44 Wood, Dick 5 AZC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 2 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 11 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 11 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 5 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA -x- NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 3 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 1 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 1 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 2 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM -x- MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 1 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 3 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 5 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF 2 FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W -x- Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF 1 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 2 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
CC 3 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 2 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu -x- Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG -x- Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA 13 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 12 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu 9 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 3 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF -x- Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 5 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC -x- Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 1 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Parker, Faust 100 SWR-1 SCT-1 USO-4* TCC-1 RSC-1
2 Morris, Gil 90 Hcu-1 IFA-1 USO-1* FFF-2* PC-3 KOI-1
3 Troutman, Mark 80 SCT-3 McL-1 TCC-2 RSC-2
4 Pulley, Lynn 77 SWR-2 Ike-1 SCA-2* CFA-1 PC-4*
5 Servaites, Bucky 69 Hcu-2 IFA-2* USO-3* FFF-1 CFA-4* BAl-2
6 Mc Burnett, Ron 58 Ike-5 NWF-1 NW -1 Scu-5*
7 Ellington, Jeff 57 Ike-2* MM-1 SCA-5* BAl-1 Scu-2*
8 Chesson, Don 56 USO-2 CFA-5 Scu-1
9 Roberts, Mike 51 NW -2 CFA-3 BAl-5* Scu-4
10 Kirilenko, Andrei 50 Sky-1 SkA-1
10 Shvedenkov, Yury 50 HC-1 CC-1
12 Poti, Norm 43 USO-5 CFA-2 BAl-4
12 Happersett, Ken 43 MM-2 Scu-3* PC-2
14 Schlachta, Frank 40 HC-2 CC-2
14 Secor, Randy 40 MM-5* SCA-3 CFA-6* PC-1
16 Carroll, Ed 38 Ike-4 SCA-1
17 Gunder, Austin 36 Ike-3 MM-3
18 Arambasic, Srdjan 30 HC-3 CC-3
19 Spence, Steve 20 SCT-2
20 Simpson, Roger 19 BAl-3
21 Loriecki, John T 15 Hcu-3
21 Fedor, Mike 15 RSC-3
21 Joyce, Doug 15 SCA-4 PC-5
24 Gutai, Bob 13 MM-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 2 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 2 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 1 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 1 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 5 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 1 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu -x- Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 1 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 2 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 1 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 1 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA -x- Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 4 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF -x- FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W 1 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF 1 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 1 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu 1 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG -x- Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA -x- Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 2 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu 2 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 1 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 3 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF -x- Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 2 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 1 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 2 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Schneider, Glen 100 SWR-1 Ike-2* NCA-1 NWF-1* NW -1 BAl-2* Scu-1* SWC-1 PC-2* AZC-1*
1 Hanford, Bob 100 SWR-2* McL-1 IFA-1 MMM-1 USO-3* TCC-1* Dcu-1 KOI-1*
3 Malkhasyan, Taron(jr) 75 Ike-1 MM-1 SCA-1* USO-1 BAl-1* Scu-2* PC-1*
3 Fedor, Mike 75 SCT-1 USO-4 TCC-3 RSC-1
3 Troutman, Mark 75 SCT-2 McL-2 TCC-4* RSC-3 KOI-2
6 Pacelli, Brian (Jr) 45 Sky-1 USO-2
7 Bell, Tom 40 TCC-2 RSC-2
8 Smith, Richard 15 SCT-3
9 Sheffer, Jackie 10 SCT-4
10 Brown, Gerald 5 SCT-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 12 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 18 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 13 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 4 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 5 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA -x- NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 2 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 5 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 3 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA -x- Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 5 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 5 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 33 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF 7 FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W 4 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF 3 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 4 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
Ccu 3 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 2 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu 2 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG 7 Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA 7 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 8 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu 9 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 10 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 4 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF 1 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 7 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 2 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 2 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Jensen, Blake 106 SWR-3* Ike-2* MM-1 SCA-2* MMM-1 NWF-2* NW -1 CFA-1* BAl-1 SWC-3* PC-1*
2 Jones, Charlie 98 MM-2 SCA-3* USO-1 FFF-2 CFA-5* BAl-4* Scu-5* SWC-2
3 O'Dell, Tiffany 90 SWR-2 MM-5* MMM-2 NWF-1 NW -2* SWC-4* PC-2
3 Vanlandingham, Ed 90 SCT-1 McL-1 TCC-1 CFA-4* RSC-3
5 Brocks, Peter 84 SWR-5* MM-4 MMM-4* BAl-3 SWC-1 AZC-1
6 Troutman, Mark 80 McL-3 TCC-2 RSC-2 KOI-1
7 Jones, Ryan 68 SCA-1 USO-5* FFF-1 Scu-3
8 Mathews, Tony 66 USO-3 Ccu-1 GGG-2
9 Rousseau, Don 65 Sky-3 SkA-4* O&W-1 ESF-1
10 Allen, Carrol 60 Sky-4* SkA-2 O&W-2 Ccu-2
10 Vaccaro, Tom 60 Sky-1 SkA-5 USO-4 Ccu-3
12 Booth, Bill 57 Ike-3 NWF-3* NW -3 BAl-2
13 Clapp, John 52 O&W-4 GGG-1 CFA-3
14 Masterman, Paul 47 Hcu-2 IFA-1
15 DeLoach, Don 45 Ike-1 MMM-3
16 Konefes, Ed 42 Hcu-1 IFA-3
17 Radziunas. Sarah 40 Ike-4 SkA-1
17 Perkins, Frank 40 SCT-3 RSC-1
19 Markos, Chuck 38 IFA-2 FFF-3
20 Rohrke, Rich 37 CFA-2 PC-3
21 Buss, Bill 30 Sky-5* SkA-3 O&W-3
21 Wood, Dick 30 Ike-5 AZC-2
23 Hand, Caley 29 SWR-1
24 Davis, Troy (Jr) 27 Scu-1
25 Joyner, Louis 25 USO-2
25 Hoffman, Mark 25 Dcu-1
27 Emery, Jack 24 SWR-4 NW -4
28 Horak, Ladi 22 Scu-2
29 Fedor, Cade (jr) 20 SCT-2
29 Petty, Doug 20 McL-2
29 Radziunas, Kathy 20 Sky-2
29 Pykelny, Mike 20 Dcu-2
29 Mays, Jim 20 KOI-2
34 Ghio, Walt 19 MM-3
34 Ioerger, Tom 19 BAl-5 Scu-4
36 Richardson, Marty 18 IFA-4 FFF-5
37 VanNest, Kurt 16 SCA-4 PC-5
37 Merrifeld, Jack 16 GGG-3
39 Reinhart, Pete 15 SCT-5 RSC-4
40 Hotz 11 PC-4
40 Simon, Greg 11 FFF-4
40 Lacey, David 11 GGG-4
43 Fedor, Colby (jr) 10 SCT-4
44 Bagalini, Larry 8 SWC-5
45 Pivitt, Richard 7 IFA-5
46 Gnass, Fritz 6 GGG-5
47 Sisk, Marc 5 MMM-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 4 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 6 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 4 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 4 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 5 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 2 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 2 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 1 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 1 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 1 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 2 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 2 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 13 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF -x- FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W 2 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF 2 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 3 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 2 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu 3 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG -x- Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA 6 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 5 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu 5 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 4 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 3 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF -x- Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 4 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 1 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 2 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 McKeever, Mike 101 SWR-4* Ike-3* MM-2* SCA-4* NCA-2* NWF-1 NW -1* CFA-1 BAl-2* Scu-1 SWC-1 PC-1*
1 Smith, Norm 101 Ike-1 MM-3* SCA-1 NCA-1 MMM-1 NWF-2* NW -2* CFA-2* BAl-5* Scu-5* SWC-3* PC-4* AZC-1*
3 Pailet, Jean 100 Hcu-1 McL-1 IFA-1* SkA-1 O&W-1 KOI-1*
4 Parker, Jim 90 SWR-1 MM-4* SCA-3* CFA-4* BAl-1 Scu-2 SWC-2 PC-3*
5 VanNest, Brian 81 SWR-3 Ike-2 MM-1 SCA-2* USO-3 CFA-3* BAl-4* Scu-4* SWC-4* PC-2*
6 Hines,Lee 75 SWR-2 Ike-4* USO-5* NW -3 Dcu-1 CFA-5* BAl-3 Scu-3*
7 Troutman, Mark 50 SCT-4 TCC-2 KOI-2
8 Barron, Gina (jr) 45 Sky-1 SkA-2* O&W-2
8 Fedor, Cade (jr) 45 SCT-1 RSC-2
10 Spence, Steve 40 SCT-3 TCC-1
11 Murphy, Jack 35 MMM-2 Dcu-3
12 Jones, Kyle 30 USO-1
12 Fedor, Colby (jr) 30 SCT-5 RSC-1
14 Sifleet, Bob 25 USO-2
15 Schlarb, Bill 20 Hcu-2
15 Sheffer. Jackie 20 SCT-2
15 Sisk, Marc 20 Dcu-2
18 Tetrick, Logan (jr) 15 USO-4
18 Bell, Tom 15 RSC-3
20 Terzian, Fred 6 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 4 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 3 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 1 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 5 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA -x- NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 1 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 1 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 1 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 2 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 1 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 1 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 6 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF 2 FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W 2 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW -x- NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 6 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu 1 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG 1 Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA 5 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 3 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu -x- Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 6 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF -x- Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC -x- Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 1 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 4 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Parker, Faust 103 SWR-1 MM-2* SCT-1* USO-1 TCC-1 RSC-1
2 Pailet, Jean 100 Hcu-1 McL-1 IFA-2* SkA-1 O&W-2* GGG-1 KOI-3*
3 Hanford, Bob 86 TCC-4 Dcu-1 AZC-1 KOI-1
4 Malkhasyan, Taron (jr) 56 Ike-1 MM-1 SCA-1* USO-5 CFA-3* BAl-2*
5 Troutman, Mark 52 SCT-5 TCC-3 RSC-2 KOI-4
6 Lorbiecki, John 50 IFA-1 USO-4* FFF-1
6 Abriss, Alan 50 Sky-1 O&W-1
8 Spence, Steve 41 SCT-2 TCC-2
9 Gutai, Bob 36 Ike-3 USO-2
10 Roberts, Mike 30 MM-3 CFA-4* BAl-3
10 Secor, Randy 30 CFA-5 BAl-1
12 DeLoach, Don 25 MMM-1
12 Carroll, Ed 25 CFA-1
14 Fedor, Mike 22 USO-3 RSC-5
14 Fedor, Colby (jr) 22 TCC-5 RSC-3
16 Perkins, Daryl 20 Ike-2
16 Watso, Bob 20 FFF-2
16 Poti, Norm 20 CFA-2
16 Morris, Gil 20 KOI-2
20 Brown, Gerald 15 SCT-3
21 Kerger, Terry 11 Ike-4
21 Fedor, Cade (jr) 11 RSC-4
23 Bell, Tom 10 SCT-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 5 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 3 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 2 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA -x- NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu -x- Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky -x- Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 1 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA -x- Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM -x- MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 1 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 4 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF -x- FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W 2 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW -x- NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC 6 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu 2 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG 3 Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA -x- Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 2 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu -x- Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 6 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC 6 Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF 2 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 1 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 2 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 2 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Oldenkamp, John 101 SWR-1 Ike-1 SCA-1 Dcu-1 SWC-4* AZC-2*
2 Parker, Julie 97 SWR-3* MM-2* SCT-1 USO-2 TCC-1 RSC-1
3 Pykelny, Mike 85 Ike-2 SCA-2 Dcu-2 AZC-1
4 Lacey, David 80 SkA-1 USO-4 O&W-1 ESF-2
5 Troutman, Mark 77 SCT-3* McL-1 TCC-3 RSC-3 KOI-2
6 Schlosberg, Aram 75 MM-3 O&W-2 GGG-3 ESF-1
7 Pollard, Frank 71 SWR-5 Ike-3* MM-1 USO-3 BAl-1
8 Crowe,Bernie 67 SWR-2 Ike-5 BAl-2 SWC-2
9 Bagalini, Larry 51 SWC-1 PC-1
10 Hinson, Rex 50 USO-1 KOI-1
11 Parker, Faust 42 TCC-2 RSC-2
12 Roseberry, Mike 27 SWR-4 SWC-3
13 Reinhat, Pete 26 SCT-2 RSC-5
14 Ivers, Dick J 25 GGG-1
15 Mays, Jim 20 GGG-2
16 Spence, Steve 11 TCC-4
16 Vanlandingham, Ed 11 RSC-4
18 Gewain, Matt 10 Ike-4
19 Berry, Dan 6 TCC-5
19 Miller, Larry 6 SWC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR -x- Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 5 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
Cal 3 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA -x- SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT -x- Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA -x- NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu -x- Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky -x- Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL -x- McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA -x- Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 2 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA -x- Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO -x- US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
FFF -x- FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN
O&W -x- Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW -x- NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
TCC -x- Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
Dcu -x- Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
GGG -x- Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY
CFA -x- Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
BAl 6 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Scu -x- Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
RSC -x- Reid Simpson Cup, Seguin, TX
ESF -x- Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC -x- Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC -x- Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI -x- King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Brocks, Peter 75 Ike-1 Cal-1 MMM-1 BAl-2*
2 Ioerger, Tom 46 Ike-2 Cal-2* BAl-1
2 Wood, Dick 46 Ike-4* Cal-3 MMM-2 BAl-4
4 Saks, Dave 31 Ike-3 BAl-3
5 Davis, Jon 6 BAl-5
6 Oldenkamp, John 5 Ike-5
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This covering adhesive is the best there is according to many F1C fliers.
Roger Morrell