SEN 1616
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- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1169
- F1Q at the Fab Feb World Cup Contests – Corrected
- Kiwi and Ike - LIVE
It was pointed out to us by Ian Kaynes that we were not completely up to date on the way the energy is calculated for motor systems without an energy limiter . Thanks, Ian for putting us right. The systems energy should be measured at full power. We have included the relevant section of the rules as supplied by Ian [it starts with b) see a few paragraphs further on)] and removed the wording that indicates it is measured half way through the motor run.
As hopefully all “Q”sters are aware the rules for 2012 have changed. There is an energy allocation related to the weight of the model that limits the quantity of electrical energy that can be consumed during the powered portion of the flight and so the length of the motor run.
The rules require either the use of an energy limiter or a calculation that show what the length of the motor run should be based on weight of the model and the full energy draw of the motor.
The Feb Feb Contests – MaxMen International and Kiwi World Cup will be the first World Cup events where F1Q will be flown under these new rules. There is no precedent for practical handling of this. So all F1Q sportsmen will be required to do the one of the following for each model the first time it is flown.
If your model has an energy limiter show at the time of recording the first round flight a paper with the information below to the contest official recording the times. The official may keep the paper.
Energy allocation value that has been put into the Energy Limiter
If your model does not have has an energy limiter show at the time of recording the first round flight a paper with the information below to the contest official recording the times. . The official may keep the paper.
The calculation of the motor run in seconds showing the following information:
Weight with tracker (g) W
Energy budget(joules) (W x 5)
System power (watts) P1
Allowed motor run, seconds T =(W x 5)/P1
Extracted from the rules
b) For models without energy limiters the motor's energy in watt-sec over
the motor run is calculated as the measured wattage multiplied by the motor
run. A freshly charged battery (4.15 to 4.2 volts per Li cell, 1.2 volts
per NiCad or NMH cells) should be used. When the motor has reached full
power, wattage is measured using a commercial wattmeter via 3.5 mm male and
female bullet connectors furnished by the contestant.
For models without an energy limiter the length of the motor run must be displayed on the model so a time keeper or contest official who is checking timing may easily see it.
Failure to do this may result in your score not being counted. Just as with the other F1 classes the model may be subjected to further processing during or just after the event.
Weight with tracker 327g
Energy budget (327 x 5) 1635j
System power 114W
Allowed motor run (1635/114) 14.34 secs
Weight with tracker 318g
Energy budget (318 x 5) 1590j
System power 116.7W
Allowed motor run (1590 / 116.7) 13.62 secs
Kiwi World Cup of New Zealand and Isaacson Winter Classic - LIVE
The organizers of the Kiwi and the Ike have been working with F1U.ORG to use their LIVE system to put the results live on the Internet during these contests. Details on how to see the results will be posted shortly.
If you are entering the Kiwi World Cup or the FAI events at the Ike you should send us an Email with your name, country, and number it would make this a little easier for us.. A number of people have done this already and there is no need to send it again. Send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell