SEN 1619
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1203
- It;s been too long
- In case you did not realize
- Ike Winter Classic and Kiwi World Cup
- Pan American World Cup
- Max Men International
- Q in SEN 1618
Its Been Too Long...
Greetings Long Lost(hills) freeflight family, I feel like a prodigal son returning home after spending the past two years in a place that makes the polar bears cringe. Apparently a few things have changed in FAI since the last time I towed up a glider. LDA? Sounds like a drug that my Wyoming community would consume and before screaming down the slopes. Apparently it isn't. I am anxious to see what this beast looks like. Not that I have much to offer in the competitive realm, considering the 3 crafts I own still have 2 position wing wigglers and can't communicate audibly with the person flying them...I heard this is how all of your F1A's operate, no? When you launch badly they laugh at you, and when you get a good launch off, they scream booyah!..Right? Ok maybe that is a slight exaggeration? It's hard for me to distinguish fact from fiction considering I heard that the normal Bunt is somewhere around 100 meters. Uh, I am pretty sure I could stick a rocket on the rear of my Bunt Bone and it would top off at about 15. Anyway, all this to say, I am sitting here at my office in Chatsworth, very much looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend and also seeing the crazy new innovations y'all have come up with in the past 3 years. I won't be flying, so there will be one less guttural grunt heard on the field, but I am stoked to be there none the less.
See you saturday!
In case you did not realize
From the coming Saturday to the following President's Day weekend there will be 3 World Cup Events at Lost Hills. We have reprinted below information about each event. While you won't see Ben flying [wimped out Ben ?] But you will see many of the World's top flyers plus a lot people just having a good time. You've seen mention of the LDA revolution in F1A, While not the first to fly an LDA airplane, a year ago Roland Koglot of Slovenia shook every one up with LDA 3 wins at these events. Roland is back as well as all those determined to beat him.
For those who can't get there, the results of many of the events will be LIVE courtesy of F1U.ORG - go to this web site for the link during the events.
February 11 - 13, 2012 at Lost Hills, California
Join us for one of the premier West Coast Free Flight Contests! This year we are hosting the:
All FAI classes are America's Cup. AMA and NFFS classes, except Gollywock, are National Cup. This is a Cat. II contest.
Saturday only!
Kiwi - New Zealand World Cup!
F1A, B, C, P & Q
Round Schedule: Saturday 2/11
1 8:00am–9:00am
2 9:00am–10:00am
3 10:00am–11:00am
4 11:00am–12:00am
5 12:00am–1:00pm
6 1:00pm–2:00pm
7 2:00pm–3:00pm
Round One Maxes:
F1A 210 seconds
F1B 240 seconds
F1C 240 seconds
F1P 240 seconds
F1Q 180 seconds
Fly-Off Schedule:
Round eight, 5 minute max.
F1A 3:30pm–3:40pm
F1B/Q 3:45pm–3:55pm
F1C/P 4:00pm–4:10pm
Additional rounds to be announced
NEW! Frank Zaic Awards* for limited function F1X models.
Vintage FAI Gas Five rounds, 2010 NFFS rules
Five, 3 min. max. 8:00am–5:00pm. Mass launch fly-off! Everyone flies! A Bob White Event!
Sunday only!
F1G, H, & J
Round one, 8:00 am! Sunday 2/12. Champagne Flyoff! Time to the ground.
Round Schedule:
Rounds 2-5, two minute max.
1 8:00am–8:45am
2 8:45am–9:30am
3 9:30am–10:15am
4 10:15am–11:00am
5 11:00am–11:45am
Fly-Offs will begin at 12 noon and finish by 3:00. At 3:00, any remaining ties will be broken by using Champagne Flight Times.
NEW! Frank Zaic Awards* for limited function F1X models.
FAI Style, Handheld Catapult Glider
Seven rounds, concurrent with Mini Events. Rounds six and seven will continue after mini events. Flights must be flown from the CLG flightline.
90 sec. Max. One 20 sec. attempt per round.
For National Cup points, AMA rules will apply, except as previously stated.
NEW! Dawn Mulvihill,
One flight to the ground 7:30 - 8:00 am Sunday.
SAM Compressed Air
3 - 3min. max. plus mass launch. See Ron Boots.
Lee's BTV West 12"CLG. See Lee
Fly Saturday or Sunday
Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm, Sunday 8 am to 3 pm
P - 30 - 5 flights, 2 min. max
Moffett - AMA rules
Nostalgia Wakefield - NFFS rules A Bob White Event!
Hand Launch Glider - AMA rules
Catapult Glider - AMA rules
Classic Glider - NFFS rules
E-36 - NFFS rules
NEW! Nostalgia Gas - NFFS rules
By popular demand! 1/4A - C. All classes will be separate! Awards and Nat. Cup points for each!
"Kiwi" World Cup - Slope Soaring F1E 10:00am – 3:00 pm. Five rounds, 60 minutes each.
Event director - Peter Brocks
Contest Directors:
Norm Furutani
15423 Haas Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 323-1943
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell
1916 B Gates Ave.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 374-2136
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kiwi World Cup of New Zealand
Offical Organizer FFONZ
956 Riverslea Road South Hastings 4122 New Zealand
:+64 6 87 84 993Fax
:+64 6 87 84 993Entry Fees:
"Kiwi" World Cup events $25
FAI Sticker required
All others, $15.00 - includes one event. Additional events $5.00 each.
All must be current member AMA /MAAC and Lost Hills Assoc.
Jr.-Sr. Open Class combined. First through third, each event.
Perpetual Gollywock and Nos. Wake awards, courtesy of Bob White
Awards Ceremony RAFFLE! Buddenbohm glider kits. Winners MUST be present!
*NEW! The Frank Zaic Awards
For imited function F1X models.
Monday, reserve day for FAI Events
In memory of our dear friends, Bob and LaVera Isaacson
A World Cup and America’s Cup Event
DATE: Feb. 16 - 20, 2012
PLACE: Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, Ca. USA
SCHEDULE: - F1E Thursday, Feb. 16th (organized & run by SCAT)
- F1A Friday, Feb. 17th (7 rounds + flyoffs)
- F1B, C and P Sat., Feb 18th (7 rounds + flyoffs)
7 rds each day, starting at 8 am, 1 hour rds for A,B,C
1st. round extended max per rules for A,B,C
- F1G, H, J and Q Sunday, Feb. 19th
5 rds., 1 hour each starting at 9 am.
- Reserve day, Feb. 20th
SPECIAL NOTES: - FAI Sporting License is mandatory for all competitors flying F1A, B, C, E, Q
- US competitors can mail entry form, with fees, to CD (email entries from US flyers will not be accepted)
- Non US competitors may email entry and pay upon arrival
- All non-AMA competitors must pay $28 AMA Affiliation fee
- Entries are considered late if not received by Feb. 12, 2011
- Fees are double for late entries
COST: F1G, H, J, P and Q $15 / event
F1A, B and C $30 / event
CONTACT: George Batiuk
576 Dana St. B, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA
Ph, 805-305-0340 Fax 805-546-0700
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LOCAL MOTELS: Lost Hills Motel 6 661-797-2346
Lost Hills Days Inn 661-797-2371
DATE: Feb. 11, 2012
PLACE: Wasco Elks
PROGRAM: Dinner and America’s Cup Awards presentation
COST: $23.00 for adults, $13.00 for Juniors
Q in SEN 1618
since the 3.5mm connectors are mentioned in the rules, the way they should be used belongs to the same place in the rules and not somewhere else!
My opinion, at least.
And I do think your "extensions" are a good thing, the FAI should have thought as far as you did (or even farther ...)
Roger Morrell