SEN 1628
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- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1169
Table of Contents - SEN 1628
- SCAT Annual
- FAI Rules proposal
March 24 & 25, 2012 at Lost Hills Field, CA
Reserve day: Monday, March 26
Saturday, March 24: F1A, F1B, F1C & F1P
Sunrise: 6:54 am. Sunset: 7:11pm
Seven 18dfb0df7cee95c90f2b17077a270457 one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended first round max times
Current FAI engine run times
F1A: 210 sec, F1B: 240 sec, F1C: 300 sec, F1P: 210 sec
Remaining rounds maxes are 180 sec. Flyoff Schedule TBA
Sunday, March 25: F1G, F1H, F1J & F1Q, start @ 9AM
Five 2007-03-12 22:18:15 45 minute rds will be flown: 120 sec maxes. FO TBA
F1Q Rules: 5 rds, 180 sec max, New FAI energy limit rules. FO TBA
National Cup Events:
Saturday: HL Glider, Nostalgia Wakefield, plus Special Event: E36 8AM-5PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider & Classic Towline Glider, 8AM-4PM
Sunday Special Event: Vintage FAI Power per 2010 Ghio rules, 5 flts, 180 sec maxes
Entry Fees: $20 for first FIA,B,C,G,H,P event, $10 for second FAI event
Other events: $10 for first event, $5/each added non-FAI event
All-In Fee of $35
FAI Jr and AMA age Juniors/Seniors: $5/event, or All-In Fee of $10
AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are MANDATORY.
We will be glad to sign you up at field for either.
Malkhasyan "plate" Trophies with 1961 SCAT design graphics awarded on the field for 1-2-3 places in F1A,B,C,G, H, OHLG, OCLG events.
Due to recent low entry levels, on field trophies awarded for 1st places in F1J, P, Q,
Classic Towline, Vintage FAI Power & E36.
Awards for 2nd and 3rd will be sent after, as needed.
Three Junior (19 yrs and younger) Hi-Time Trophies: Glider, Rubber & Power.
Nos-Wake winner receives perpetual trophy
PLUS: Non-JR[20-29 yr] F1A or B or C Hi-time wins $100!
RDT allowed all events.
No test flying within 75 meters of vehicles in the "standard" parking area
No Moto-flapping, per 2011 Team Program rule 4.A.7
Last year winners of perpetual trophies:
F1A, Jim Parker
F1B, Alex Andriukov
F1C, Ed Carroll
F1G, Ryan Jones
F1H, Norm Smith
F1J, Taron Malkhasyan
Nos-Wake, no flyers last year—Tom Laird has trophy
Contest Director
Jim Parker
9534 Ruffner Ave
North Hills, CA 91343
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rev 2, drafted 3-11-12
Proposed Change to FAI FF rules
B.17. Processing of Model Aircraft France
Modify paragraph B.17.8.
Note: if the proposal is adopted, it will be necessary to do the corresponding
< >changes on the annex B.1.b.
B.1.8. Except for Free Flight Indoor and Scale, each model shall carry FAI model
sticker(s) with mention of the FAI license number, national identification mark,
competitor name and model identification code (letters and/or numbers) The letters and numbers on the FAI model sticker must be at least 10 mm high and clearly visible. A FAI model ticker will be put on each part of the model aircraft so that the individual parts (wing(s), tail, front and rear fuselage if detachable) may be separately identified. The model identification code must be also recorded on the model FAI specification certificate and on the score card of the nominated models.
Reason: Clarification of the way to mark the model with FAI model sticker.
Regarding Indoor exception, limitation to Free Flight Indoor classes (and not Radio
Editorial Note The consenus of a discussion on this subject on FB was that this was overly onerous requring a FAI sticker with quite large lettering on all components. It is hard to put this on smaller parts like a stab and F1B rear fuselage. Note that currently only one full label is required on the model and part/model numbers on each separate component. The reason for doing this appears overly general and vague. may be there is a problem , if so it is not clear.
Roger Morrell