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- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1329
- Isanenko Spars
- Omarama Results
- Bird Strike
Victor Isaenko F1A carbon wing spars.
A number of years ago I was able to purchase Isaenko carbon F1A wing spars
from Melis Jos (ABC Free Flight Supplies).
There were a few sizes available but the ones I preferred were coded V1 W4C
and came with a shaped wing joiner.
The center spar was essentially an I beam 8mm high at the root, 6.7 at the
dihedral and 730 in length.
Does anyone know if these are still available?
If not currently produced, is anybody with a set prepared to sell them?
Failing the above is a similar product available and if so can you provide
me with contact details?
John Lewis (BFFS)
Omarama World Cup Results
Omarama Cup F1A 22nd March 2012
Name FAI NUMBER RD 1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 Total
1 Brian Van Nest USA 23122 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290
2 Lee Hines USA 7334 210 180 180 180 170 180 180 1280
3 Paul Lagan NZL107 12 AM 03 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
4 Nikolai Nikolov BUL00310 210 177 143 180 180 180 180 1250
5 Rob Wallace NZL378 12 AM 09 168 180 180 180 180 180 180 1248
6 Michaela Groenewege NZL1449 12 AM 07 180 106 180 163 55 101 88 873
7 Malcolm Campbell AUS 52060 210 180 180 180 0 0 0 750
8 Albert Fathers AUS 65586 0
NOTE Please check your FAI number and supply/amend if incorrect
Omarama Cup F1B 23rd March 2012
1 Bill McGarvey NZL65 11 AM 17 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1470
2 George Batiuk USA10862 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 174 1464
3 William Jones AUS8465 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 165 1455
4 Roger Morell NZL10530 12AM 01 210 180 180 158 180 180 180 1268
5 Wu Yunsheng A320213 210 180 180 180 156 174 180 1260
6 Albert Fathers AUS65586 199 180 180 180 165 180 145 1229
7 Paul Lagan NZL107 12 AM 03 210 180 180 180 180 180 75 1185
8 Gary Pope AUS38115 162 180 180 75 180 180 180 1137
9 David Ackery NZL76 12 AM 04 210 180 180 159 180 141 0 1050
10 Lincoln Vincent NZL3867 12 AM 10 123 180 134 180 180 0 0 797
NOTE Please check your FAI number and supply/amend if incorrect
Omarama Cup F1C 22nd March 2012
1 Zou Jiong Yu A36006 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 1290
2 Gary Pope AUS38115 0 0
NOTE Please check your FAI number and supply/amend if incorrect
Stone the Crows ... well sort off
Fellow Fliers,
It was clear that after an incident at Lost Hills this year that we have a potential environmental time-bomb on our hands.
I think it was the PanAm flyoff for F1A when the pod of pelicans came over. And rather nice they were as well, however, i become clear that their flight path was being affected by the models launching and I wondered why. With some help from a consultancy doing acoustics simulations for the company I work for, and also getting in contact with old friends at the Birdstrike Avoidance Team (BAT) at Sand Hutton, GB, it is now clear to me that the sounds being made by the new low drag A2s is affecting these animals.
My friends at BAT, most of them are ornithologists, (I worked with them years back on aircraft impact studies) have a lot of data on birds and have a database on the sonic frequencies most susceptible to which species. I played them the video of work done by Van Wallane and others at Delft University (see Facebook for details) and the ?whistling? model and the confirmed that this frequency is slap bang in the middle of the pelican?s hearing frequency. In simple terms, LDAs being launched have and will continue to attract birds, generally pelicans, as they are being launched at high speed.Those watching the flyoff and noting how the birds changed direction as first one then another model was launched may have thought this was coincidence, I did, but it would seem the models noise literally ?attract? the birds. This is not good news at the Brown Pelican is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and so any disturbance is a federal offence in the US.
I also asked the BAT team about strobe lights and they almost went ashen-faced. They suggested we stopped using them immediately in the main migration season as a minimum as they can cause miss-carriages.
We need to do something about this but without too much advertising. Maybe the guys at Delft know how to reduce the LDA sound signature (anti-noise perhaps ?) but it is clear in the short term that launch velocities need to be limited so that the critical frequency is not reached, and that strobes are even banned. Perhaps we can tie in some sort of speed meter to the timer systems, like the energy limiters in F1Q, and make these mandatory from 2013 ?The risk I fear otherwise is that we find that all flying is banned until research proves we are not a problem ? and you know how long that can take.
I did also play the ornithologists recordings of F1B and F1C but apparently these aren?t a problem.
I write this to elicit a suitable response from the flyers worldwide and hope that there may be some experts out there that can help us before it is too late.
Roger Morrell