SEN 1645
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1326
- Colorado World Cup
- East of Riverside
- F1E in Colorado
- New AeroModeller
- Aeromodeller Survey
- Share a ride
Colorado World Cup, July 13-15
The big news from the MMM Club is our annual 14 round meet is now a World Cup event. This contest has proven to be a real test of both the flyer and models so that winning this event with a max-out over 14 rounds is rewarded with the wearing of the MMM Blue Jacket. Make your travel plans to be in Denver the weekend of July 13-15 for 14 rounds of F1A,B,C,P and Q as well as 8 rounds of the mini events. F1E will be flown on Friday. In addition a full slate of AMA and NFFS events are offered. Details of the event as well as hotel information is on the MMM Club's web site Those sending their entry to me by June 30 will receive a Steve Jones designed custom T-Shirt. These t-shirts will be available on the field for $15 each. You may make your payment either by check or PayPal. Come to Colorado this summer and enjoy the brightest blue sky you can ever hope to see along with strong lift and a flying field that is bigger than anything else in the country. Please feel free to contact me via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the phone number below if you need any additional information.
Jerry Murphy
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Editor's comment ... for those outside of the USA
Taking the hard-nosed SCAT or certainly the SC part of that, everyone knows there is no real life in the USA east of Riverside. I even live on the wrong side of Sepulveda. ** In spite of this the Colorado Contest certainly has some merit and would make a great summer holiday. The site is huge but still close to civilization. The MMM Club are well organized and have a history or running solid events. And as expected from a club in the West they do a great barbeque. It is not far from Denver International airport. Colorado is the home of the Rocky Mountains and there are many vacation spots to visit after the serious business of flying is over.
** Apologies to Prof Barron and non-USA reader for including what I woiulkd call a USA joke, although those Americans East of Riverside may not.
*** By special dispensation, even though it is the wrong side of Riverside, the Perris flying site is consider civilized,... but we diverge from the MMM event.
F1E at the MMM World Cup Contest
All of you who might be considering flying F1E for world cup points here is some great news for you.
We have secured permission from the Colorado State Land Board for the use of a new site that provides
360 degree flying form a hill top very near to our usual flying site. Check the MMM Club web site
for the entry blank and contest details. those getting their entry fee to me by june 30 will receive a Steve Jones designed
souvenir t-shirt. Payment can be made by check made out to the MMM Club or PayPal.
Jerry Murphy
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
New AeroModeller
More details: Aviation Modeller International (AMI) & AeroModeller, arguably the leading general interest model flying UK magazine, was purchased recently by Key Publishing, who subsequently decided that as a hobby interest magazine that it does not fit their group of titles, and hence have announced it will close with the present July issue (on sale now). There are rumors that ADH Publishing, who are already in the model flying magazine market, have shown some interest in re-launching just the AeroModeller title. However, it appears that the future of Aeromodeller is still very much in question, subject to ADH being in process of evaluating its viability and market interest from the traditional F/F and C/L modelling community. Hence the request on their website for feedback: Note that ADH group already has Model Flyer magazine (which is primarily focussed on R/C with a little F/F and C/L interest — consequently no re-launch of AMI) and their new soon to be release Electric R/C Flyer magazine (to be aimed squarely at the open-the-box-RTF-foam-flyer brigade) as well as Flying Scale Models. So to be viable, AeroModeller would have to stand alone on its own merit by appealing to a different audience of predominantly F/F, C/L and Sport R/C enthusiasts (including for example, dare I say it, the BMFA's concept for R/C control of F/F) and also will depend upon generating meaningful content on the art and science of what we do as modellers: designing, building and flying. So it's time to stand up and be counted, if that's what the traditional Aeromodeller desires ? Otherwise it's gonna be RIP AeroModeller and the cessation of any F/F publicity at News Stands. So please distribute widely and email your name and your comments to: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
[Martyn Cowley, former Editor of the original AeroModeller]
Aeromodeller Survey
David Lloyd-Jones sent this.
It may help.
Michael Woodhouse
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David Lloyd-Jones sent this.
It may help.
Michael Woodhouse
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Share a Ride ..
Hi RM,
Would you please send out word to our SCAT Chums or A.N.Other chap, that I would
be honored to share a round trip from SoCal to the MMM FAI World Cup contest in July.
I plan to leave July 11, or 12.
Non-smokers only, of course.
Leeper ..............
Roger Morrell