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- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1237
Whoops ... we sent out the wrong version of the Sierra Cup flyer in SEN 1678 , here is the right one.
36th Annual Sierra Cup
FAI International Free Flight Contest
October 12-15, 2012
A World and America’s Cup Event
Sponsored by:
Southern California Aero Team
Lost Hills, California, USA
FRIDAY, October 12 Team Fund Raiser Banquet on the field-Free with Entry!
SATURDAY, October 13 F1A F1B F1C (Note all “Big” events on same day)
7 one hour rounds starting at 8 AM. Fly offs start will be posted after Round 7.
If required there will be a 10 minute fly off off beginning Sunday 10/14 at 7AM to
decide F1A, F1B or F1C prior to the “Mini” events.
SUNDAY, October 14 F1G F1H F1J/P F1Q
5 one hour rounds starting at 10AM. Fly offs start will be posted after Round 5.
MONDAY October 15 Reserve Day
The contest will be run to current 2012 FAI rules and maxes. No moto-flapping.
Send Entries Fees to and Request Further Information From:
Mike McKeever - CD
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
(916) 967-8475
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Any single event (Mini or Maxi) $45
A “Mini” event and one “Maxi” event $60
As many events as you can fly $80
Entry includes Fund Raiser - extra Fund Raiser $20 each
Entries to be received with check payable to SCAT by September 30. Non-US
competitors may advise of entry before September 30 and pay at the field.
Name:_________________________ ___E-Mail____________________ AMA #___________________
Address:______________________ ____________State_____Zip_____ ____Country_______________
Event: Circle Those You Will Fly
Entry Fee and Extra Fund Raiser Tickets Enclosed $____________
First place to Walt Ghio to notice the error, the Leeper was runner up, special award to Paul Lagan who noticed it was last years dates....
Roger Morrell