SEN 1685
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1228
- Outstanding October
- Cal FAI Invitational reminder
- Help for US FF team selection event
- Sierra Cup Summary
The Fall or Autumn if you prefer FF season at Lost Hills began this weekend with the US FF Champs. The FAI events were run by Walt Ghio and unfortunately I was only able to make the Saturday but can report probably the nicest weather ever at Lost Hills – virtually no wind all day. The Wunderground prediction of the 2 mph for most of the day going to 12 mph at 5 PM never happened, it stayed at 2 or less. We did test out a possible new flight line spot but with the models traveling such a short distance not much was proved, except that low wind speed or not, lunch time and early PM thermals are still as tricky as ever.
On the Political front, no we did not get a visit from Obama or Romney – better we a got a visit from AMA district 10, VP Lawrence Tougas. Great to see Mr Tougas at Lost Hills again and we appreciate his and the AMA's support in helping us maintain the world's best FF site. He spent time visiting all the different flight lines and shooting photos and chatting with the broad spectrum of Free Flighters that attends this event.
I also spent time with some other visitors who had not been to a FF event for 40 plus years but having a good time and showing interest in everything that was happening.
So for those coming to the rest of the Fall events don't forget :
- That PM thermals at Lost Hills are very tricky
- There are some new agricultural areas next to the field so make sure you get a briefing from the CD
- It's still hot and dry so shade, water, sun block and protective clothing
- We will use some areas we have not before so there will be fresh pucker bushes and worse
One well known East Coast [professional ?] sportsman [F1B of course] has already moved in to Motel 6 for 4 weeks.... this guy spends a month here in each of Spring and Fall, maybe he needs on of those apartments I see advertized for sale in down town Lost Hills ?
Oh and the contest Alex Andriukov, Rich Rohke and Jack Emery made it to the fly off but I had to leave before CD Ghio executed … and F1A and C ….what ?
I did see the soon to be famous Rene Limberger zipper squiggle turbulator on his LDA F1A, worked well, except in round 6.
Aimee is still looking for some help in timing and other tasks for the US FF Team selection finals Oct 7 – 11, and we re-printed her request below
38th. California F.A.I. Invitational
October 5th. And 6th. 2012
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J and Nostalgia Wakefield
FRIDAY OCT. 5TH. F1-A, F1-B and F1-C
SATURDAY OCT. 6TH. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J
Nostalgia Wakefield can be flown both days, (But must finish the same day)
Contest Director: Juan A. Livotto, 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066
Phone (310) 391-5986……..e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Team Selection Contest - Call for Volunteers
Behind every great endeavor is a crew of individuals who prepare the site,
manage the events, and clean-up afterwards. For the upcoming Team Selection
contest (Oct 7 to 11), there are a multitude of tasks of all sizes and all
types. If you have any interest in helping out, I can match a task to your
available time and particular interest.
All volunteers will receive a custom-made, limited-edition musette bag (a
bicyclist's style messenger bag) with edible goodies inside for you to sling
over your shoulder. The musette bags have a variety of free-flight designs
imprinted on them, and will be a collector's item. In addition, those
volunteering to be a timer for the entire day will receive $100 cash per
day, a custom-made musette bag, edible goodies and a water bottle.
If you think you would like to help, please contact me via email at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or you can call me at 650-387-8812 (between 5 PM and
10 PM PST weekdays, any time on weekends). Marty and I will be at the US
Freeflight Champs contest, and can answer any of your questions.
Sierra Cup Summary
FRIDAY, October 12 Team Fund Raiser Banquet on the field-Free with Entry!
SATURDAY, October 13 F1A F1B F1C (Note all “Big” events on same day)
7 one hour rounds starting at 8 AM. Fly offs start will be posted after Round 7.
If required there will be a 10 minute fly off off beginning Sunday 10/14 at 7AM to
decide F1A, F1B or F1C prior to the “Mini” events.
SUNDAY, October 14 F1G F1H F1J/P F1Q
5 one hour rounds starting at 10AM. Fly offs start will be posted after Round 5.
MONDAY October 15 Reserve Day
Mike McKeever - CD
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
(916) 967-8475
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell