SEN 1699
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1337
- Krka Cup
- P-Zero buggy fix
- F1E results
- Chargers for sale
Krka cup 2012 will be online:
Damjan Zulic
P-Zero 1/2A Buggy conversion and fix
As you probably know, I have been converting and selling the P-Zero buggy
engine by de-stroking to make 1/2A rules. I have had several of the engines
break the crank, which is not good.
However I think I have the handle on the fix, and I am asking any engine
shipped before Oct 16, to be returned to me and I will modify the crank and
return the engine. (Or you could disassemble the engine and just mail the
crank.) Even if you have run them and the crank did not break, please send them
to me for the treatment. There are about 30 of them out there that may have
the possible crank breakage problem.
This is a great 1/2A engine when the crank stays together.
Doug Galbreath
2810 Cowell Blvd.
Davis, CA 95618
F1E Team Selection Results
Results of the F1E Team Selection Contest,
held at Holloway Mesa, Lost Hills, CA, Oct 15 &16, 2012:
Pl name AMA# Score
1. Robert Sifleet 18326 890.90
2. Peter Brocks 84018 859.50
3. David Saks 382450 775.29
4. Tom Ioeger 94350 762.64
5. Richard Wood 43748 626.28
6. Dave Parsons 6280 530.80
The event ran quite smoothly as the Wx was quite accommodating.
Ten rounds were held over the two days as per schedule without
delays or need to move site.
Bob Sifleet led from the 5th round to secure top spot.
There were only 9 flights that did 180 sec maxes for the 100% score
of the round. That indicates the conditions were light & variable, with
weak lift generally.
My congratulations to the team & alternate members.
Lee R Hines,
F1E Finals Contest Director
FIRE SALE! Sirius/Peak charger and capacity testers
Please announce via SEN that I have these items for sale:
1. 'Sirius 200' [aka "Peak Electronics"] Charger: $15
2. 'Peak Super Tester': $15
These are for NiCad and NiMh rechargable batteries.
George Joy[owner, now deceased]did the upgrade and recertified them.
If seriously interested, email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOB my house or at some convenient meeting place.
Roger Morrell