SEN 1704
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1295
- Piped FAI Power
- SW FAI Flash
- Nats DVD
- USA Team Selection
Piped FAI Power
I received a request from a FAI Power flier of old to help him set up a ST G15 to run on a pipe for vintage FAI. Thinking that this might just be one of the coolest things to see and hear I would certainly like to help him out. If I could get some guidance on how to set up an engine from those who flew a piped ST in Power it would be greatly appreciated. Port timing, need to eliminate any sub-piston induction and how to do that without screwing-up bypass timing, props to use, expected rpm, effect on shaft timing if any, compression ratio (stock head clearance/new hemi head), exhaust port shape (some piped engines use a notch in the center of the port) are some of the items of interest.
Thanks in advance,
Bob Mattes
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SW FAI Challenge Flash
A Limberger, Parker, Hines (5 min FO)
B Batiuk, Jones, Piserchio (7 Min FO)
Q Pykelney, Crowe
Very nice weather, clear blue sky, virtually no wind except for rounds 6 and 7 with a mild breeze. perfect to the Fly offs
Unashamed self promotion, the 2012 Nats DVD is now available
Fellow Free Flighters,
I am happy to announce that the 2012 Free Flight Nats DVD is now available.
The 2012 Free Flight Nats is a week of intense model flying. While the Nats
lasts for 5 days each year, with this DVD you can watch the action all year
long! The 2012 Free Flight Model Airplane Championships continues to be the
premier model airplane contest that every free flight model builder strives
win. Whether you fly free flight or just enjoy watching a model flying free
this DVD you will be able to see some of the action from the 2012 Nats. Gas
rubber powered models are featured as well a hand launched and catapult
Watch Dakotas take to the air. The rise off water events include rubber
models as well as gas. The Flying Aces WWII mass launch event is also
This DVD is a must for your collection.
118 Minutes DVD $20.00 + S&H
For purchase information or to order your copy go to:
These make great gifts for the holidays.
Thermals to all,
Alan Abriss
I now return you to the SEN newsletter....
USA Team Selection
Firstly, we make announcements from time to about contests and events. This includes announcements on behalf of the USA Team Selection program. We know that there are many SEN readers who are not involved with the USA Team Selection process, for that we apologize but we do note that many read it anyway.
We made an announcement to remind people involved with the USA Team Selection program of the process for nominating the Team Manager Unfortunately there was an error in the process and many SEN addressees had their own address embedded in the text of the message. This means that there was a different email address, that of the addressee , in every SEN. Some people were concerned that their email address had been sent to many people and they would get a number of emails from aspiring USA Team managers, it is very unlikely that this will happen . Some of you wrote messages to us, indicating the error, saying they did or did not want to be the USA Team Manager and a number of other more colorful suggestions.
This weekend I was at the SW FAI Challenge on El Dorado Dry lake in Boulder City. Some of the USA Team were at this event. There was some review of the email. I thought that if Terry Bond from Australia was the TM, they would have the best parties. But while not perfect I'm sure than Martin Dilly's command of the French language is better than Terry's. However the F1B guys might prefer Stepan Stefanchuk, although I'm not sure what AA would think of that? Maybe just like the good old days, … etc