SEN 1589
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- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1568
- Now! greatest Worldcup finale at eurofly in Switzerland
- Motor cycle services at Lost Hil;ls
- Chase bike for sale
After last weekend Worldcup in Slowenia have 18 sportsmen theoretically the chance with own winning of eurofly Worldcup in Mühlethurnen/ Schweiz to stand on the TOP podium as Worldcupwinner 2011 in 1 of the 4 WC classes F1A,B,C,Q . Walter Eggimann will welcome in “Gürbetal” with actually best weather forecast ( 17 degrees, sunny, low wind) a new record with 224 applications: in Weltcup 81 in F1A, 75 in F1B, 25 in F1C, 9 in F1Q as also for EURO Challenge Wettbewerbe 25 in F1G and 9 in F1H.
81 applications in F1A including the WC-leader Mikail Kozhnozkin from Russia, who lead by better 4th result against LDA Developer Roland Koglot (SLO) , who take a new record: 15 places in WC range: 7 WC wins, 3 2nd places in 2011. Last weekend at KRKA CUP Roland flew in FO behind the trees and placed behind winner Per Findahl on Place 2 and missed the lead. It will get exciting in Mühleturnen and only a win by Roland can bring him the 3rd win of Worldcup.
75 applications in F1B, the greatest competitor number this year in F1B will give the winner with 7 points a big advantage and gave 6 sportsman with minimum 2 wins the possibility to win eurofly and worldcup 2011. Actual only 2 of this 6 entered at eurofly, both with 5 Worldcup wins each: the previous year winner and famous german tenor singer Bernd Silz (GER) , who has won 2 times Worldcup by winning Fly off at eurofly in Bern and the Ex-Ukrainian Hero - master of F1B class, Alex Andriukov (USA), who win WC last time in 2005. He has disadvantage by US citizenship due EUROPA has 44 of 54 WC and shorter distances than from US. Not entered had yet Andrej Burdov (RUS) with his 4 times wingmovable flapper as new sensation in F1B scenary, as also Danko Sokolic(CRO) and Bror Eimar (SWE), who won 1992 Worldcup. If nobody of this 5 win eurofly, the actual leading Anatoly Ribchenkov is the first Georgian winner of F1B Worldcup 2011.
In F1C the “ Gürbetal“ will have visit from the worldbest flyers and host with 25 applications the greatest F1C Worldcup this year. Oldie Reinhard Truppe from the “Alpsrepublic” between Hungary, Slowenia, Germany and Switzerland will try all, to maintain the leading in Worldcup since last weekend by winning KRKA CUP in Slowenia and win the 3rd times Worldcup in a row. He can reach this by own victory or when nobody of following 6 win eurofly. Artem Babenko (UKR) und Vladimir Sychow (SLO) havn’t until now entered. The 2 Hungarians Laszlo Patocs and Gabor Zsengeller as also Dmitriy Stakhanov (UKR) are coming to eurofly and try their luck. The 5 times Worldcup winner (1990, 1996 -1999) Evgeny Verbitsky (UKR) is dreaming of 6th times win WC and come the long distance of 2000 km from Ukraine. The 2011 World Champion Evgeny, who is since 50 years in the F1C business and called from several lovely “F1C God father” and always in the World top, has this year another aniversary: he has flown his 1st World-Championships 1961 in Leutkirch in Allgäu and placed 5th. He tries tomorrow to repeat his win of 1997 World Championships and Worldcup again. In F1Q can Matti Lithamo (FIN) can topping Worldcup leader Andreas Lindner (GER), when beside this 9 actual entered 2 more are flying and Matti with 2 extrapoints win the eurofly and WC with better 4th result than Andreas. The winner of KRKA CUP Heiko Salmonen (FIN) can by own win come equal with Andreas Lindner with absolutely same extrapoints. Nobody has 4th result – what then?
But one thing is sure, only 4 can be happy Sunday evening and standing on thr podium. Te other can try like all others next year again in the WorldCup Circus 2012 with the change, that outside Europe countries can host 3 WC contests.
First time will be flown in Switzerland also the small gliderklasse F1H as final of first year running EURO Challenge F1H. 9 F1H flyers have entered until yet and the french sportsman Bernard Gilles can with own win of eurofly outperform Thomas Weimer (GER), who is leading until yet. 104 competitors (thereof 27 juniors) from 14 countries have flown in 1st year od this Challenge in 14 contests, set in the beginning of the year similar to Worldcup. The best 3 results (thereof only 2 in own country) will calculate for total score. The winners receive nice cups and diplomas and a challenge cup with 64cm hight was sponsored by my club JMFG “IKARUS” Riegelsberg. The final results and rules you can see next week on the internet site. We will think about rule changes of points giving, due this 1st year shows, that only 3 contests of 14 gaqve the winner 10 points and comparing with other smaller contest, this isn’t comparable and interesting, if the chances in alle countries are more or less fair.
Also in F1G 24 applications are set and important start points for the season 2011/12 of EURO Challenge F1G can be collected.
Since 30 years every 2nd year on last oktober weekend Mühleturnen is for myself a must and give me lot of pleasure, to close the freeflights season there and to wish after last flight the sportsfriends Merry Christmas. I wish all competitors best success at this exciting final in Switzerland and all non contestantsof this year the decision, to come in the future to this beautiful contest
Ansgar Nüttgens
In an effort to fill the needs of fliers competing at Lost Hills, Wheelcraft LLC offers service and repair of chase bikes. We provide basic service as well as repair. Tires and tubes will be available,flat repair as well. Pick up and delivery to and from the containers for service or delivery to the field is part of our business. We will be at most contests with tools. Motorcycles is our business. Free flight is our hobby.
Your models are ready, is your bike?
Mike Szura 661-805- 0221
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For Sale:Chinese 150cc Chase Bike
Excellent Mechanical condition.
Some Cosmetic Repair to do but this does not effect chase capability.
High torque engine
$100 gel cell battery
Can only be operated on private property
Originally bought directly fron Chinese importer
Mike Mulligan
714 637 5244
Roger Morrell