SEN 1603
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1941
- The Isaacson Winter Classic and Kiwi New Zealand World Cup
- Wind - a statement
- Pan American World Cup
- USFFC Grand Champ Trophy
- Christmas Spirit
February 11 - 13, 2012 at Lost Hills, California
Join us for one of the premier West Coast Free Flight Contests! This year we are hosting the:
All FAI classes are America's Cup. AMA and NFFS classes, except Gollywock, are National Cup. This is a Cat. II contest.
Saturday only!
Kiwi - New Zealand World Cup!
F1A, B, C, P & Q
Round Schedule: Saturday 2/11
1 8:00am–9:00am
2 9:00am–10:00am
3 10:00am–11:00am
4 11:00am–12:00am
5 12:00am–1:00pm
6 1:00pm–2:00pm
7 2:00pm–3:00pm
Round One Maxes:
F1A 210 seconds
F1B 240 seconds
F1C 240 seconds
F1P 240 seconds
F1Q 180 seconds
Fly-Off Schedule:
Round eight, 5 minute max.
F1A 3:30pm–3:40pm
F1B/Q 3:45pm–3:55pm
F1C/P 4:00pm–4:10pm
Additional rounds to be announced
NEW! Frank Zaic Awards* for limited function F1X models.
Vintage FAI Gas Five rounds, 2010 NFFS rules
Five, 3 min. max. 8:00am–5:00pm. Mass launch fly-off! Everyone flies! A Bob White Event!
Sunday only!
F1G, H, & J
Round one, 8:00 am! Sunday 2/12. Champagne Flyoff! Time to the ground.
Round Schedule:
Rounds 2-5, two minute max.
1 8:00am–8:45am
2 8:45am–9:30am
3 9:30am–10:15am
4 10:15am–11:00am
5 11:00am–11:45am
Fly-Offs will begin at 12 noon and finish by 3:00. At 3:00, any remaining ties will be broken by using Champagne Flight Times.
NEW! Frank Zaic Awards* for limited function F1X models.
FAI Style, Handheld Catapult Glider
Seven rounds, concurrent with Mini Events. Rounds six and seven will continue after mini events. Flights must be flown from the CLG flightline.
90 sec. Max. One 20 sec. attempt per round.
For National Cup points, AMA rules will apply, except as previously stated.
NEW! Dawn Mulvihill,
One flight to the ground 7:30 - 8:00 am Sunday.
SAM Compressed Air
3 - 3min. max. plus mass launch. See Ron Boots.
Lee's BTV West 12"CLG. See Lee
Fly Saturday or Sunday
Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm, Sunday 8 am to 3 pm
P - 30 - 5 flights, 2 min. max
Moffett - AMA rules
Nostalgia Wakefield - NFFS rules A Bob White Event!
Hand Launch Glider - AMA rules
Catapult Glider - AMA rules
Classic Glider - NFFS rules
E-36 - NFFS rules
NEW! Nostalgia Gas - NFFS rules
By popular demand! 1/4A - C. All classes will be separate! Awards and Nat. Cup points for each!
"Kiwi" World Cup - Slope Soaring F1E 10:00am – 3:00 pm. Five rounds, 60 minutes each.
Event director - Peter Brocks
Contest Directors:
Norm Furutani
15423 Haas Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 323-1943
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell
1916 B Gates Ave.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 374-2136
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Entry Fees:
"Kiwi" World Cup events $25
FAI Sticker required
All others, $15.00 - includes one event. Additional events $5.00 each.
All must be current member AMA /MAAC and Lost Hills Assoc.
Jr.-Sr. Open Class combined. First through third, each event.
Perpetual Gollywock and Nos. Wake awards, courtesy of Bob White
Awards Ceremony RAFFLE! Buddenbohm glider kits. Winners MUST be present!
*NEW! The Frank Zaic Awards
For limited function F1X models. For details go to:
Monday, reserve day for FAI Events
Wind - A Statement
I wanted to echo the recent comments of my good friend Hughe who rightly complains about the attitude of some model flyers. As wind, I am so often taken to task by people who never know what they want; you try holding your breath all day, and then all the gratitude you receive is “It’s too calm”. I have been known to get in to a really deep depression as a result, and you know what that can cause.
You say you want ‘still air’ to test your creations but then fly behind trees on a Scottish moor – madness ! You moan I’m too cold yet stand on a frozen lake in Scandinavia, complain about the dust at Lost Hills when I yawn and blame me when it rains (you need to talk to April Showers about that one). If I didn’t move about you would have places with no air and then your 3DCFD codes would be useless. And then there are the jokes, ‘breaking wind’ (not clever) to give but one example.
Oh, and another thing, I keep catching myself on those rotating ball things, please stop putting them in my way.
I am contemplating retirement soon due to all the hassle but woe betides anyone who crosses my likely replacement, Harry Kane.
Respectfully yours,
Beau Fort
PS Follow me on Twitter, #theresheblows
Pan Am World Cup Event
Hello everyone,
Below is the bulletin information for the Pan American Open, to be held on February 14, 2012. As was indicated in earlier postings, we are happy to announce that the contest is now an official FAI World Cup event, although we will continue to offer the team element and team prizes as well.
Many thanks to our hosts who have graciously allowed us to continue to offer the contest at Lost Hills.
Hope to see you all on the field,
Pan American Open 2012
FAI World Cup Contest and Championship
February 14, 2012; Lost Hills, California
The Pan American Open is both an individual FAI World Cup event, as well as a team championship; open to all participants regardless of nationality, and any self formed team, regardless of the nationality of the members.
Teams must be entered prior to the start of the contest, and are to be self arranged by the competitors themselves. The composition of the teams, consisting of up to three members participating in the same class, is entirely up to the contestants.
Individual participants may join the contest without a team affiliation and only compete for the individual awards.
(F1A, F1B, and F1C)
February 14, 2012
Round 1*: 8AM
Round 2: 9AM
Round 3: 10AM
Round 4: 11AM
Round 5: 12PM
Round 6: 1PM
Round 7: 2PM
Flyoffs**: To be Decided
*First Round Max, conditions permitting: F1A: 210; F1B: 240; F1C: 240
**The last flyoff flight may be to the ground or out of sight, weather permitting. This is to permit to the contest to end on the same day.
1) Trophies will be awarded to the top three contestants in each class, and medals to the members of the top three teams in each class.
2) Certificates of participation and a copy of the official results will be given to all contestants.
The entry fee for all classes and participants is $30 USD per person, payable on the field. This fee is waived for all junior participants, who can participate at no charge.
There is no additional entry fee for teams, so everyone is encouraged to form into teams and compete for the team awards. Fees must be paid prior to the start of the contest.
- Contestants and teams will time each other’s flights.
- Flying from the flight line will occur without pole positions (no position switch between rounds)
- Team scores will be calculated as the total of all flights of all team members, including fly-offs (if any).
- Using motorcycles to affect the flight of the model in any way will not be permitted.
- F1C Competitors must provide their own fuel.
- Unless otherwise specified, FAI Sporting Codes Apply
- All Competitors must have AMA Insurance
- All Competitors must be members of the Lost Hills Free Flight Association
- All scorecards must be submitted by each participant to the scorekeeper by the end of each round.
AMA Contest Director:
Hector Diaz
(661) 834-1063
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Field Director:
Peter Allnutt
(661) 763-5039
Contest Organizer:
Chris Lenartowicz
(416) 698-5325
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FAI Jury:
Jim Parker (USA)
Walt Ghio (USA)
Henning Nyhegn (DEN)
USFFC Grand Champ Trophy
From: Marc Sisk
Just wanted to see if the trophy for the USFFC was ever discovered/recovered. Last I saw on this forum was that someone was going to go over to the late Joe Norcross' home to see if the two boxes that I sent him back in 1985 (containing the trophy) were in his garage. Thanks Marc Sisk
Marc - still being tracked and coordinated with Joe's family.
Christmas Spirit |
I was in the post office this morning in a long line of people trying to mail packages. A lady at the front was struggling to carry all her bags and boxes when a nice gentleman stepped forward and helped her carry everything to the counter. I took a second look and realized the nice guy was Hal Cover, a well known free flight modeler. So model airplane flyers are nice people and this demonstrates the true spirit of Christmas so let's all go and do something nice for someone!
-Ken Bauer
Ken, I have my Christmas Post Office story too, I took a pile of items to the post office, I felt a little guilty because I had paid on line for the postage so was able to walk past the long line of waiting customers and put my parcels on the indicated place on the counter and walk out. However as a I crossed the road to go to the parking lot I saw a lady with a cane having difficulty navigating the heavy traffic, so went back and helped her cross the road and avoid the dancing Escalades. After that I did not feel so guilty about avoiding the line.
Roger Morrell