SEN 1509
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1337
- FF in SA?
- Saturday at Perris
- SEN 150?
- deja Vu - we are out of here ?
- Holiday on Ice
- Mura Cup
I am trying to do some research about free flight in South Africa. Michael told me it died off, sort off, but there are still some people around interested in free flight.
Do you have any idea about this?
Saturday at Perris
Thursday voicemail from Lee: “Hey Ken I’m heading to Perris Saturday to trim my towline stuff. Sounds like the usual glider suspects will be there. Hope you can make it… yada, yada, yada..”
Hmmm, not sure as the weather looks like it could be overcast which is not good for morning flying.
Friday afternoon I’m in a boring meeting at work looking at my phone when a Facebook message from Paul Love pops up: “… 95 percent sure I’m going to Perris to fly tomorrow am early. You going by chance?”
OK, I’ve got lots of stuff to do but sounds like it might be a good morning so I go ahead and decide to go.
I arrive about 7:15 am and sure enough it is overcast and the air is moving around a lot but the drift is light. I have a great time helping Paul learn to circle tow his first F1A model. It is always a great feeling to help another flyer. I make a few flights with my long model as I’ve been changing launch trim. The morning is beautiful with green grass, snowcapped mountains in the background and now the sun is breaking through the clouds. A group of guys are now shooting catapult gliders in the air so I put the F1A away and join them with my cat. Drift is now zero and the thermals are getting active. After several flights watching the little gliders fill the air climbing in light lift the gang starts to put away the cats and get out the TLGs. After a few warm up tosses I get a couple nice thermal flights with the TLG I built last year for the indoor sessions but have now dedicated for outdoor use.
Paul and I both spot some Hawks circling in lift on the other side of the field and start thinking it would be cool to fly with them. Most of the guys don’t think we can get there but I start running for it. The birds are drifting further away but as I get close I feel a sudden burst of wind. I figure this has got to be filling a big thermal so I stop there and throw my model and Paul throws right after me. Sure enough the lift is huge and both models are climbing quickly. The other guys launch as well and soon the sky is full of gliders in lift. Beautiful! My glider starts to move downwind with the drift but then comes back and continues to go up directly over my head in near zero wind. Since I’ve got RDT on the model I start thinking that I might as well let it fly and see how high and long it can fly.
After about 10 minutes the glider is very high and small but still directly over where I threw it on the field. Paul comments that it would be cool to let a glider disappear into the clouds and then push the RDT button. I’m thinking no thanks, that’s pushing it too far, but since I can still see it what’s the hurry? It feels kind of macho to see how high I can let this glider get before bringing it down. After all I was just telling Ralph that morning about the 5 mile range tests of my RDT system so should be no sweat. After about another 5 minutes nobody can see it but me and I finally tell myself enough is enough and push the RDT button. Nothing happens. I keep pushing it and pushing it but no DT. Crud, this is bad!! After another minute or two the model is starting to drift and getting really small. Others start to figure out what’s going on. I ask some guys to watch the model for me while I go to the car for my backup RDT transmitter thinking that maybe my first transmitter has gone bad. But nobody else can see the glider and I don’t dare take my eye off it so I send Stan to my car to get the other transmitter. At first he can’t find it because it is a prototype unit in a funny black box. Finally he carries my whole plastic box of stuff out on the field and as I describe it to him he finds it. By this time a light wind has come up and the glider is getting far away although seems to be lower. I push the button on the backup transmitter but the glider is such a speck that I can’t tell if it has DTed or not. In any case it does seem to be getting lower so maybe it did DT. After another minute or two I finally lose it out of sight downwind and high, though not as high as before. Lee helps me get a line on the last direction of sighting.
After packing up all my stuff I figure this is a good time to test out the new GPS app I just downloaded to my Blackberry. The other guys are leaving so I lock my car and start walking the downwind line. Having set a waypoint at the launch site the GPS app gives me a bearing of 274 degrees between the downwind reference I’m walking towards and the starting point. So regardless of where I go in my downwind hunt I can use the GPS to guide me back to the direct line of the model. As I start the hike I know the odds are really low because the model was still high when last seen and could easily drift far from that reference line, and I don’t even know if it really did DT. Soon I see something red downwind in a green field almost right along the line. I’m thinking no way, my model is red but that would be way too easy. Sure enough as I get closer it turns out to be a piece of trash. About a half mile downwind I’m looking in every direction but coming up with nothing. I know this is probably hopeless at this point but figure I’ll give it a bit more time. Now there is a creek in front of me so I have to move way left of the line to find a dry spot to get across. Now the GPS really pays off because I walk right back to the 274 degree bearing as I continue the downwind walk. At 0.7 miles downwind I slow down for another careful scan of the horizon. Still nothing. I make a plan to continue to the 1 mile point but then stop there and turn around. But then a couple minutes later I see something red again, but this time in the shape of a vee tail! I get a little closer and can’t believe what I see. The Hallelujah chorus echoes in my mind as I pick up the model. Seems like a miracle but it was almost right on the line!
Before touching it of course I see that it did not DT. So I pick it up gingerly so as not to disturb the evidence for the coming failure analysis. Immediately I see that the DT release wire appears to be jammed against the tiny disc on the pager motor release mechanism in such a way that the pager motor can’t move. I get back to my car without disturbing the mechanism. I get out both transmitters and confirm my suspicions. Both transmitters are working fine since with each push of the button the little pager motor is humming with electricity but can’t move. After unjamming the wire it all works fine. I realize the solution is to add a limiter to the disc movement so that it can’t get to the jam prone position which may have occurred under the load of the launch.
So it was a great Saturday at Perris. Great friends, great flying, big thermals, and I even brought my models home. That little glider must have been in the air 20 to 30 minutes or more!
SEN 1507-8-9
We published 2 SEN 1507s - the second should have been a SEN1508
A response to: "Innovations or just another Déjà Vu"
Mid seventies: introduction of circle towing
End seventies – beginning eighties: - introduction of zoom launching
Eighties and early nineties structural changes: higher zoom launches particiat
Mid-end nineties: introduction of bunt launching
Start-mid 2010: introduction of electronics
The current discussion is a true Déjà Vu or is it just me.
Add to the list : Declining participation due to costs, complexity and aging sportsmen.
Look at the stats over the past years. The proof is in the pudding and the disparity is blatant.
We need to re-think our sport before it falls of a cliff.
Jon Davis
Jon ...
so ... suggest something ...
Holiday On Ice
Resultat F1A
PlassEtternavn Fornavn Nasjon L Nr Omg1 Omg2 Omg3 Omg4Omg5 Sum FlyOffTotal
1KOSONOZHKIN MIKHAIL RUS 373 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 1230
2MAKAROV SERGEY RUS 163 210 180 180 180 180 930 299 1229
3HUBER KOSMA SWE 71391 210 180 180 180 180 930 295 1225
4FINDAHL OSCAR (JR) SWE 58263 210 180 180 180 180 930 261 1191
5FINDAHL PER SWE 15125 210 180 180 180 180 930 257 1187
6WESTEN HENRIK (jr) SWE 71081 210 180 180 180 180 930 234 1164
7HENRIKSSON KIM FIN 1481 210 180 180 180 180 930 257 1187
8HALBMEIER DIRK GER 2738 210 180 180 180 180 930 240 1170
9NYHEGN JES DEN 2242 210 180 180 180 180 930 248 1178
10JENSEN STEFFEN DEN 1006 210 180 180 180 180 930 226 1156
11HOLMBOM MIKAEL SWE 9127 210 180 180 180 180 930 174 1104
12HELLGREN ROBERT SWE 40391 210 180 180 180 178 928
13OLSTAD SVEIN NOR 753 210 180 180 180 177 927
14KUIKKA PETRI FIN 2964 206 180 180 172 180 918
15STEFFENSEN INGOLF NOR 3660 186 180 180 180 180 906
16MALILA LAURI SUI 50833 194 180 180 163 180 897
17WEIMER THOMAS GER 2073 190 180 174 180 180 904
18VARHOS DENIZ SWE 33987 210 180 180 136 180 886
19JENSEN LARS BUCH DEN 4212 210 180 180 180 157 907
20PLUME ANRIJS (jr) LAT 254-YL 210 180 146 180 180 896
21KLUNGREHAUG ATLE NOR 1496 165 180 180 180 180 885
22PETTERSSON JOHN SWE 465 204 180 180 116 180 860
23VARUSKIVI VESA FIN 1801 210 180 180 133 180 883
24NIELSEN LEIF DEN 2060 207 180 180 134 180 881
25KONGSTAD KARSTEN DEN 640 208 116 180 180 180 864
26RASMUSSEN PETER DEN 692 183 180 180 115 167 825
27KLEMETSEN ANDERS NOR 3035 156 146 180 180 180 842
28ÅSBERG DANIEL (jr) SWE 69797 210 180 170 138 122 820
29HARSEM PETTER NOR 4163 174 165 156 160 180 835
30KILPELAINEN OSSI FIN 275 210 180 178 127 106 801
31OLDFIELD DAVID GBR 31734 192 154 180 113 180 819
32JENSEN ESBEN DEN 4211 205 80 180 180 180 825
33PERSSON ANDERS SWE 8335 158 99 180 180 172 789
34PAJUNEN TIMO FIN 294 118 180 180 180 117 775
35JOHANSEN HÅKON NOR 92340 210 66 160 175 180 791
36AMLIE HÅVARD NOR 54753 210 180 180 26 180 776
37CARTER JOHN E GBR 50520 210 65 180 180 154 789
38LIHTAMO MATTI FIN 359 209 180 180 180 0 749
39VALO JARI FIN 1654 210 180 49 151 180 770
40VALKONEN KIMMO FIN 4402 0 180 180 180 180 720
41VAN ELDIK ANTON NED 56530 81 82 180 180 180 703
42NERENG VEGAR NOR 5769 189 0 0 0 0 189
43PAULSEN PAUL I. NOR 96313 85 42 0 57 0 184
PlasEtternavn Fornavn Nasjon L Nr Omg1 Omg2 Omg3 Omg4 Omg5 Sum FlyOff1FlyOff2Total
1ANDRIUKOV ALEXANDER USA 548719 240 180 180 180 180 960 420 366 1746
2LUMAN TONU EST 291 240 180 180 180 180 960 420 239 1619
3PEERS BRIAN RUSSELL GBR 27418 240 180 180 180 180 960 410 1370
4WOOLNER MIKE GBR 57957 240 180 180 180 180 960 380 1340
5TORGERSEN OLE NOR 1016 240 180 180 180 180 960 353 1313
6ROSONOKS VIKTOR LAT YL-006 240 180 180 180 180 960 351 1311
7MACKUS ROLANDAS LTU 232 240 180 180 180 180 960 321 1281
8HOLLANDER NILSERIK SWE 77 240 180 180 180 180 960 315 1275
9EIMAR BROR SWE 42 240 180 180 180 180 960 305 1265
10WIVARDSSON GUNNAR SWE 10011 240 180 180 180 180 960 298 1258
11BORTNE TOR NOR 1323 240 180 180 180 180 960 254 1214
12KUTVONEN ARI FIN 1842 240 180 180 180 180 960 248 1208
13RUYTER PIM NED 59499 240 180 180 180 180 960 238 1198
14LINKOSALO TAPIO FIN 2500 240 180 180 180 180 960 127 1087
15WALTONEN YRJÖ FIN 621 236 180 180 180 180 956 956
16BROBERG HÅKAN SWE. 376 237 151 180 180 180 928 928
17ISOTALO JUHANI FIN 3629 240 180 180 159 142 901 901
18LARSEN DAG NOR 564 180 180 180 180 180 900 900
19WOODHOUSE MICHAEL GBR 34262 233 180 180 125 180 898 898
20NERENG VEGAR NOR 5769 160 180 180 180 180 880 880
21WOLD JAN NOR 1897 240 26 172 180 180 798 798
22ANCANS JURIS (jr) LAT 293-YL 118 180 118 180 180 776 776
23GHIO WALT USA 15325 217 180 180 0 0 577 577
Resultat F1C
PlasEtternavn Fornavn Nasjon L Nr Omg1 Omg2 Omg3 Omg4 Omg5 Sum
1KUUKKA KAARLE FIN 2651 240 180 180 180 103 883
2ROOTS JURI EST 39 240 180 180 0 0 600
Resultat F1Q
PlasEtternavn Fornavn Nasjon L Nr Omg1 Omg2 Omg3 Omg4 Omg5 Sum FlyOff1 Total
1LINDNER ANDREAS GER 2139 180 180 180 180 180 900 273 1173
2LIHTAMO MATTI FIN 359 180 180 180 180 180 900 159 1059
Mura - Slovenenia
F1A Rnd 1 2 3 4 5 6TOTAL
300 180 120 120 120 120 960
1 Gobbo Massimilian ITA 7397 300 158 24 109 120 120 831
2 Terlep Danijel SLO 164.007 259 180 47 116 105 120 827
3 Savic Slavko J SRB F-345 286 127 120 37 120 120 810
4 Halicki Kamil POL 3777 247 180 120 84 55 91 777
5 Krupa Maciej J POL 6331 148 180 54 120 71 114 687
6 Oucek Andrej J SLO 143.025 160 145 40 91 120 120 676
7 Zachara Samuel J SVK 1137 124 171 105 94 51 120 665
8 Bitežnik Luka J SLO 142.051 149 37 120 73 120 120 619
9 Nikolov Nikolay BUL 310 300 180 32 23 78 0 613
10 Sychova Alina J UKR 544 138 70 120 47 120 100 595
11 Beták Matej J SVK 1141 128 180 0 120 80 59 567
12 Kremic Marko J BIH F452 140 180 0 66 98 48 532
13 Bardarov Borislav BUL 59 262 180 0 0 0 0 442
14 Bombek Igor CRO 835 300 107 0 9 0 0 416
15 Bonchev Cvetan BUL 614 300 113 0 0 0 0 413
16 Kešelák Jozef SVK 11 30 119 48 0 117 23 99 406
17 HolzleitneRudolf AUT 4300400075 225 160 0 0 0 0 385
19 Szijjarto Szilard ROU 321 277 94 0 0 0 0 371
20 Titan Jože SLO 6.02 150 180 0 0 0 0 330
21 Baric Roberto CRO 1074 300 24 0 0 0 0 324
22 Leško Robert CRO 84 231 90 0 0 0 0 321
23 Horvat Nenad CRO 1419 108 85 0 118 0 0 311
24 Filo Grega J SLO 143.019 135 172 3 0 0 0 310
25 Koglot Roland SLO 147.007 300 0 0 0 0 0 300
26 Necemar Tone SLO 3.171 300 0 0 0 0 0 300
27 Jakopic Miha J SLO 16.088 87 47 120 33 2 0 289
28 Može Bojan SLO 164.003 243 41 0 0 0 0 284
29 Meglaj Grozdan CRO 1823 156 0 120 4 0 0 280
30 Šiftar Crt J SLO 152.004 269 4 0 0 0 0 273
31 Sinic Milan SLO 6.052 198 3 68 0 0 0 269
32 Bagari Boštjan SLO 6.081 199 34 0 0 0 0 233
33 Šiftar Pavel SLO 152.002 112 115 0 0 0 0 227
34 Adrian Macsim ROU 11 100 122 0 0 0 0 222
35 Lemut Miha J SLO 143.018 154 66 0 0 0 0 220
36 Budimcic Miloš BIH F456 83 121 0 0 0 0 204
37 Slokar Tomaž SLO 175.002 204 0 0 0 0 0 204
38 Brussolo Vittorio ITA 7120 178 24 0 0 0 0 202
39 Bezak Ivan SVK 38-04 194 0 0 0 0 0 194
41 Žulic Damjan SLO 164.002 188 0 0 0 0 0 188
42 BlagojevicRadoje SRB F-014 87 84 0 0 0 0 171
43 Ferjancic Aljaž SLO 174.012 152 17 0 0 0 0 169
44 Vrtovec Ambrož SLO 142.006 168 0 0 0 0 0 168
45 Hudák Gabriel SVK 10 65 0 154 5 0 0 0 159
46 Krupa Henryk POL 6634 133 0 0 0 0 0 133
47 Maskovsky Ioan ROU 115 92 28 0 0 0 0 120
48 Gomboc Dejan SLO 143.01 114 0 0 0 0 0 114
49 Halicki Lukasz POL 3778 15 0 0 0 0 0 15
F1A Jnr
Rnd Rnd 2RnRnd 3Rnd 4Rnd 5Rnd 6TOTAL
300 180 120 120 120 120 960
1 Savic Slavko J SRB F-345 286 127 120 37 120 120 810
2 Krupa Maciej J POL 6331 148 180 54 120 71 114 687
3 Oucek Andrej J SLO 143 160 145 40 91 120 120 676
4 Zachara Samuel J SVK 1137 124 171 105 94 51 120 665
5 Bitežnik Luka J SLO 142.1 149 37 120 73 120 120 619
6 Sychova Alina J UKR 544 138 70 120 47 120 100 595
7 Beták Matej J SVK 1141 128 180 0 120 80 59 567
8 Kremic Marko J BIH F452 140 180 0 66 98 48 532
9 Filo Grega J SLO 143 135 172 3 0 0 0 310
10 Jakopic Miha J SLO 16.09 87 47 120 33 2 0 289
11 Šiftar Crt J SLO 152 269 4 0 0 0 0 273
12 Lemut Miha J SLO 143 154 66 0 0 0 0 220
F1B No.
Rnd 2RnRnd 3Rnd 4Rnd 5TOTALFlyOf 1
90 90 90 90 90 450 180
1 Yurtseven Ismet TurkTUR 7 90 90 90 90 90 450 107
2 Bilewicz Natalia J PolaPOL 6645 90 90 90 90 90 450 0
3 HelmbrechtHeiko GermGER 183 90 76 90 90 90 436
4 BlagojevicRadoje SerbSRB F-014 90 71 90 90 90 431
5 Skibicki Bartlomiej J PolaPOL 6300 90 63 90 90 90 423
6 Savic Slavko J SerbSRB F-345 90 90 90 63 43 376
7 MönninghofPeter GermGER 26 90 90 0 0 0 180
8 Silz Bernd GermGER 459 85 0 0 0 0 85
F1B Jnr 90 90 90 90 450 180
Bilewicz Natalia J PolaPOL 6645 90 90 90 90 90 450 0
Skibicki Bartlomiej J PolaPOL 6300 90 63 90 90 90 423
Savic Slavko J SerbSRB F-345 90 90 90 63 43 376
Toplice, Slovenia
MoravskeTruppe Reinhard AuAUT 2100160712 90 0 0 0 0 90
Roger Morrell