SEN 1513
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1491
- F1Q shoot out on the ice
- Wanted - Vacumn Bagging DVD
- Bear Cup Reporting
- F1A History
- Explanatory Note from USA TSC
Latest F1Q-info before voting in plenary
Last Saturday we had a high quality F1Q-duel in Bear Cup, Finland. I had heard some rumours that another fin, Heikki Salminen flies even better than Matti Lihtamo, last years cup winner. Now we saw Heikki in his first F1Q contest. Heikki is F1A flier like Matti from tens of years, some time in the Finish team.
Weather was not perfect; fully cloudy, temperature just over 0 C, light wind and some light rain or wet snow before noon.
They decided to fly all the day with 5s motor run, but made easy maxes on rounds after speedy, high climbs.
The fly-off they made with 5s/5min times. They waited some 8 minutes, but no change in wind or temperature, and they started. Matti made perfect vertical climb and bunt transition to high glide. Heikki launched a little right and back, but the model vent even faster very straightforward in 75 decrees, and made good transition to higher glide than Matti’s.
Both glided nicely with no up or down air. Matti’s model landed to the ice in 4min24s. Heikki’s still flying. Heikki admired fine glide and forgot to DT till Matti came to congratulate. Then, in time 6.15 he took it down from 5…10 meters.
Ossi Kilpeläinen
WANTED TO BUY: A recent set (if there are different versions) of Phil Barnes DVDs in good condition. VACUUM BAGGING MADE EASY.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thurman Bowls
416 Quay Assisi
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (386) 427-8171
Bear Cup Reporting
We had also this year a professional photographer Juha "Santtu" Salovaara taking pictures at the contest, they can be seen at: (you can still see last years pics at ).
After first round we had a break as the snow fall turned too intense, so I assembled my F1H and put a keychain videocamera onboard. The camera increases the sinkspeed considerably, but I still got some aerial video of the tent village, as in the light wind the model drifted just across the flight line:
F1A History
Martin Dilly
A bit more on the circle towing topic. The World Champs in Sweden (at Save, with an umlaut on the a, which might explain the earlier confusion) were in 1971, not 1970. 180 Is Max, shot there by the National Film Board of Canada, was directed by an F1A flyer, Bill Pettigrew; it's now on YouTube, but there aren't any shots of circle towing.
I certainly recall Jean-Marie Berthe of France circle towing at Wiener Neustadt in 1968 at an Open International there. His model had an offset towhook, rudder fixed for glide turn and wire-braced wings which flexed upwards alarmingly on launch, leading some of us to wonder whether the model might be under area at that stage in its career.
Explanation from USA Team Selection Committee
We would like to address a misconception and go over the process the TSC went through to arrive at the round schedule set in the 2013 program.
Reference the issue with the TSC "failing to follow the established precedent of HIGHLIGHTING/EMPHASIZING all changes to the program." That is not a true statement. When the program was sent to AMA for distribution ALL changes were not only highlighted in bold text but the text color was also changed to red. The program was printed on a B&W printer at AMA and the text style was inadvertently changed from bold to "normal." There was absolutely no attempt on the part of the TSC to conceal the changes. In hindsight, it may be a plus because it requires participants to actually read the program rather than just skimming it for highlights. If anyone is having trouble reading it, I would be happy to email them a copy with the highlights.
Some feel that the round schedule at the finals has been too long, making it more difficult to keep up a rhythm. The original setup we came up with for this program was to use a 20-minute round and 10 minute break. Some reasoned that a 20-minute window more closely represented the block of time each team member would use when a 55-minute round is divided by three at a world champs. However, at the world champs if one team member has a problem, the team can advance one of the other flyers and the person with a problem can gain a little time. So we decided to cut the break to 5 minutes and make the round 25 minutes. We also thought it would be an advantage to set a schedule where all of rounds begin on an even 30 minutes.
Some thought that this would put an extra burden on the time keepers. In practice, it is possible that someone could wait until the end of the round to fly, leaving a timekeeper only 5 minutes for a bathroom break. But, this scenario would not likely play out on more than a few poles per round. However, this possibility was the impetuous for the lunch break. Also, there is always a lunch break at the World Championships, and we felt it would be a good idea to get used to a break in the action. This break can also be used for retrieval or rest.
This is the first time we are attempting this regimen, and we tried to build time into the schedule where it is most important. We wanted to maximize our opportunities to get in a good, fair flyoff in all events. A schedule with three evening flyoffs was cramped, and we felt inevitable delays would force a cancelation of the most important (see history below) half-an-hour-prior-to-sunset flyoff. There is a good chance that this flyoff would determine a team member and the next day could begin fresh. We scheduled a flyoff for the next morning if one is needed.
Remember the CD and or Jury can postpone or delay rounds if retrieval is becoming a problem.
Most importantly, this schedule allows time between the last scheduled round and the first scheduled flyoff for people to prepare, retrieve lost models, repair damaged models, or test. In the event of bad weather it would be possible to make up a lost round in this time period and still have adequate time to prepare for a flyoff.
If the program is a success and we are able to find a suitable field other than Lost Hills for the next cycle, a schedule will be written to fit the new field and hours of daylight available. Again, I urge everyone to be constructive and work together to help make this an excellent finals.
Chuck Etherington - TSC Chair
Blake Jensen - TSC Vice Chair
TS Committee
Some World Champs history:
In 1997, all three events were decided in evening flyoffs.
In 1999, conditions did not permit flying in the afternoon and all events went directly to a 10-minute flyoff the next morning. This lead to large flyoffs that diluted the timer pool and all of the competitors did not have equal timekeepers.
In 2001, all events flew a five- and seven-minute flyoff in the evening, which cut the field to a manageable number of participants for the final flyoff the next morning.
In 2003, all events except F1C, which could not complete seven rounds because of weather, were determined in evening flyoffs.
In 2005, F1A was determined in an evening flyoff, F1B went to a morning flyoff because weather did not permit an evening flyoff. F1C had a five- and seven-minute round with five flyers maxing the seven and proceeding to a morning flyoff.
In 2007, F1A was determined in an evening flyoff, F1B experienced a weather delay and went to a morning flyoff after the four flyers who maxed out also maxed the five-minute round. All but first and second were determined in F1C in evening flyoffs.
In 2009, F1A and F1B were determined in evening flyoffs and all but first and second in F1C were determined in evening flyoffs.