SEN 1529
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- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1249
- World Champs Flash
- World Cup F1A FO score
- Timing on board
World Champs Flash
Tues evening in breezy condition they flew the 5 and & min rounds of F1C and the 5 min of F1B
In F1C Sychov of Slovenia was the clear winner with a great motor run and climb. Roy Summersby of Australia took second spot with a bad engine run that burped on the way up. Zito of Argentina was still chasing down wind. 4 of the 9 F1B made the 5 mins. I watch Bror Eimar of Sweden pick the right moment and do a great launch and climb. Later in talking to Bror's helper I heard they had a 3.3km chase
Next morning the weather was a whole lot better, a few patches of fog and light drift. Below 0 C at 8 am but warmed up when the sun came over the hill top. F1B was at 8:30. Bror Eimar was the clear winner follows by Audrey Burdov of Russia and Paul Rossiter of Australia. The 4 th place was Vladislav Urban of the Czech Republic. The drift took their models towards the trees and penalized everyone but probably did not affect the out come.
Next was the F1A, people had seen a number of spectacular launches in during the set up before the F1B FO. There is no doubt that Roland Koglot [345] nailed this one , perfect launch followed by a very nice glide got him well over a minute in front of second place Yuri Titov [277]of Russia. Number three was Sergei Makarov who beat out SCAT prez Jim Parker by one second. The glider guys drifted towards a fence and hay bales, with most of the top guys landing behind the fence and Makarov on top of the hay bales. Kogot was flying a LDA model with that appears to be an all black carbon wing. The next three flew flappers. Suprise was per Findahl who two right until the very last second in the round but appeard to have some difficulties and returned a very low score.
Rabbit sighting by USA F1C team during traing after the Flyoffs … or maybe it was a Texas jackalope?.
The great conditions are continuing through out the day with the field covered by people doing their last minute setup. There was certainly a doldrums period from 10 til Noon that if it continues will make the next 3 days very challenging.
It appears at this point there are some issues in accessing the WC web site but that will no doubt be fixed.
No great revelation from the Team managers meeting, although the organizers will move the flight line a little further from the trees to try and avoid the dropped seconds we saw in the F1B Fly off.
Embalse cup F1A fly off results:
1.Roland Koglot SLO +345
2 Yuri Titov RUS +287
3.Sergey Makarov RUS +270
Timing on Board
Dear List,
I felt I would like to comment on this, that was posted to the list:
->One comment on that is the communications from the organizers is
->lacking and eventhough we are in a official hotel we do not always get
->the information.
With my "great" experience of having participated one world champ as a
helper, I had some thoughts on this. As well in the work life and in the
hobbies it always seems that communication is lacking. As a more general
observation I have noticed that organizing world champs doesn't seem to be
that professionally serious business. Mostly this has to do with the
timekeeping, which arguably can be very very difficult sometimes. So, it
was great news to read in Facebook Limbergers and Van Allenes realtime
timekeeping system. I guess it is not that bothering when/if any results
or communication is available. But ongoing speculations about who flow
which amount of time really, is a real pain in the neck!
So, I lay my hopes in the new technology to make this hobby one that can
be taken more seriously.
Editors Comment
At this World Champs, so far generally the timekeeping has been of a very high standard.
The communications we spoke about is getting information to people. the kind of device Allard and Rene are talking about would not help with that.
WE all agree that having more accurate and automated time keeping would help. WE just have to take it fro Rene's very limited to proof of concept to an operational systems. Maybe there needs to be a local trial in Holland or Germany ?
We need to keep things in perspective and remember that the organizers of the major events to this because they like to support our support/hobby.
Roger Morrell