SEN 1545
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1349
- Help I need a Pylon
- Tangent Classic
- Mulligan hands over USA Vivchar dealership
- Equinox Cup
- As usual Tony Mathews identifies what's important.
- Third World Cup - rest of the story
Help I need a Pylon
AUGUST 19th 2011 F1 ABC& P
AUGUST 20th 2011 F1 GHJ&Q
Wayne Drake Perpetual Trophy for high time F1 A
(additional round time to fly both mini contests)
NOTE: F1 P, Q & J 1st Place Glass Only
ENTRY: $20 F1 ABC…$10 F1 GHJPQ
Prizes-- GLASS for ABC & GHJ
CO CD’S: RON MCBURNETT 503-551-3173
E mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MIKE ROBERTS 206-937-2740
E mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No Moto Flapping Allowed
Contestants must adhere to field/retrieval rules or face Disqualification from the meet.
Mulligan hands over USA Vivchar dealership
Mike Mulligan has decided to stop flying F1B events so won't be at the contests like he was in the past. Because of this he has decided to hand over his US Vivchar dealership to Roger Morrell. Both Mike and Roger have known Igor Vivchar for almost 20 years and flown his products. Over the years Roger worked with Mike on a number of Vivchar related products. Roger will carry the same stock of complete models and parts that Mike did. Igor Vivchar uses Roger's Magic Timers in his electronic models so Roger will have these and the parts for them. You can contact Roger through the Magic Timers e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Equinox Cup
The 2011 Equinox Cup will be held on 17th and 18th September, at Salisbury Plain.
This is a new World Cup event is for classes F1A, F1B, F1C and F1Q and all participants in these classes will be most welcome.
The flying site is situated off the B 390, between Shrewton, and Chitterne (See maps). For those unfamiliar with the site, it is a large area of rolling grassland, normally used by the Army, for training purposes. Retrieval is normally by foot, but under certain wind directions, a mountain bike can be used to advantage on tracks which cross the area.
The event site is in a holiday area and there are well appointed camp-sites and hostelries within reasonable distance. Please see attached list.
All competitors will receive an Equinox souvenir, and sticker.
Competitors information packs with details of pole positions, round times etc., will be available from Contest Control.
As a registered World Cup Championship event the relevant sections of the FAI Sporting Code will be followed.
The organisers reserve the right to vary the programme if unforeseen circumstances should arise.
Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C and F1Q.
Programme: Saturday 17 September - F1B, F1C - 5 rounds plus fly offs.
Sunday 18 May - F1A, F1Q - 5 rounds plus fly offs.
Entry Fees: 28 Euro / £24 for 1 class, and 6 Euro / £5 per additional class.
Juniors (under 18 on 31/12/10) 6 Euro / £5 per class.
Entry Forms: To arrive no later than 5th September. Late entries will incur a 50% surcharge, and field entries will be double.
Prizes: Prizes will be awarded down to 5th place. The prize giving will take place at Contest Control on Sunday evening.
Timekeepers: We will aim to have at least one official timekeeper per pole, but more than 1 person per pole can fly at any given time if another flyer is available to time. Volunteer official timekeepers will receive a souvenir and a bottle of wine. Your help with this will be much appreciated.
John Carter, Petite Maison, 45 Grindley Lane, Meir Heath, Stoke on Trent, Staffs., ST3 7LN, UK
Cheques payable to: BMFA – Equinox Cup
Recent previous entrants whose details are known will be sent entry forms.
Entry forms will also be available on the BMFA Free Flight Technical Committee web site
As usual Tony Mathews identifies what's important
From FB
LDA or LCA or ...
Rene Limberger
This morning, flew Flapper and Drela LCA with Victor Stamov on & quot;Roland's field" in Gorizia, IT. Beautiful morning with the alps in the background. Doesn't get much better than this.
Tuesday at 2:14am ·
Elmin Kerkez, Randy Secor, Siegfried Limberger and 12 others like this.
Allard van Wallene So who beat who, flapper or LD(rel)A?
Tuesday at 3:49am · 3 people
Tony Mathews So what's LCA stand for now? Low Camber Airfoil? And when did we start a new acronym? ;-)
Tuesday at 4:35am
Victor Stamov I think, LCA (low camber airfoil) is more right name. We can easy calculate camber and compare one airfoil with another. With a drag it is more complicate. To talk about Flapper funeral, I also think, is too early. More data next days.
Tuesday at 6:08am
Tony Mathews You have a point Victor, but it's also possible to have low camber and high drag (bad leading edge shape for example). And you could have low camber with low drag and a high sink rate (Mr. Findhal knows what I mean!). So it's complicated.... as you know!
Tuesday at 8:29am
Chris Edge "And when did we start a new acronym?" I used LDS (Low Drag Section) in my FFn report of the Fab Feb and claim it as orginal. It's now been stolen and re-appeared as LDS. I'm gutted I'm not going to famous for it - CHE (all rights reserved, no reproduction of the letters C, H and E in this order without permission. EoB has also been taken ...............)
Tuesday at 8:49am · 1 person
Allard van Wallene And "There's something about M....."
Tuesday at 9:04am
***key idea***
Tony Mathews The current key to F1A is not have the latest models (who could keep up with Roland?) but to be up with the latest acronyms. The true cognoscenti can use all the latest acronyms in a sentence without using any proper nouns or verbs....
Tuesday at 9:07am
Deniz Varhos Flapped LDA/LCA next step...?
Tuesday at 10:12am
Chris Edge ITFPaI ? CHE
Tuesday at 10:41am
Allard van Wallene WTF?
Tuesday at 10:46am
Deniz Varhos I would like a WTF model, please. :)
Tuesday at 11:03am ·
Tony Mathews I'll take 2 .... ;-)
Tuesday at 12:18pm
Allard van Wallene I have 1, just tried it tonight. Some WTF moments. Maybe I should name my model WTF-1
Tuesday at 1:12pm ·
Allard van Wallene Before anyone gets offended, WTF stands for 'Weak Turbulated Foil'
Tuesday at 10:01pm ·
Bart Rotteveel I already WTF but I'm not offended now that you have explained it (lol)
20 hours ago
Chris Edge WTF = Wallene Totally Foxed ?.
Third World Cup - rest of the story
Hello everyone,
As many of you have already heard, the CIAM recently approved the Canadian proposal to allow a third world cup contest to be held in all non-European countries. I want to personally thank everyone who helped me bring this idea forward; in particular Leslie Farkas and our representatives at MAAC who navigated the proposal from concept to formal acceptance by the FAI.
In discussions last year prior to the February Lost Hills contests there was a growing interest in having additional World Cup events in North America, with the Pan American Open as the obvious "test-case" candidate. Naturally, with two World Cups already scheduled by both Canada and the United States, this was not possible (absent some creative relocation of unused World Cups from other nations). We passed on this particular solution at the time (to the disappointment of some), but did not entirely abandon the idea of having the Pan American Open a World Cup event at some future date by way of altering the per-country World Cup limitations. Afterall, if there is interest in additional World Cups, and their addition can be balanced to maintain fairness in the World Cup point system, why would we limit them? We quietly brought the idea forward internally, and through our representatives at MAAC successfully advanced it at the CIAM meeting this past April.
Again, thanks to all supporters who made this possible; hoping to see you at the Pan American World Cup event in 2012 (wherever it may be held).
Chris Lenartowicz
(F1A Canada)
Roger Morrell