SEN 1577
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1469
- USFFC FAI Events
- Flapping, folding low dragging survey
- SWR 2012
- USA Junior Team Selection Clarification
- Genesco results
Hi Roger,
Could you add the following to the next SEN for me please?
For those of you heading to Lost Hills this weekend, here are a couple last minute clarifications & reminders.
The FAI line and official table will be separate, out and away from the AMA/OT/NOS as usual. Wind direction and velocity will determine exactly where we set up, but it will be in one of the normal locations. Look for my truck, the dark gray Suburban. I'll try to pick a spot no later than 7:15 each day. If we have to move during the day, there will of course be a break in the round times.
All entries will need to be made at the main contest registration table. They will check your credentials, take your money and give you flight cards. Every competitor should double check with the main table to see if there are any off-limits areas, such as carrot fields, etc.
F1Q will be flown on Sunday in conjunction with the "mini" events. The contest announcement shows F1Q as a Sunday event AND it is listed on all three days in conjunction with E-36. This is an error. F1Q will be flown on Sunday only, in rounds.
Round 1 begins at 8:00 AM on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday rounds will be 1 hour, Sunday rounds will be 45 minutes.
We have extended rounds scheduled for Round 1 on Saturday. F1A 210 Seconds. F1B, F1C & F1P (yes, F1P) will be 240 Seconds, weather permitting
Bill Booth Jr, FAI CD
Flapping, folding low dragging survey
This year there has been much interest, progress, noise etc about Flapper and LDA airfloided airplanes for both F1A and F1B plus some revisiting of the wing technology in F1C.. So how much of this is for real and how much is smoke , after all what's important is what delivers. We do understand that many factors go into winning and this is only one contributing parts. We would like to conduct a survey where we need help from you, our readers. So we want to know what the winner of every World Cup, World or continental champs or Americas cup event was flying - For example we want one liners like
Zeri F1C - Artem Babenko - Fold
Maxmen F1A - Roland Kogot - LDA
MaxMen F1B - Anatoli Ribchenkov - Trad
World Champs F1A Yuri Titov LDA
Use abbreviation -
Trad - for traditional
Flap LDA
Fold LDA
Flap Fold LDA [for Gil Morris :-)]
Results will be published in SEN
SWR Contest Link
pass it on, please. Ciao, Leeper
The weather was very nice with Sunday as close to a “fly and catch” as one can get.
We had a nice turnout of 17 registered fliers : five fliers from Canada, four from Florida, three from Connecticut,
two from NY, one from PA, one from VA, and one from MA . Only one fly-away (mechanical).
Saturday’s events:F1A:
Andrew Barron 180, 158, 180, 180, 83, 120, 180 = 1141
Michelle Barron 180, 180, 68, 180, 180, 44, 180 = 1012 jr.
Gina Barron 136, 10, 90, 180, 180, 69, 100 = 765 jr ( youngest flier)FiB:Ladi Horak 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 165, 180 = 1245
Tony Mathews 180, 180, 171, 180, 180, 180, 180 = 1251
Aram Schlosberg 180, 180, 180, 180, 129, 180, 180 = 1209
Fritz Gnass 180, 180, 180, 111, 180, 180, 180 = 1191
John Clapp 180, 180, 180, 104, 180, 180, 178 = 1182
Jerry McGlashan 180, 180, 110, = 470F1C: no contestantsF1Q :
Dick Ivers 180, 120, 120, 36, 120, 82 = 658 ( all flew 6 rounds)
Jim Mays 180, 70, 120, 59, 60, 38 = 527
Aram Schlosberg 180, 68, 120, 0 , 66, 120 = 447
Sunday events:F1G:
John Clapp 120, 120, 120, 120, 139* = 619 * 120 DT and timed to the ground.
Tony Mathews 120, 120, 120, 120, 130* = 610 * 120 DT and timed to the ground.
Jack Merrifeld 120, 120, 120, 85, 120 = 585Dave Lacey 120, 8, 120, 120, 60 = 428Fritz Gnass 82, 120, 87, 120, = 409
Don Rousseau 63, 120, 23, 120, 51 = 377
Ladi Horak 120, 120, 28, = 268F1H: No contestantsF1J: Jean Pailet 120, 79, 120, 120, 111 = 450John Clapp CD Jerry McGlashan Assistant CD
Roger Morrell