SEN 1371a
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1290
*FAI Style CLG at the Ike*
Ralph Ray has offered to sweeten the pot in the FAI style CLG event. He is donating three, really cool digital gram scales, for places 1,2, & 3. Of course he is planning on taking one back, but that leaves two for the rest of us! Thanks, Ralph!
Remember, loaners will be available, fly in rounds (8am start, Sunday), 6" stick - both glider and stick must be held in YOUR hands, no rubber restriction. So Martyn, yes, you can use a coupe motor - heck, if you think you can stretch it, you can use a Wake motor!
We're also flying AMA HLG and CLG either day and don't forget the Leeper's 12" BTV CLG elims on Sunday.
You can see the wood chuckers got to me, and it should be a lot of fun!
*OK in all Ike events*
Vintage FAI Gas:*
Dave Parsons has agreed to be Vint Gas event director. This will be the first test of the 2010 rules. We discussed and prepared the following statement for Isaacson use:
The intent of the vintage FAI event is to build and fly the historic FAI power models
as they were originally designed in a competition where the rules have reproduced each time
period in such a way as to make one period reasonably competitive with the others. (from NFFS rules)
For the 2010 Isaacson Winter Classic, vintage power models from any era will be allowed to compete in any later era, provided that the model is configured to satisfy the requirements of the later era. The proper era is determined by the engines designated as eligible for that particular era. A model cannot compete in an era that is earlier that the era of its design.
The complete rules are available at:
*Moffett Opportunity!*
Roger and I got this note from Jim Bennett-
"Record setting opportunity, contest directors Norm Furutani and Roger Morrell are aware the winner will become the Cat II record holder. Only one record now stands in Moffett, Bob Bienenstein's Open Cat III set in 1996. All others are unfilled including all Junior and Senior."
Best regards,
Jim Bennett
Lastly, and most important!
*It may be a little chilly Sat nite at the burger feed (everyone is invited, even if not entered), so I called Peter Allnutt and asked if he would be the BonFire event director. He said gladly! He even has wood but no way to get it from Taft. So if anyone can help it wood be appreciated! Even if you can't help Peter, and you're a local driving in, see if you can lash an extra log or two to your Honda. Let's make Peter happy!
Registration will begin around 1pm Fri afternoon
Drive safe! Seeya this weekend!
- Norm and Roger