SEN 1442a
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1317
- French Team for Argentina
- Krka Cup
- California Invitational reminder
- Updated NFFS second hand Pubs
- SWR Heads Up
French team for Argentina :
This week-end was planned the team selection contest with the usual format, 14 flights on two days.
Saturday the weather was fair but rather windy, wind speed increasing regularly during the day. Sunday dawned with an already strong wind. We waited till 10am and then cancelled all the day because wind speed was well over the official limit.
So accordingly to our rule, the saturday's 7 flights were aggregated with our Nat's 7 flights.
The resulting team consists of:
F1A: Edgar BERNARD, Francois MOREAU,Guillaume VAUCELLES.
F1B: Jean-Claude CHENEAU, Didier BARBERIS, Eloïse RIGAULT.
Hoping that no financial or administrative occurs !!!
Bernard Boutillier
WORLD CUP KRKA CUP 2010 Free Flight Aeromodeling F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P, F1Q
Participation: Competitors (and team) must possess FAI sporting license valid for year 2010.
Date and place: 15th - 17th October 2010ŠentjernejSlovenija (SE from Ljubljana – 85 km,
E from Novo mesto 18 km, W from Zagreb 55 km)
Entry fee: Each competitor 30 € , second category (additional) 15 €(sum 45 €), junior each category 15 €.
Registration on the competition field 50 €
Attention: Please pay to the bank account at
Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana
Trg republike 2, 1520 Ljubljana
International Bank account number (IBAN): SI56029700012723267
Za slovenske tekmovalce (for Slovenian competitors):
Please take the transfer copy with you to the registration.
Registration will take place as usually at the Hotel Otočec, which is situated by the road Novo mesto - Zagreb, on Friday, October 15th, from 16 h to 20 h.
F1A , F1QStart of competition 16th October at9h
all round duration from 1 – 7 is 55 minutes
rounds break (depends on the weather condition) – 5 or 15 minutes
fly offs – from approximate 17 h
round 1 - max = 210 sec
rounds 2 – 7 - max = 180 sec
In case of inconvenient weather conditions the organizer has the right to change the time of beginning and the duration of flights.
F1B and F1C, F1P start of competition: 17th October at 9h.
all round duration from 1 – 7 is 55 minutes
rounds break (depends on the weather condition) – 5 or 15 minutes
fly offs – from approximate 17 h
F1B, F1C, F1P round 1 - max = 240 sec
F1B, F1C, F1P rounds 2 – 7 - max = 180 sec
In case of inconvenient weather conditions the organizer has the right to change the time of beginning and the duration of flights.
PRIZES: In each category the best three ranked competitors and the best three ranked juniors (F1A) will get the cup (min number of competitors is 3).
The transitional cup, donated by the mayor of Novo mesto Mr Alojz Muhič, will be given to the winner in team challenge (team: 2 x F1A, 2 x F1B, 2 x F1C) and shall remain in custody of the winning team until next KRKA CUP – 2011.
The teams will be formed by the organizer and competitors and will be confirmed on Friday, 15th October 2010, at the registration.
BANQUET: will be on Saturday, 16thOctober, at 19h, after F1A, F1Q competition, at a very pleasant inn 5 km away from the flying site. The location is marked on the map the competitors will get at registration.
TIMEKEEPERS: Organizers will provide local timekeepers. Each team with more than three competitors may enter a timekeeper and these timekeepers will have preference over others.
The intention to enter a timekeeper should be announced in the Entry form.
These timekeepers will have the same arrangements as the local ones, which means that the organizer will provide meals and banquet for them as well.
Attention: Organizer tray hard to clean the bushes and the smaller trees around the competition field.
Anyone who needs invitation for obtaining a visa should contact us before 15th August 2010.
Entry forms should be delivered until 1st October 2010 on the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Fax: ++386 7 33 48 222
The list of registered competitors will be available from 15th September 2010 on.
36th. California F.A.I. Invitational
October 9th. And 10th. 2010
Nostalgia Wakefield can be flown both days, (But must finish the same day)
Flt. Duration as per NFFS Rules. 2 min, 3 min. 4 min. etc.
-7- One hour rounds starting at 08:00 hours
“ 5:15 to 5:25 “ 5:30 to 5:40 “ 5:45 to 5:55
F1-G, F1-H and F1-J Sunday October 10th. 2010
First flight for all Mini events will be 180 seconds
-5- flights of One hour starting at 8:00 hours
Fly-Offs will start short after the end of the 5th round 5, 7, 9 min. increments
***There will be NO timers provided, please find someone to fly and time with you***
Medals to 1st , for all FAI & Mini events, Certificates for 2nd. and 3rd place
Certificates 1st through 3rd for Nostalgia Wakefield
Note: Per AMA directive, all competitors must have AMA Insurance
Entry Fee US $20:00 for F1-A, F1-B and F1-C
$10:00 for F1-G and F1-H and Nostalgia Wakefield
Contest Director: Juan A. Livotto, 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066
Phone (310) 391-5986……..e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Updated NFFS List of Available Recycled Symposia and Related Publications
•Another Shipment of used books just arrived, but a bunch of the previous list has already sold
Symposium Issues
1969 (3)
1971, 1975,1976 (2),1977,1978,1979 (2),
1990,1991 (2),1992, 1883, 1994(4),1995 (2),1996, 1997,1998,1999
Related Publications
BMFA Free Flight Forums: 1994, 1996, 2005, 2007
1979 World Championships Report
1993 International Plansbook (2)
Indoor Flying Models Book by Lew Gitlow
All used books are available first come, first served. All are intact and with only minimal scuffing. The cost is $10 per book plus shipping. Contact Bob Stalick <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> for information and ordering.
Make your SWR travel plans now:
The 61st Annual Southwest Regionals, Eloy, Arizona
about halfway between Phoenix and Tucson
15-16-17 JAN 2011
3 Contests, same weekend, same big site:
~AMA/NFFS/SAM/ FAC Free Flight: all 3 days
~FAI Free Flight: Saturday & Sunday
~SAM RC Old Timers: all 3 days
plus a free swap meet at the field 2pm Saturday near the AMA officials table.
Bring your own tables.
Vendors are welcome.
See event listings, local facilities, maps at:
http://aalmps. com/eleveninfo. htm
See you here?
AL Lidberg: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A. A. Lidberg model plan service:
2011 Southwest Regionals at Eloy sign up info:
http://aalmps. com/eleveninfo. htm
SW Regionals history at: nu.htm
Roger Morrell