SEN 1385
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1315
- SCAT Annual Report
- SEN Back Numbers
- It's not just a few mentors
- Lost Hills Update
SCAT Annual Report
Let's see: near-perfect Wx = great performances = many happy faces!
Sixtyfive flyers made 727 official fights by my count.
That includes more than a double fistful of maxes for Tim Batiuk during his record-breaking run to beat his own OHLG record with 45:50, for the high
time of whole contest!
Stan B was 2nd with 12 maxes. So combined they did 34 maxes, or 20
more than the combined total for the rest of us chuckers!
Brian Pacelli was a superstar also, as he won both F1B & F1P flyoffs.
It was that kind of weekend, boys & girls.
Greenery all over, mild temps, no dusters blowing, max breeze maybe 5 MPH,
beaut sky full of thermalling free flight ships, with surprisingly few downdrafts, great evening air for FOs & endless test flying ..what more
could one ask for?
Quite a few juniors attended, including some from the East Coast who could
not get here last month due to the horrid storms in their areas. Rocco Ferrario
brought down a happy group of kids from Napa for the small glider events.
Hector Diez & Jim Parker dealt with the equipment shed items & on-field
score control. The scoring table was ably handled by Sharron Emery, Mike
Thompson, Dean Clark, Tim Batiuk and myself.
I sincerely thank them all, as it eased the load considerably.
F1A-16 flyers, 8 in FO
1. Rene Limberger 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+300=1590
2. Mike McKeever 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+230[+420TB]=1940
3. Mike Thompson 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+230[+230TB]=1750
4. Jim Parker 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+227=1517
5. Peter Allnutt 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+176=1466
6. Ken Bauer 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+144=1434
7. Miles Johnson 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+128=1418
8. Don Zink 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+ 99=1389
9. Gene Ulm 210 180 162 180 164 180 180=1256
10. Oliver Cai 210 180 118 180 180 180 180=1228
11. Vasi Bezchasny 210 180 180 180 180 106 180=1216
12. Brian Bauer 210 152 180 139 180 180 163=1204
13. Dean Clark 210 169 180 85 180 180 180=1148
14. Peter Brocks 117 180 163 119 180 180 180=1119
15. Hector Diez 210 180 139 180 180 0 180=1069
16. Norm Smith 210 180 180 123 180 70 76=1019
F1B-24 flyers, 6 in FO
1. Brian Pacelli 240 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+383=2003
2. George Batiuk 240 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+303=1923
3. Mike Davis 240 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+275=1895
4. Dave Saks 240 180 180 180 180 180 180+260=1580
5. Charlie Jones 240 180 180 180 180 180 180+248=1568
6. Walt Ghio 240 180 180 180 180 180 180+0=1320
7. Tiffaney O'Dell 240 180 180 180 180 176 180=1316
8. Bill Booth 240 180 180 180 180 171 180=1311
9. M. Schroedter 240 180 180 180 180 166 180=1306
10. A. Andriukov 240 180 180 162 180 180 180=1302
11. Richard Wood 240 180 180 160 180 180 180=1300
12. Blake Jensen 240 180 180 150 180 180 180=1290
=13. J Raymond 206 180 180 180 180 180 180=1286
=13. R Tymchek 240 180 146 180 180 180 180=1286
15. Tom Vaccaro 240 180 180 137 180 180 180=1277
16. Rich Rohrke 240 180 180 138 180 180 160=1258
17. Mark Belfield 240 180 180 117 180 180 180=1257
18. Jack Emery 240 180 180 180 107 180 180=1247
19. A. Schroedter 240 180 180 180 180 96 180=1236
20. R. Piserchio 240 180 180 109 180 162 139=1190
21. Allen Ulm 240 40 115 180 180 180 61=996
22. Jerry Fitch 240 180 180 144 0 0 0 =750
23. S. Malkhasyan 0 0 180 180 180 180 0 =720
24. M. Achterberg 240 180 144 0 0 0 0 =564
F1C-6 flyers, 5 in FO
1. Ed Carroll 300 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+420+450=2550
2. Austin Gunder 300 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+420+371+2471
3. Randy Secor 300 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+401=2081
4. Lynn Pulley 300 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+352=2032
5. Jeff Ellington 300 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+319=1999
6. Matt Gewain 917 180 20 DNF=517
F1P-2 flyers, both in FO
1. Brian Pacelli 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+337=1927
2. T. Malkhasyan 210 180 180 180 180 180 180+300+294=1884
F1G-14 flyers, 7 in FO
1. M. Schroedter 120 120 120 120 120+238=838
2. Bill Booth 120 120 120 120 120+147=747
3. Tiffaney O'Dell 120 120 120 120 120+146=746
4. Peter Brocks 120 120 120 120 120+140=740
5. Dave Saks 120 120 120 120 120+100=700
6. Bob Tymchek 120 120 120 120 120+ 99=699
7. Rich Rohrke 120 120 120 120 120+ 0=600
8. Mark Belfield 120 120 120 120 100=580
9. Troy Davis 120 118 120 100 120=578
10. Bob Van Nest 120 120 82 120 101=543
11. Gene Jensen 120 96 99 88 120=523
12. Richard Wood 120 120 120 31 DNF=391
13. Joel Raymond 120 120 120 7 DNF=367
14. Tom Vaccaro 120 120 104 DNF=344
F1H-5 flyers, 2 in FO
1. Jim Parker 120 120 120 120 120+240+360+96=1296
2. Mike McKeever 120 120 120 120 120+240+360+86=1286
3. Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 0=480
4. Mike Thompson 120 120 120 108 DNF=468
5. Vasi Bezchasny 120 105 98 DNF=323
F1J-4 flyers, all in FO
1. Austin Gunder 120 120 120 120 120+240+360+480+257=1937
2. Terry Kerger 120 120 120 120 120+240+360+480+155=1835
3. T.Malkhasyan 120 120 120 120 120+240+360+480+106=1786
4. Brian Pacelli 120 120 120 120 120+48=648
Outdoor Hand Launch Glider-10 flyers, incl 4 Juniors
1. Tim Batiuk 120 x 22+110=2750 & new AMA record !
2. Stan Buddenbohm 120 x 12+ 91=1531
3. Miles Johnson 120 x 5+80=680
4. Lee Hines 120 x 3+114=474
5. Gene Ulm 120 x 3+57=417
6. Ken Bauer 120 x 3+23=383
7. Ricardo Samario 120 104 120=344
8. Alex Neal 120 68 120=308
9. Anthony Guzman 106 120 43=269
10. Jordan Oliveira 23 25 49=97
Catapult Glider-10 flyers, incl 4 Juniors
1. Stan Buddenbohm 120 x 7+41=881
2. Rocco Ferrario 120 x 6+75=795
3. Ken Bauer 120 x 4+102=582
4. Lee Hines 120 x 4+ 48= 528
5. Tim Batiuk 120 x 3+116=476
6. Gene Ulm 120 x 3+77=437
7. Ricardo Samario 120 119 120=359
8. Anthony Guzman 120 97 42=259
9. Alex Neal 112 80 55=247
10. Jordan Oliveira 26 30 35=91
Classic Towline Glider-4 flyers
1. Hector Diez 86 154 240=480
2. Stan Buddenbohm 120 180 96=396
3. Taron Malkhasyan 120 125 108=353
4. Tim Batiuk 96 76 150=322
Nostagia Wake-4 flyers
1. Tom Laird 120 180 240 240 191=971
2. Wes Funk 120 180 240 240=780
3. Juan Livotto 120 180 240 154=694
4. Craig Cusick 120 180 163=463
Vintage FAI Power-4flyers, 5 entries
1. Dave Parsons 345 180 180 180 180=1065
2. Glenn Schneider[V2] 231 180 180 157 180=928
3. Tom Laird 205 180 180 180 174=919
4. Wes Funk 301 106 180 146 132=865
5. Glenn Schneider[V3] 213 180 180 111 180=864
That is the 10-4 mark for this year's fabulous SCAT Annual.
from yr hmbl CD & srvnt,
So what's this about Tiffaney beating Blake in her first F1B contest ? So have you entered the FAI Team program yet ?, just don't paint it pink.
It's not just a few mentors
I enjoyed reading Martin Dilly's piece on the restricted model proposals. Well written and to the point, as we have come to expect from Martin. However, I must take exception to his comment about the US Junior program. He states 'In the USA it seems to be a case of a few enthusaistic mentors and personal benefactors'. Being the chairman of the committee that organizes junior activities in the US, let me state that there are many more than just a few mentors, almost the entire free flight community are mentors. And benefactors as well. The US Junior Team is solely supported by donations from this same community. And I would remind you that this is no easy task, being as we have to travel from the US to Europe for every Championship. Point is, the only way it works is because everyone is involved, not just a few.
George Batiuk
Missing SEN
- name of person removed because it's really for general information
I can't easily resend missing SEN to individuals. I do resend to blocks if there is a big foul up. You can always get back numbers online at
At the present no major ISP or public SPAM organization is blocking SEN [except for University of Newcastle, which is not your problem!]
sportsman wrote:
Hi Roger,
I seem to have missed out on 1382 and 1383, due possibly to the usual IP issues you refer to from time to time. It must be only to do with certain content as the latest edition 1384 came through fine. Could you please resend me 1382 and 1383 please with a separate email to let me know. If we still have problems I'll look for another email address as a solution,
Lost Hills Update
I got a call from Scott at the Lost Hills campground to give me a heads up that a trailer had been stolen and another broken into and that if I was concerned I should take my trailer home. In both the spring and fall I keep my trailer at Lost Hills because there are a number of contests close together and it have to fuel cost in towing it up from home. He reported and in recent weeks there has been an increase in crime in Lost Hills. This is wider in scope than the campground and the motels have also had some incidents.
I the good new side I was able to find an alternate storage place not too far from Lost Hills that is more secure with an on site person and dog. In addition this other place rents trailers and will put them on-site. Most of his customer are boaters who go to Buena Vista and the like. He tows the trailer on site and sets it up for the customer and them takes it away afterwards. It might work for some out of town visitors for Fantastic February or Endless October as a tow vehicle is not required. Admittedly the owner has not seen our flying site ...
Roger Morrell