SEN 1447
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1256
- On F1A flyoff blues
- F1E Team Selection
- missing the bath tub
- ADo6 plugs
- more F1A Blues and Haggis update
- Gunder goes scale
Ken, the good news is that I think entire F1A flyers having the same dilemma on each flyoff.
From my impressions, the way I decide on the flyoff tactics is estimating the air conditions before the flyoff;
- If it's strong thermal conditions, it's better for me to have no risks and fly with the herd (mostly downwind), most of these flyoffs having enough brave flyers upwind.
- If the weather condition is weak in compare to the max time, then the tactic depends on the evaluation of the other flyers' performance, if I feel a good chance I'm focusing on the flyer I estimate with the highest performance and try to catch the same air, if I feel disadvantageous I try to find different air.
However, one of the major important thing for me, is to keep an adjustable mind for change of conditions, decide and act immediately, therefore I tend to agree with you that a situation of leaving the downwind after a few minutes to pick more air possibilities might be very helpful. (I think I had that luck on 2008 EC last flyoff J)
Lior Bachar
Virtual Aircraft Museum - missing the bath tub
No aircraft museum is complete without showing the Aeronca C-2 (flying bathtub) that was the first to usher in General Aviation in 1929. It was designed by a modeller from New York by the name of Jean Roach. This museum is not complete as the C-2 isn't shown.
Gil Morris
AD .06 glow plugs
I am currently running an AD.06 in my F1J models and am almost out of glow plugs. If anyone knows what glow plug (seems to be a button style with steel clamping ring and looks similar to a standard Nelson Plug) this motor uses would you let me know please. Could it be a two piece Nelson plug ? If anyone knows where I can purchase plugs for this motor would you let me know please either by a reply to SEN or my email address.
John Lewis
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Re: Bauer's Fly-Off Blues.
Saint SCAT,
My technique for avoiding the fly-offs blues is to screw-up on the rounds flights, thus totally avoiding the fly-off and all the hassle it brings. If I screw-up on the screw-up and reach a fly-off I simply relax by getting high on Haggis.
Cordially, EoB
BTW EoB - we are working on a new Lost Hills gourmet delight - rattlesnake haggis , watch for it at Sloane's at the Maxmen...
Gunder goes scale ...
... full scale that is, well known F1C and F1J sportsman Austin Gunder has been seen in a single seater Pitts. The only question I have is how he gets in it. Even though he is no longer playing football and may have bulked down a bit, Austin is still a tall big guy. The Pitts is a very small airplane and it must be more like Austin putting it on rather than getting in it.
Roger Morrell