SEN 1458

Table of Contents - SEN 1458

  1. F1A on You Tube  ** MUST SEE **
  2. Bikes for sale
  3. Another bike for sale
  4. ABAS Electronics for sale
  5. Thanks to ..
We do not normally send 2 editions of SEN in one day, not even if we get get for sale notices from people as important as Chuck and Rene :-) but we just saw the You Tube F1A Video and had to share ...

F1A on You Tube

A must see on You tube -  F1A basics by the best.

A Findahl Family production - World Class flying, it looks so easy :-), great video and sound

Reviews so far -

Bikes for sale

I have two bikes and a trailer to haul them for sale. One of the
bikes is a 1980 Honda XL-100 that I can't get running anymore, the
other is a 2000 Honda XR-100 that is running well. Both have 4-stroke
engines. $100 for the XL and $500 for the XR. The trailer has new
tires...just purchased in Muncie at the 2010 Nats, $200 obo. Not to
worry, I am not quitting FF, just bought a new bike and three is too
Chuck Markos


Another Bike for sale

The SEN editorial Yamaha YT180 is for sale ... quick before I give it to NPR or some other worthy charity. Probably better than Chuck's XL but not as good as his XR . Located in CA ... where else, Does need work, probably runs ..

Offer to


for sale: ABAS electronic timers & gear

im selling my ABAS electronic timers and supporting gear. for sale are:


2 x ABAS+ electronic timers
2 x ABASpro electronic timers
4 x LV RDT tranceivers
1 x MV RDT & RDTDelay mini transmitter
1 x LV RDT, Delay, Trim, Steer tranceiver
4 x psion 3mx
1 x Psion-Abas programing cable
1 x Psion serial PC cable
1 x complete set of ABAS Firmware upgrade cables for timer, mv, lv
4 x abas charge cables
1 x set of charge cables for mv & lv


$1000 for the complete lot - all systems in perfect working order. contact me for details:

Thanks to

A couple of senior* California gum band sportsmen who gave donations in support of SEN.

* senior is anyone older than the editor.

Roger Morrell