SEN 1476
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 2133
- Leepers BTV
- Finals Commentary - Ghio
- Revised proposal - Ghio, Cowley and Simpson
- Sympos 4 sale
- Are you Crazy
Leeper's BTV West: or "it's all in the rubber Old Chap"
For those sportsmen planning to attend The Isaacson Winter Classic, Fabulous February Festivities, find some time over the Xmas Hols to knock up a couple of Olde Time 12 inch span balsa gliders to bring with you, to take part in the great Lee Hines catapult glider event: "Beat the Vartanian" (BTV) on Sunday Feb 13th. Plans for this little beauty can be downloaded free, at the AMA Glider website:
Lee recreated Leo Vartanian's diminutive design (Model Airplane News, Sept 1941, pages 32 & 33) as a catapult glider a few years back and was amazed by its consistent 80 second flights from such a tiny model. Lee is quoted as having remarked at the time to Guru Stan Buddenbohm ..."What have we learned in the past 60 years, that these guys didn't already know back in 30's?" (the answer of course is: "elastic" !). So, even if you are traveling from distant climes, there must be room in your luggage for a flat pack of ready-made parts which, "Andy Crisp-style", you can simply glue together on the field at Lost Hills, and win the event (as Andy has done in the past on his frequent trips to summertime French Contests). Hitch-hiking back home across France with a giant Winners Bouquet of Gladioli was a different story...
— Biggles
Further Finals Commentary for Ghio et al
Walt Ghio This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We have had several flyers ask questions about our Proposal. These questions centered on who gets into the fly-offs and how they continue if they do not make a maximum flight time for a fly-off flight. Also how the final results are completed if a maxed out flyer drops time in the fly-offs versus a one-day maxed out flyer that did max all the fly-off flights.
Due to these questions we have taken a look at the proposal and are making a small revision to our Proposal. Instead of a 2 mandatory flight fly-off we are increasing it to 3 mandatory flights. The third flight will be an early morning 10-minute max flight. All qualified fly-off contestants will complete the three flights and the total time will determine the team positions along with the alternates. After reviewing the feedback we felt this was the correct revision to make.
All changes to the proposal are in bold so you can see the revised version.
One of the flyers that called and asked question was Roger Simpson. After talking Roger agree to help us re-write the proposal. Roger’s experience as a committee member and long time competitor help us in revising the proposal. I believe a lot of you will like this revised team selection proposal. Remember to call, e-mail or us a 44 cent stamp to notify you district committee member you thoughts on a finals format.
Revised Ghio, Cowley and Simpson Proposal
US Team Selection Finals Proposal
Martyn Cowley / Walt Ghio / Roger Simpson
Rev 1 December 7, see Bold print for revision.
This US Team Selection Finals proposal includes two basic changes to the existing Team Selection Program, as follows:
1) The first change is to add three mandatory fly-off rounds, to be flown immediately after the end of round flying.
2) The second change is to define those who advance to the mandatory fly-off rounds in each event (F1ABC) and to define the scores that each competitor will take into the fly-offs, as follows:
(A). If you max all the rounds that are flown, the competitor is in the fly-offs with the maximum flight time achieved.
(B). If the competitor has maximum flights all 7 rounds on any given day, the competitor is in the fly-offs with any deficit time acquired on any other flights flown.
(C).The number of competitors advancing to the mandatory fly-off rounds shall not be less than 30% of the number of entries in each class.
Note: This proposal gives all competitors an equal footing. Each competitor has an assigned timer and an equal 30 minutes per round to fly in, under identical conditions at a single site.
Proposed Finals Schedule:
Section 1. Daytime Rounds: Utilizing the present Finals format: Four day Finals: 14, half hour window rounds, 7 rounds the first day and 7 rounds the second day, with the fourth day reserved for completion of a necessary minimum of 7 rounds in any event and or continuation of the fly-offs.
F1A flies days 1 (early round) and 2 (late round) and times day 3. The first 2fly-offsare held end of day 2 and the 3rd fly-offon day 4.
F1B flies days 1 (late round) and 3 (early round) and times day 2. The first 2 fly-offs are held end of day 3 and the 3rd fly-off on day 4.
F1C flies days 2 (early round) and 3 (late round) and times day 1. The first 2 fly-offs are held end of day 3 and the 3rd fly-off on day 4.
The standard rounds schedule will be used, i.e. a 30-minute time period for each round and a 10-minute delay between rounds. Each event would use the early or late round period and early or late fly-offs per the above schedule.
The first-round extended max each day shall be as existing Program, or per prevailing FAI Rules in effect:
F1A – 240 seconds
F1B – 270 seconds
F1C – 300 seconds
Section 2. Mandatory Fly-Offs: Three mandatory fly-off rounds using a 5 minute max, a 7 minute max, and a 10 minute early morning flight (per FAI rules) will be flown at the end of the last round flown. Competitors qualified for the fly-offs will fly all three fly-off rounds, whether or not they max each fly-off round.The competitor’s rounds time will be carried into the fly-offs and the three fly-off times will be added to the round score for a total time. The fly-off round times are 10 minutes.
The CD must schedule and conclude all the rounds, on day 2 and 3 (or 4), in sufficient time to allow for 2 mandatory fly-offs (5 minutes and 7 minutes) to be held within the available daylight, to conclude 30 minutes before local sunset or be completed on Day 4.
On day 3, the firsttwo mandatory fly-off events will split the round as follows: first 5-minute fly-off, 10 minute round for event F1C; 20 minute break; second 5-minute fly-off, 10 minute round for event F1B; 30 minute break; first 7-minute fly-off, 10 minute round for event F1C; 20 minute break; second 7-minute fly-off 10 minute round for event F1B. The proposed schedule for the first 2 fly-off rounds gives all participants a full hour between their fly-offs for retrieval and preparations.
On day 4, the third fly-off will be held in the order: F1A, F1C and F1B.
Note: If necessary the CD must conclude the rounds without completing all 14 rounds, (providing that a minimum of 7 rounds have been flown) in order to leave sufficient daytime to complete the 2 evening fly-off rounds, which take precedence in order to ensure fly-offs are part of the Selection process.
Section 3. 30% Minimum Fly-off Numbers: In the event that fewer than 30% of the total Finals participants qualify for the fly-offs, then competitors with the next highest scores will also advance to the fly-offs to make up a minimum 30% figure. The purpose for this minimum figure is to maintain a high standard of performance in the fly-offs, and to motivate those with the next highest scores to continue to strive for a Team place. The 30% fly-off figure is derived from the number of participants who have flown and recorded scores, rounded down or up to a whole number (example: 28 entries who flew x 30% = 8.4, rounded down to a 8 persons, as the minimum number to be qualified for the fly-offs). The 30% rule permits competitors who have dropped a small amount of time over both days, to still be considered as candidates for the fly-off, based on the highest accumulated total scores from all rounds flown on both days. (So in the example above, if only 5 competitors out of 28 are qualified for the fly-offs, then an additional 3 competitors will also advance, based on the highest accumulated total scores). Competitors who advance to the fly-off based on the 30% rule carry with them their deficit score from the rounds. In the event that the fly-off is already over subscribed, beyond a 30% figure, then no additional competitors will qualify by this rule. (Note: If the 30% figure is .50 or higher then the figure is rounded up to a whole person)
Section 4.Team Selection Criteria: Team positions and alternate position will be determined by total time of all the rounds and fly-offs flown.
Section 5. Bad Conditions and Reserve Day: Per the existing Program in the case of bad weather, if a total of 7 rounds have not been completed in the first three days of competition then the fourth day will be used to complete a minimum of 7 rounds. Fly-offs will then proceed after the seventh round. If for some reason the 7 rounds and/or the mandatory fly-off rounds cannot be completed in the 4 days, the Contest Director must schedule a "continuation" contest where the seven rounds and/or the mandatory fly-off rounds will be completed, under the direction of the Contest Director and the Jury. The Contest Director will be responsible to insure the proper number of timers are present and for model processing following completion of the fly-offs.
Conclusion: This Finals Proposal puts importance on final fly-off performance. You will not become a team member as in the past just by flying 14 rounds and not maxing out. A competitor must demonstrate in this selection process the ability to make maximum flight times in the rounds, and then perform under pressure for the three remaining fly-off flights. If you are a competitor who has maxed out,you carry a time advantage into the fly-offs and cannot be passed if you continue maxing. Winning the fly-off is really the ultimate test of skill a competitor must achieve to become a Champion.
— Respectfully, Martyn Cowley, Walt Ghio & Roger Simpson December 7, 2010
New Shipments of Old Symposia Arrive
NFFS Publications has received two new shipments of recycled Symposia. If you are looking to complete your set or are looking for that special article, it may be in one of these books.
As before, the books sell for $10 each plus shipping. All are intact, some have a bit of fading or writing here and there, but most look nearly new., Direct inquiries to <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> One copy is available unless otherwise specified.
1969 (3 copies);
1971; 1972, 1976 (3); 1977 (2); 1978 (3); 1979 (3);
1980 (3); 1988;
1990; 1991 (3); 1992 (2); 1994 (5); 1995 (3); 1996 (2); 1997; 1998; 1999;
Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications Services <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Are you Crazy?
To quote Norm who was quoting what Ike would have said "Are You Crazy?"
I thought that we had spelt everything out clearly. But I'm crazy already from the questions...
Just shows that Ike was smarter than us.
The Isaacson Winter Classic is hosting the Anselm Zeri Memorial Dutch World Cup Contest . It is all happening on one weekend. The MaxMen is the following weekend, with the PanAm Cup between, but that's another story.
That means that in not particular order:
I think I'll just make one of those Vartainian thingies ... but that sounds foreign too ...
Roger Morrell
New Shipments of Old Symposia Arrive
NFFS Publications has received two new shipments of recycled Symposia. If you are looking to complete your set or are looking for that special article, it may be in one of these books.
As before, the books sell for $10 each plus shipping. All are intact, some have a bit of fading or writing here and there, but most look nearly new., Direct inquiries to <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> One copy is available unless otherwise specified.
1969 (3 copies);
1971; 1972, 1976 (3); 1977 (2); 1978 (3); 1979 (3);
1980 (3); 1988;
1990; 1991 (3); 1992 (2); 1994 (5); 1995 (3); 1996 (2); 1997; 1998; 1999;
Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications Services <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Are you Crazy?
To quote Norm who was quoting what Ike would have said "Are You Crazy?"
I thought that we had spelt everything out clearly. But I'm crazy already from the questions...
Just shows that Ike was smarter than us.
The Isaacson Winter Classic is hosting the Anselm Zeri Memorial Dutch World Cup Contest . It is all happening on one weekend. The MaxMen is the following weekend, with the PanAm Cup between, but that's another story.
That means that in not particular order:
- the contest will be bigger
- the running of the Dutch World Cup event will be separated to make it easier for Norm and me and the event directors for the AZM DWC will be Pim and Allard from Holland.
- there will only be one set of FAI F1 events across all events.
- if they are World Cup Events they will be under the Anselmo Zeri Memorial banner - check the event flyers, for those not aware ABCPQ and E are World Cup events
- if the are not e.g. the mini events they will be run by the normal Ike team
- the appropriate events will count for the America's Cup just like before and like before Non-Americas Cup eligible sportsmen will be excluded from the Americas Cup points allocation.
- To help with the running of the World Cup part you need to pre-enter but you do NOT pre-pay - just e-mail the filled out form to the address on the flyer - read the AZM DWC flyer
- You need a FAI licence to score World Cup points and US sportsmen get that from the AMA Competition dept.
- For those not aware the FAI World Cup and for that that matter World Champs is not like the MLB World Series and does involve Global participation and even travel to other countries. But some people from outside of the USA have noticed a strange reluctance by some sportsmen to travel so to help these shy people have brought and additional World Cup contest here.
- There will be a combined prize giving complete with drawing for the world renowned Buddenbohm kits and Lost Hills Pistachios but Biggles unless the Leeper brings them no gladioli
- We have no idea if this will be part of the USA, or any other for that matter any other county's Team Selection for this up coming World Champs or any other... and don't care.
- Pim and Allard decided that they wanted to do T Shirts with a great picture of Anselmo. Not being fashionistas Norm and I have not done this is the past, we left it up to Biggles of Saville Row. You get the T-shirts from Allard and Pim - read their announcement. The t shirt looks great and is available to all for some financial consideration, probably a pittance to a fashionista. To be sure of getting one read the announcement and het at Lost Hills. But you do not even have to fly an F1 type of airplane and they would look great flying your twin pusher.
- For the time being you can send SEN questions for points not clear.
I think I'll just make one of those Vartainian thingies ... but that sounds foreign too ...
Roger Morrell