SEN 1484
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 2167
- Holiday Correspondence
- Frozen and Fried on FB
- WC 20111 updates
- Lost Hills membership reminder.
Holiday Correspondence
Merry Xmas and all the best for the new year.
I now know or think I do. How to pick a fai team.
There is so much rain here at the moment that I think that the nats will be off.
Kind regards,
Adrian in Oz
Fried Servo's maybe Frozen first on FB - encore
Ken Bauer
I've been preaching that electronics components should be "de-rated" for reliability but no one ever listens, hence I've been running my servos at 4V for years with zero failures. Speed is a little slower, but reliability trumps speed for me. Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!
Per Findahl
I think the problem is the high Voltage (Or the magnetic as Chris suggest !? Super cool guys or what was it ?).
I fly mainly with the standard M&K mechanics, like many others. And I'm aware of the problem with not smooth working mechanics. S...o with 6 Volts and lots of flying it seems as it is possible to blew a few servos every year. I think a lower voltage as Ken suggest could solve the problem.
Ramiro Gonzalez
Could it be due to low temperature? In one of those I'm wrong, but I happened once and it was a day that the temperature was very low, less than 0, was the only time that happened to me with a Servo-WW.
The moisture condenses on the inside ...and freezes, the ice stops the Servo breaking... maybe happen something with the very cold weather like in Sweden.
I use Hitec HS56, HS65, GWS Picco and Narro with M&K timer and I have no problem, only once burned a servo. Sorry if I'm wrong.
Roger Morrell
Ramiro, that is a very interesting idea. There are no bad ideas, this is difficult problem and all suggestions should be made. People test their systems by putting them in the freezer but that is typically a very cold dry environment. In t...he real world it may be different. Also the temperature inside the model changes once the model is on tow. Up to now I had been more interested in the effect of the temperature on components of relatchable hooks. Rene Limberger's altimeter records both altitude and temperature. I have seen output during hot weather not during cold. Then it dropped noticeably during tow.
If this is a problem it must be true for others in cold places too. Any one else see this?
With respect to Ken's comment I agree with him - both with respect to voltage and servo travel. I have customers who say they know Ken and some others just use one Lipo cell but "they" launch much harder they need faster servo movement so need 6+ volts. This is not always true as the internal resistance of a lipo is low so its voltage will not sag under load like it would with a NiMH. To win you have to be there at the end.
Chris Edge
I think the cold theory is a good one; perhaps someone can test ?
I use a single LiPo (iPod Nano) with 1 or 2 servos and they work fine with no obvious loss of servo speed. With 3 servos I use a 5v booster as the servo speed is noticeably slower; I've never tried 6v on any servo. I've never burnt out a servo (but I have burnt out a couple of boosters) so similar experiences to Snoopy [Ken Bauer's FB Avatar] above.
Anyway, what burns out ? If it helps I have 4 sets of Futaba S3154 and one set of Futaba S3110 drive electronics if anyone needs them.
Per Findahl
I think also the cold conditions will take more life out of the servos. But in fact, I cant say I had more servos breaking down during winter then in summer. But of course it can be that all flying in cold in the end makes the servos die, but it can be later, sometimes in the summer.....
Well Chris I have a few S3154 burnt servos at home.......
Allard van Wallene
I use all servos at 5.50 Volt. I never blew up a servo. But I have stripped teeth off a small gear in a flap servo. Now I changed to metal gears and that issue is solved as well. I've used Futaba, Dymond and MPX servos.
World Champs Update
The 2011 organizing committee has done further updates to the web site at It now includes Bulletin #1 . It shows 14 countries so far have made preliminary entries. Plus info on the World Cup contest.
Lost Hills Membership Reminder
Walt Ghio This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is a reminder for all flyers who attend contest at the Lost Hills flying site that you can save some dollars by signing up for membership by January 15th, 2011. If you cannot remember what year you have paid for visit the Lost Hills web site and check on your status. Sign up before January 15th and the cost is $20 or two years for $35. After January 15th the cost is $25 or two years for $40.
With the Isaacson/Zeri, Pan American Open and Max Men in February we would like to have the USA and Canadian flyers that plan on attending sign up by mail before the three contest. With all the foreign flyers attending it is quite a job to sign everybody up at the entry table and we would like to cut down on this work if possible. Thank you for your help.
Foreign flyers that plan on attending the February contest’s a Lost Hills membership for $10 will cover the three contests. All Foreign flyers must pay a $28 AMA Affiliate membership. You do not need to pay these fees before your arrival at the contest.
Sign up for Lost Hills membership will start on the field at 1 pm on Friday, February 11th for the Issacson/Zeri contest.
Send your membership fees to:
George Walter
LHFFMAA Sec/Treasurer
2412 Deerpark Drive
Fullerton, CA 92835
Make checks payable to LHFFMAA
Lost Hills web site:
Roger Morrell