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- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1508
Table of Contents SEN 1360
- Glide Omarama
- F1C for Sale
- No Moto in Montana, Wyoming or whereever Ben is
- Looking for Mike S
- Rule Clarification requested
- Innovation
Glide Omarama
For those that may be going to Omarama in April and want to burn some time before the competitions start, I offer the following activity. I checked with the full size glider operation there, Glide Omarama, and they will be in operation for flights or instruction. I have signed up for the two day introductory program on April 8th & 9th. If anyone is interested, there is a discount for two or more just as an FYI. Google "Glide Omarama" to check out their offerings and prices. It will be big fun and heck you are already there. Join me if you dare.
Best Regards
Mike Roberts
F!C for sale
Hi Roger,
Roy Summersby would like the ad (below and attached) to go into SEN. He would also like to receive SEN. He is at:
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Merry Christmas.
Strukov/Babenko, Straight drive, 4 panel folder. Very little use, no crashes, suits V.E. or Fora engines. Red transparent Ora covered $1350.
Strukov/Babenko Gear drive, 4 panel folder. No crashes very few flights suits V.E. or Fora engines. Red Fibre Film covered $1400.
Both models use Leonid Fuzeyev style wing systems with twin rubbers. The models have V.E. engines fitted in them at present and can be sold with the models if required.
I can deliver to Max Men in February.
More information and photos email Roy Summersby This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
No Moto flapping? Are you serious!!! Its a bad economy...I had just sold my block heater and baseboard heating to come back to CA from Wyoming to become a professional Moto Flapper! Mike Thompson's school of dirt tossing was set to commence in time for me to get a firm grasp on how to successfully moto flap and look darn good while doing it, right before the max men!AHH...however I have figured out an alternative entrepreneurial activity that could be quite lucrative. As long as I am reading the language right in the rules...a non flyer will be kicked off the I will be taking a flat fee of 20 dollars to find boys willing to ride motorcycles under strangely shaped crafts, and then depart from the field soon there after..Any takers? I am also prepared to rent out my newly acquired k-9. He can run with the best of them and also has a knack for releasing methane (hot air) into the atmosphere...the fee on that particular option will be paid in biscuits and vouchers for pets mart.
On to a more serious note. I remember flying in CA and thinking, why do the east coasters seem so happy to be here..after waking up many a time now in -20o weather, I am pretty sure I completely understand why. Now, I haven't attempted to venture out into my local elk refuge and fly my bunt bone merely because in this weather, even the grizzly bears full of blubber are saying routinely...leave my cave? F that...never the less it is my full intention to see how a black magic timer functions at 300 feet where it is -30.
And lastly, since moto lofting is there a possibility of Rene Limburger ripping off his shirt and whirling it in the air like some loon being outlawed as well in the near future? It is a truly sad time when men cant drink beer, smoke cigarettes, and take off their shirts and flailing them around for no apparent reason, to the untrained eye.
Everyone have a Merry Christmas. I miss you all very much, and hope to see you guys in the near future! God Bless
Fly Max Win
Benjamin Coussens
Looking for Mike Szurca
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I have lost the email address for Mike Szurca. Anyone know what is?
Dennis Kargol
[Note Biggles did include 2 very intersting pictures - normally I maintain a very high level of impartyiality and publish all such materiel. However the approach suggested by the Air Commodore could give me such an advantage at the next Max Men as well as rattle George's cage. theat I can't reveal them at this time - but wait and watch ...]
In Biggles note above the most important phrase is in the last paragraph -
"Rules only tell you what you cannot do, not what you can do, and so there remains unlimited scope for creativity of solutions"
Let's not lose focus what the F1 classes are really about and come up with new ideas