SEN 1346<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1584
Table of Contents - SEN 1346
- Indoor Info
- ISP Trifecta
- Al Grell
- Earl Boetler
- More Sidus
- CO2 stuff
- GSE stuff in CA for sale
- Westfac update
To all Indoor Free Flight enthusiasts...
ANNOUNCEMENT from Ralph Ray & Stan Buddenbohm!
Some months ago we began an effort to secure the use of the Tustin Blimp Hanger for a Free Flight Indoor Contest.
Our presentation/application was placed into the hands of the authorities in August '09. No word on that yet.
Then, on short notice, we were allowed to fly there, at a type of open house.
At some point, with luck, we will announce when our application is accepted, giving as much advance notice as possible.
Stay tuned,
Ralph & Stan
, via Lee Hines
ISP Trifecta
Re your difficulties with comcast and other ISP providers. You are not the only one bedevilled with these problems. I have found that communications with FFQ subscribers with comcast and att and verizon addresses are well-nigh impossible, as any message from my iinet provider in Australia is routinely rejected, being considered spam.
In some cases I have managed to convince the person in question to get another e-mail address with Gmail. This has worked out very well in all cases, but is not a solution for the problem.
It seems that the anti-virus techniques of the big providers are extreme and are causing too many problems. Perhaps among your SEN readers there would be experts with a more thorough knowledge of this particular issue, and that could tell us what can be done.
Sergio Montes
PS To win a Trifecta in Australian horse racing you must select first, second and third in correct order.
Sergio and others, SEN is semi-regularily bounced by Hotmail/MSN , Comcast and Road Runner. Our ISP goes to those people and gets it fixed. With those ISPS we get a bounce message that indicates there was a problem so we can follow up. However a number of other providers, in particular a number in Australia and New Zealand subscriber to a service and these ISP sliently ignore mail they consider to be span or do not provide a recourse to follow up. By a semifortuous concincence we have discovered that the service that is used is called SenderBase and now are able to ask our ISP to follow up with them.
The only approach is to have your ISP follow up with the providers when you e-mail is bounced and for our subscribersto move to another mail system or add a second system if they cannot get the mail they at their current provider.
My ISP has restriction on the number of e-mails that I can send and hour and some other details. I follow all of those as the software I user to e-mail out SEN provide the capability to do that. It can take 5-6 hours for the mailing to happen. I start it running and the software throttles the e-mail send rate.
Al Grell
Hello, All:
I was informed today by Linda Grell, that Al Grell passed away yesterday of a blood clot on the brain. He had complained of a headache on Saturday and was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in Corvallis. He went directly to the ICU and died there yesterday. Apparently, the clot was very large and pressed against his brain.
Al was one of the founders of the Willamette Modelers Club, and served in various capacities over the past 48 years. He was a competitor in many gas classes, although recently, his flying was curtailed. He was 82 years of age.
He was also one of my best friends, and I will miss him greatly.
I know of no other details at this time, but when I find out, I will inform everyone.
I would appreciate it if you would pass this information on to others who might not have received it.
Thank you,
Bob Stalick
My kids and I have very found memories of flying in Oregon in the mid 90's when we lived in the Pacific Northwest...
Janessa, Tyler and Cody all got to experience the fun of going flying and camping out a the Grell's farm.
Al & Dee Grell would host all the flyers at the farm, feed us breakfast and have potluck cookouts..
Great times!
Randy Secor
Earl Boetler
Long SCAT member and F1B flyer Earl Boetler passed away recently. He had been frail for a while so we had not seen him on the field recently.
Pat Ulm reports -I talked with Maurine this am:
her home address is: 17525 Via Cuatro Caminos
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
or, mail to: P O Box 843, same city & zip
She would like to have donations go to the AMA for the Jr. Team.
Pat Ulm
More SIDUS Info
Price list available here: Here is the link to a video of the Sidus F1B timer
that demonstrates one of its features, helpful in the event you have already pressed the start
button but you decide not to drop the model and delay
the start: There are 20 seconds to drop
the model after pressing the start button. In the last 5 seconds of this period the buzzer
beeps faster. After that, you can release the button but the timer won't start. By pressing
again the start button you have an another 20 second period where you can drop the model or not.
Full Gasparin CO2 competition model flying gear with models available
With my cartographic career about to go into overdrive I can't see me having time to do justice to my CO2 setup as well as Vint Glider, Classic Glider, Brit Glider, F1A, F1H, HLG and CLG classes in 2010. So rather than put them back into storage for a couple of years is anyone interested in a complete flying set?
Comprises two models (fuse DT) with run-in Gasparin 120 motors (2+min run on 3cc of gas), plus a new Gasparin 120 motor not run, spare props and Gasparin spares, plus possibly a Modella motor with little running (Gasparins are much better). Blue and white Corex model box with shoulder strap fixings for a retrieval box. Two Sodastream big cylinders, one still new sealed, plus adaptor valve. Mini injector filler for Sparklets soda syphon bulbs along with some bulbs. Small bottle low-temp gun oil for the lubrication. Can of freezer spray.
CO2 articles including those essential ones on how to increase power and motor run from standard motors, plus some plans if I can find them.
The whole setup is £140.00 and will be available to view, buy, take away at the Grantham Falcons Gala on 8 Nov at Barkston Heath.
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Free flight GSE (Ground Support Equipment) for sale.
After 28 years I am giving up my hangar at the Taft airport, and I need to dispose of (preferably soon) the following items:
1976 K-5 Blazer 4WD with 405 V8 engine and about 96,000 miles. It's a 2-tone,€” green & rust, but it has a class 3 trailer hitch, decent radio/cassette, good tires and the engine is strong. Includes 2 drip pans and a spare rear bench seat. $500.
Heavy duty steel motorcycle carrier that fits a class 3 trailer hitch. $50. Buy the Blazer and I'll throw it in.
Light steel frame trailer built by the great Sal Taibi. It is set up to carry a motorcycle and has an 8-foot plywood box for transporting large models. It's easily as pretty as the K-5. $175.
Electric aircraft tug for moving your airplane in and out of your hangar. $75.
WESTFAC II is now history. All the events and scores,including scale scores, can be perused on the WESTFAC web site at Also a new picture gallery has been created there for the WESTFAC II event.
Herb Kothe was named Grand Champion with Larry Kruse winning the coveted WALT MOONEY Memorial Trophy for Peanut Scale.
WESTFAC is a brand new Freeflight Scale and Sport event for the Western States and will be held on the odd numbered years at three different flying venues: Perris California, Gainesville Texas and Denver Colorado.
Roger Willis
Roger Morrell