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Table of Contents - SEN 1324
Sierra Cup
Rocky Mountain Champs
Looking for Igor Y
SEN 1323
2009 Sierra Cup Flyer
33rd Annual Sierra Cup FAI International Free Flight Contest October 3-5, 2009 A World and America’s Cup Event
Sponsored by: Southern California Aero Team Lost Hills, California, USA Schedule of Events: Saturday, October 3 F1A, F1B, F1C and F1P 7 one hour rounds starting at 8 AM. Flyoffs start will be posted after Round 7. Sunday, October 4 FAI “mini events” F1G F1H F1J Plus F1Q 5 one hour rounds starting at 10AM. Flyoffs start will be posted after Round 5. Fly offs beginning at 7AM for any 10 minute flyoff required from Saturday. Saturday Evening Banquet and Trophy Presentation at the Elks Club Lodge-Wasco. Monday, October 5 Reserve day The contest will be run to current 2009 FAI rules and maxes. Send Entries Fees to and Request Further Information to: Mike McKeever CD 4252 Mockingbird St Fair Oaks, Ca 95628 (916) 967-8475 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Entry Fees: Any single event (Mini or Maxi) $45 A “Mini” event and one “Maxi” event $60 As many events as you can fly $80 Entry includes banquet/extra banquet $20 each Entries to be received with check payable to SCAT by September 21.
Foreign competitors may advise of entry before September 21 and pay no later than October 3 Entry: Name:_______________________________ E-Mail__________________ AMA #___________________ Address:__________________________________State___Zip_________Country_________________ Event: Circle Those You Will Fly F1A F1B F1C F1P F1G F1H F1J F1Q Entry Fee and Extra Banquet Tickets Enclosed $____________
Vegetarian Meal Preferred Please circle
Rocky Mountain Free Flight Championships
Labor day weekend in Colorado will once again be the time for one of the best free flight contests in the country. Where else can you get it all? The case of this contest is a full slate of AMA, NFFS Nostalgia, and SAM events. This is an exempt National Cup contest. Making it one place where you can gather a bunch of National Cup points. Next there is the FAI Dynasty Cup, an Americas Cup FAI competition for all the events from A through P. The icing on the cake is the Rocky Mountain FAC Scramble. Not only will there be the full slate of scale events, but the WWII Combat event has a special award of $100 for the winner and special awards for all who fly.
What can we do to make this even better? How about the Dr. Dave Wineland Gas Attack. Dave is sponsoring a $100 cash award for the flyer who posts the longest string of maxs. Any gas event is eligible, just fly it to the event's rules as stated on the timing card and the flyer with the longest string picks up a cool $100 cash.
We have a new hotel this year that is offering a super deal for the MMM Club. The details are on the attached contest flyer. Just call the Extended Stay Suites and get the MMM deal of $49/night. I stayed there for the FAI 14 rounder and it is a great place with a full kitchen and plenty of space.
Colorado has an exceptional summer and you can expect super weather for this contest. Load up the models and chase bike and come and enjoy one of the greatest contests in the country on the USA's biggest flying field.
Down load the attached contest flyer, cutout the entry blank on the second page and send your money to Don DeLoach so that you will be able to fly as many events as you can dream of on a world class field.
One more thing, In addition to a full slate of events, a world class field, super hotel deal, there is a BBQ dinner Saturday evening. Reservation information for the BBQ dinner( with Lee Hines's favorite ribs) is on the entry blank.
For more information, check out the MMM web site at
Jerry Murphy
President, MMM Inc.
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
and FAC Mountain States Scramble Mk. III—
Denver, Colorado
FAC Peanut Scale, FAC Rubber Scale, FAC Dime Scale Traditional, FAC Golden Age Scale, Junior Rubber, Junior Gas,
FAI Dynasty Cup
America’s Cup & NFFS National Cup “Exempt” Competition
At the incomparable 27,000-acre Lowry Range
AMA license required—Category II Class AAA
Saturday, September 5:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. official flying
F1A • F1B • F1C/F1P combined • 1/2A Classic Gas • 1/2A Nostalgia Gas/Early 1/2A combined • FAC WWI Mass Launch •
A/B Gas combo • NFFS Classic Towline • P-30 • .020 Replica • SAM OT Gas combined • FAC Greve/Thompson Mass Launch •
Sunday, September 6:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. official flying
Monday, September 7:
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. official flying
Dawn Gas • F1Q — 5 flights/no rounds • 1/2A Gas • AB Classic Gas • 1/4A Nostalgia Gas • A Nostalgia Gas • Mulvihill • Catapult Glider •
SAM OT Catapult Glider • SAM Large OT Rubber • MMM Slow Open Power
The following events may be flown any of the three days, but all flights must be completed on the same day
Junior HLG, Junior CLG, Junior Towline.
Extended Stay Deluxe, Illiff at I-225. $49.99/ suite (“MMM” rate). 303-337-7000. 25 min. from field; 15 from banquet.
Motel 6, Illiff at I-225. Appx. $50. 303-873-0286. 25 min. from field; 15 min. from banquet.
Super 8, Parker, CO. Appx. $85. E-470 at CO 83/Parker Rd.: 720-851-2644. 20 min. from field; 5 min. from banquet.
Motel 6, Arapahoe Rd. @ I-25. 303-790-8220. (20 min. from field, 5 min; from banquet.
Contest Directors: Don DeLoach
Jerry Murphy
Directions to the Field:
The MMM flying site is located ESE of downtown Denver, seven miles east of E-470 on Quincy Road (one mile east of “T”
intersection at Watkins Rd.). Look for the entry gate on the south side. Call or e-mail for gate lock combo and
behind you at all times
The Fine Print:
• Awards through third place in all events.
• All events will follow current AMA, NFFS, FAC, FAI, and SAM rules as applicable.
• The following RMC perpetual trophies will be awarded: F1A, F1B, Gollywock, Mulvihill, Rubber Scale, Glider Hi-Point, Rubber
Hi-Point, Gas Hi-Point, and The 1961 RMC Grand Champion Trophy.
• SAM HLG and CLG: same flyoff rules as AMA CLG/HLG.
• Dynasty Cup FAI: rounds start at 8:30 AM each day. 7 rounds of FABCP; 5 rounds of F1GHJ. America’s Cup Sanctioned.
• In combined events you may fly any/all events within the groupings for National Cup points and/or to better an existing score
for RMC award purposes. For example, in Nostalgia Rubber/Wake Combo, you may fly both Rubber and Wake models. Only
your best score of the two will count for RMC awards purposes, but both scores count for NC points.
• Dawn Gollywock: 7:00-7:10AM launch window. No max—timed to the ground.
• Dawn Gas: 7:00-7:10 AM Launch window. All gas models fly together including FAI, Nos, AMA. 1 attempt allowed for one
flight with no max. 9 or 12 sec engine run depending on conditions.
• RMC Grand Champion scoring: Choose up to 5 events: 1 rubber, 1 gas, 1 glider, 2 of choice. 5-3-1 points for 1st -2nd -3rd
places respectively; bonus points based on number of competitors in each event per the NFFS scoring matrix. See NFFS 2007-
2008 rulebook, page 16: Tiebreaker will be the total points accrued in flyers’ other
events apart from the five chosen events.
Detach (or make a clear photocopy), Fill Out, and Mail to:
Don DeLoach, 831 E. Willamette, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
At-Field Fee Payment: Open: $20 first event, $10 each event thereafter, $40 maximum fee. Juniors/Seniors: $5 flies unlimited
events. Make checks payable to “MMM Club.”
Make your Contest Directors happy . . . PLEASE PRE-ENTER!
Pre-Entry Incentive: Unlimited Events is only $30 if postmarked by 8/25/09
ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________AMA#________________ Jr Sr Op
World-class 4-meat BBQ feast with sides & bread. Cash bar.__________. TOTAL ENCLOSED $__________________.
Star or highlight your five Grand Champion events
You must choose your five Grand Champ events prior to flying.
FAC Peanut Scale, FAC Rubber Scale, FAC Dime Scale Traditional, FAC Golden Age Scale, Junior Rubber, Junior Gas,
Number of tickets at $22 each
Circle events you wish to enter (from list below):
(1 glider, 1 gas, 1 rubber, plus two of your choice.)
Saturday Events
1/2A Classic Gas
1/2A Nos. Gas/Early 1/2A cimbined
AB Gas
NFFS Classic Towline
.020 Replica
SAM OT Gas combo
FAC Greve/Thompson Mass Launch
FAC WWI Mass Launch
Sunday Events
Vintage FAI Power
AMA C/D Gas combo
AMA CD Classic Gas
Nos. Wake/Rubber combo
Dawn Gollywock
BC Nos. Gas combined
SAM Small OT Rubber
FAC WWII Mass Launch
FAC Jimmie Allen
Monday Events
AMA 1/2A Gas
AMA AB Classic Gas
1/4A Nostalgia Gas
A Nostalgia Gas
AMA Mulvihill
AMA Catapult Glider
SAM OT Catapult Glider
SAM Large OT Rubber
Dawn Gas
MMM Slow Open Power
The following events may be flown any of the three days, but all flights must be completed on the same day started:
Junior HLG, Junior CLG, Junior Towline.
Looking for Igor Y
Hi Roger I am wondering if anyone has an up to date email for Igor Yablonowski Thanks, if anyone can help out Antony Koerbin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SEN 1323
Roger Morrell