SEN 1318<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1361
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- F1C
- No Flapper... No Fear
- Paul's PoV
- Bike for Sale
The final results has :
1 287 WATSON Peter GBR 300 420 418
2 221 FUZEEV Leonid RUS 300 420 408
With both models going out of sight. Pete's model must have a powerful transmitter because it was reported from the Edge of beyond as still being up in air at almost 10 minutes, don't know how long our Moscow reporter heard Leonid's for ! of if Gordon Brown heard it
next down
3 278 ANDRUSCHENKO Igor UKR 300 393
4 288 SCREEN Stafford GBR 300 329
5 295 MATHIS Richard USA 300 317
Junior F1P champ Cody Secor made the fly off and came in 12 at his first big F1C event
No Flapper, No Tears, No Electronic, No Fears
- very interesting commentary from Ansgar, from the World champs web site, addressed to Mike fantham but applies to many. A s you see had he been away from flying ans came back little prep to have a great time in Croatia
| Mike, great to read from you, that your frreflight thermal sense is still working and you are on the right web site, where they great life in croatia gon on. but you should sit in the middle of the seat, the edge is not the right place for you as EX-Worldchampion 1993 in F1A. It's only 16 years ago, but looks like it happened yesterday. I'm sitting with on the balkony of appartment named "Success" (where I try to combine famly holiday with freeflight WC, WChamps) near ZADAR around 120 km away from the Krabovskoje Polje, a wonderful flying field comparable like Mostar or Livno, where you have been also several times in the old good days of the last century. You remember: We met us first time with Lee Hines in 1983 at famous old bridge in Mostar and had a marvelous time at the coast. Mike, I miss you very much on the flying line, always standing on the ground with your sense for thermal und dry humour. I'm also since 6 years now out of big Freeflight business , since nice living models ( Lisa 8 and Jasmin 6) are part of my life and job is getting more timespending. 1 year break during moving businessdriven to Frankfurt and building house - always flying old models with mechanical stuff, but made the Odessa team and don't lost by competing at several contest every year contact to Frredlight scenery. Often thinking of closing modelbox ever or starting with this electronic stuff new or ... So since 8 month no model on the line, first time this year flying FF last week here at WC before the champs. I had a real hugh comeback here and finished in 2.nd FO with 335 sec on place 9 of 119. when you look the 8 people in front of me, which hightec model they flew and successes they have in the past few years: makarov, titov , 2 x Findahl ( Son beat Papa on Flapper with Papas old wepaons), Koglot and Profi Stamov with hic tec Flapper ( 6th versions since last October !!!) only few sec in front of me - I flew my standard short model like all the day. After contest I was death and was very happy of this success. So Mike, why I tell you this. We are missing you and you have to comeback next year. Think about Your Slogan should be : No FLapper, no tears, no electronic, no fears !!!! Ansgar Nüttgens |
Paul's Point of View
Note from Paul Lagan on the New Zealand team. Paul's last World Free Flight Champs was back in 93, although he as flown in Control line since then. Here's how it looked from a sportsmans point of view.
All is well here in very sunny Croatia. I have gone touring after the Wakefield event where I had a real chance of a top place but dropped out of lift in the last round to just miss the flyoff. The frustrating bit was that the last rounds was probably the easiest and I was one of few to miss maxing. I had my best model in the forest downwind and was flying another for that crucial round and it developed a slight stall. It has been very hot and trying and there as so many flyers in Wakefield with very good machinery.
Rob Wallace dropped on the first Round in A2 (very tricky air) as did David Ackery. Both subsequently missed another max through the contest. They both had their models going really well and had done a lot of practice. It was a great disappointment for them to drop.
Bill McGarvey has been an excellent team manager.
In A2 probably over half the field is capable of fantastic launches - something like 30 metres plus above towline height! Some can get 40 metres gain. Apart from Phil Mitchell, Aussies and NZers can't yet get that sort of gain.
It is 28deg here right now (9am) and is forecast to reach 35 - I am on the Adriatic coast with lots of tourists.
Will try to write again with some tech stuff in a couple of days.
Bike 4 Sale
Honda XL 125 for sale.Run good ,street legal
Contact: Pierre at (818-388-2478) or (503)-390-0085
email; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell