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Bauer Report #3 from Croatia
US Team news from Croatia
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's over for F1A. The results are already on the WC website so this may be old new already. In fact the organizers were posting the results on the website on a round by round basis. The joke we heard from Mike Woodhouse was that the British team were being harrassed with text messages during the competition from fellow Brits, or maybe one notable Scottish gentleman as some of the less than perfect scores were posted.
Another beautiful day. Weather was calm all morning with light winds in the afternoon. A little cloud cover had it less hot than last week, but still warm.
The US team got off to a good start with all of us clean after two rounds. In round 3 Lee got in a line tangle his first time up and then had to go for the second attempt. The team manager orders were to tow straight up and off but Lee didn't like the feel of the air so he started circle towing. In this particular round the wind had just shifted so Lee was towing right around the tents, models, spectators, etc.. After a few minutes the towline caught on his shoe and his model went down, giving a zero. This was very disappointing because the whole team was really rooting for Lee and doing everything possible to make it easier for him. We made sure he was in the shade and resting and he had to ask our permission to walk to the cars or do anything that would use energy. Oh, well, we all really tried.
We managed to make all maxes through all 7 seven rounds except for that flight. My scary moment was in the 5th round when I had planned on going downwind but was blocked by other towers. After waiting on the ground for clearance I finally towed upwind to launch in what looked like good air but by the time I was setup for launch the air was gone. The downwind path was blocked worse than before so I decided to try going upwind over the tall grass. We had discovered that the models were doing much better over the tall meadow grass around the field than over the central mowed area. Anyway I felt some good air and launched but it quickly started looking very bad as it was drifting over the flight line. Fortunately team USA had the best flapping team on the field. At a single voice command about 13 flappers were immediately mobilized into action under the model, and for this flight they saved me long enough for the model to drift back over the tall grass where it started going up again. Our support crew here is fantastic. The flappers were used many times during the day.
So both Steve and I were in the flyoff with a total of 38 people. The 5 minute round was supposed to start at 6pm but didn't start until 6:30 because of timer problems. I drew a good pole and immediately towed downwind to get to a sweet spot in the tall grass narrowing missing a couple line tangles with an Israli next to me. Randy and I saw many models launch and drift over us but I waited because the air didn't feel great. Finally a couple models came over which looked good and the air felt good to me so I set up and got a very good launch. The model was holding well and climbing at one point in a group of models and looked as good as anything I could see on the field. At 3.5 minutes it was still hight and I thought I had it in the bag. It was difficult to see downwind against the hills but then I noticed that it was coming down. I heard Blake say 4.5 minutes at one point counting down the time so I knew it was still flying, but when time came for him to say "max", I didn't hear anything. Turned out I got 4:47 or 287 seconds. I found out later from the chase crew that the model drifted over a ridge, and as soon as it got on the downwind side of that ridge the turbulent air just sucked it down. I was happy anyway because I felt like I did everything right and gave it my best.
Turns out that 20 guys made the 5 minute flight and I was 22nd place. When Steve went to launch another towline crossed his and broke his towline causing the model to release prematurely and he got only maybe 2.5 minutes. Very tough luck as he had worked hard and flown great all day.
They shot off the 7 minute round at 7:30 pm in light wind and nice conditions. Many models looked very good and Sergei Makarov got another fantastic launch with his flapper. Turns out he was the only one to get 7 minutes and is the new world champion. Yaran Kraus from Isreal was second and Tito from Russia was third. But please check the official results to make sure.
Tomorrow is F1B day and the weather outlook is still good for the rest of the week, so we are looking forward to more fun.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's over for F1A. The results are already on the WC website so this may be old new already. In fact the organizers were posting the results on the website on a round by round basis. The joke we heard from Mike Woodhouse was that the British team were being harrassed with text messages during the competition from fellow Brits, or maybe one notable Scottish gentleman as some of the less than perfect scores were posted.
Another beautiful day. Weather was calm all morning with light winds in the afternoon. A little cloud cover had it less hot than last week, but still warm.
The US team got off to a good start with all of us clean after two rounds. In round 3 Lee got in a line tangle his first time up and then had to go for the second attempt. The team manager orders were to tow straight up and off but Lee didn't like the feel of the air so he started circle towing. In this particular round the wind had just shifted so Lee was towing right around the tents, models, spectators, etc.. After a few minutes the towline caught on his shoe and his model went down, giving a zero. This was very disappointing because the whole team was really rooting for Lee and doing everything possible to make it easier for him. We made sure he was in the shade and resting and he had to ask our permission to walk to the cars or do anything that would use energy. Oh, well, we all really tried.
We managed to make all maxes through all 7 seven rounds except for that flight. My scary moment was in the 5th round when I had planned on going downwind but was blocked by other towers. After waiting on the ground for clearance I finally towed upwind to launch in what looked like good air but by the time I was setup for launch the air was gone. The downwind path was blocked worse than before so I decided to try going upwind over the tall grass. We had discovered that the models were doing much better over the tall meadow grass around the field than over the central mowed area. Anyway I felt some good air and launched but it quickly started looking very bad as it was drifting over the flight line. Fortunately team USA had the best flapping team on the field. At a single voice command about 13 flappers were immediately mobilized into action under the model, and for this flight they saved me long enough for the model to drift back over the tall grass where it started going up again. Our support crew here is fantastic. The flappers were used many times during the day.
So both Steve and I were in the flyoff with a total of 38 people. The 5 minute round was supposed to start at 6pm but didn't start until 6:30 because of timer problems. I drew a good pole and immediately towed downwind to get to a sweet spot in the tall grass narrowing missing a couple line tangles with an Israli next to me. Randy and I saw many models launch and drift over us but I waited because the air didn't feel great. Finally a couple models came over which looked good and the air felt good to me so I set up and got a very good launch. The model was holding well and climbing at one point in a group of models and looked as good as anything I could see on the field. At 3.5 minutes it was still hight and I thought I had it in the bag. It was difficult to see downwind against the hills but then I noticed that it was coming down. I heard Blake say 4.5 minutes at one point counting down the time so I knew it was still flying, but when time came for him to say "max", I didn't hear anything. Turned out I got 4:47 or 287 seconds. I found out later from the chase crew that the model drifted over a ridge, and as soon as it got on the downwind side of that ridge the turbulent air just sucked it down. I was happy anyway because I felt like I did everything right and gave it my best.
Turns out that 20 guys made the 5 minute flight and I was 22nd place. When Steve went to launch another towline crossed his and broke his towline causing the model to release prematurely and he got only maybe 2.5 minutes. Very tough luck as he had worked hard and flown great all day.
They shot off the 7 minute round at 7:30 pm in light wind and nice conditions. Many models looked very good and Sergei Makarov got another fantastic launch with his flapper. Turns out he was the only one to get 7 minutes and is the new world champion. Yaran Kraus from Isreal was second and Tito from Russia was third. But please check the official results to make sure.
Tomorrow is F1B day and the weather outlook is still good for the rest of the week, so we are looking forward to more fun.
1 215 MAKAROV Sergey RUS 300 420
2 136 KRAUS Yaron ISR 300 371
3 213 TITOV Yury RUS 300 360
4 144 GOBBO Massimiliano ITA 300 346
5 101 VALO Jari FIN 300 332
6 126 NÓTÁROS Attila HUN 300 320
7 102 VALKONEN Kimmo FIN 300 317
8 273 GRUSHKOVSKYY Yuriy UKR 300 298
9 239 KOGLOT Roland SLO 300 297
10 135 BACHAR Lior ISR 300 295
11 001 GONZALEZ Ramiro ARG 300 283
12 134 FURMAN Michael ISR 300 273
13 222 BORðOŠKI Miloš SRB 300 271
14 238 GJEREK Bojan SLO 300 264
15 045 ALLNUTT Peter CAN 300 259
16 199 HALICKI Kamil POL 300 257
17 214 KOZYREV Sergey RUS 300 257
18 163 VIESTERUS Berzinš LAT 300 250
19 184 VAN ELDIK Antoon NED 300 240
20 067 FRIC Dusan CZE 300 75
21 254 HOLMBOM Mikael SWE 291
22 291 BAUER Ken USA 287
23 232 HUDCOVIC Milos SVK 278
24 168 INDRISONIS Rimas LTU 277
25 302 FINDAHL Per WCh 271
26 092 ZASEKA Anton EST 268
27 272 STAMOV Victor UKR 239
29 028 ŠAHINOVIĆ Edin BIH 196
30 062 BARIĆ Roberto CRO 172
31 047 BOYADZHIEV Todor CAN 171
32 223 ðORðEVIĆ Nikola SRB 171
33 020 HOLZLEITNER Rudolf AUT 169
34 021 FUSS Helmut AUT 151
35 266 OLGUN Yalcin TUR 139
36 161 GUNDARS Abolinis LAT 138
37 289 SPENCE Steve USA 121
38 117 RUSCH Uwe GER 98
39 145 BRUSSOLO Vittorio ITA 210 174 180 180 180 180 180 1284
40 237 TERLEP Danijel SLO 200 180 180 180 180 180 180 1280
41 233 BEZÁK Ivan SVK 210 170 180 180 180 180 180 1280
42 060 BUTKOVIĆ Marko CRO 210 180 164 180 180 180 180 1274
43 258 GREUB Martin SUI 210 180 180 180 180 163 180 1273
44 093 KORDEMETS Anti EST 210 180 180 176 180 165 180 1271
45 010 MORGAN Vin AUS 210 180 180 152 180 180 180 1262
46 107 GILLES Bernard FRA 210 180 180 180 180 150 180 1260
47 116 WEIMER Thomas GER 210 180 180 180 180 147 180 1257
48 118 HERWIG Max GER 210 180 180 180 180 180 140 1250
49 002 YSASI Pablo ARG 164 180 180 180 180 180 180 1244
50 108 CROGUENNEC Vincent FRA 164 180 180 180 180 180 180 1244
51 306 KOESTER Thomas DEN 210 180 180 158 180 154 180 1242
52 012 MURRAY Neil AUS 210 180 180 180 180 128 180 1238
53 185 KREETZ Ivo NED 157 180 180 180 180 180 180 1237
54 086 VESTERGAARD Ole DEN 210 180 180 180 180 180 126 1236
55 069 VOSEJPKA Jan CZE 210 118 180 180 180 180 180 1228
56 186 KREETZ Ron NED 210 180 117 180 180 180 180 1227
57 068 RYZ Bohuslav CZE 210 180 180 107 180 180 180 1217
58 127 HORVATH Tamas HUN 137 180 180 180 180 180 180 1217
59 253 HELLGREN Robert SWE 210 180 180 180 180 96 180 1206
60 200 MODRZEJEWSKI Bartlomiej POL 210 180 180 180 95 180 180 1205
61 224 TICA Mića SRB 210 113 180 180 160 180 180 1203
62 152 IKOMA Daizo JPN 210 180 180 88 180 180 180 1198
63 231 TREGER Ivan SVK 117 180 180 180 180 180 180 1197
64 166 DIMAVIČIUS Vidas LTU 210 180 130 180 135 180 180 1195
65 154 SHIRAI Shoji JPN 110 180 180 180 180 180 180 1190
66 019 GRÜNEIS Manfred AUT 210 101 180 180 180 153 180 1184
67 027 BJELAJAC Robert BIH 210 180 180 180 180 180 71 1181
68 212 POPESCU Marian ROU 210 180 64 180 180 180 180 1174
69 162 PLUME Anrijs LAT 93 180 180 180 180 180 180 1173
70 038 BARDAROV Borislav BUL 172 180 180 94 180 180 180 1166
71 003 HELMAN Juan Carlos ARG 183 180 180 180 180 180 81 1164
72 271 BESCHASNYY Vasyl UKR 210 95 180 137 180 180 180 1162
73 208 SURANYI Bela ROU 210 107 124 180 180 180 180 1161
74 267 SEVGI Osman TUR 153 180 180 180 180 107 180 1160
75 011 MITCHELL Philip AUS 210 119 180 180 102 180 180 1151
76 100 HENRIKSSON Kim FIN 210 40 180 180 180 180 180 1150
77 191 WALLACE Robert NZL 111 140 180 180 176 180 180 1147
78 198 ZIOBER Czeslaw POL 97 141 180 180 180 180 180 1138
79 167 LATVENAS Mantuidas LTU 188 180 131 180 180 180 82 1121
80 252 HOLMBOM Sofia SWE 210 87 180 180 180 95 180 1112
81 046 LENARTOWICZ Chris CAN 210 180 0 180 180 180 180 1110
82 109 RAGOT Emmanuel FRA 210 180 180 0 180 180 180 1110
83 290 HINES Lee USA 210 180 0 180 180 180 180 1110
84 260 TRUMPF Daniel SUI 173 155 180 166 180 75 180 1109
85 246 SUNG HWAN Son KOR 210 95 180 180 180 180 74 1099
86 153 MURAKAMI Yoshinobu JPN 62 180 157 180 158 180 180 1097
87 085 JENSEN Lars B. DEN 210 86 180 180 180 76 180 1092
88 281 BALL Phil GBR 210 122 180 180 83 132 180 1087
89 143 STRANIERI Marco ITA 127 61 175 180 180 180 180 1083
90 282 NICHOLSON Tim GBR 210 180 180 23 143 164 180 1080
91 091 VIHUL Ular EST 210 177 152 180 49 180 131 1079
92 209 SZIJJARTO Szillard ROU 116 129 180 180 180 110 180 1075
93 037 Y. NIKOLOV Nikolay BUL 210 180 84 180 180 180 56 1070
94 176 CHIMED Ganzorig MGL 177 106 180 180 180 59 180 1062
95 061 LEŠKO Robert CRO 176 180 180 180 80 180 70 1046
96 248 ABAD Javier ESP 210 180 180 180 0 100 180 1030
97 194 KLEMETSEN Anders NOR 129 0 180 180 180 180 180 1029
98 259 BACHMANN Christoph SUI 32 104 180 180 180 173 180 1029
99 247 FERREIRA Carlos ESP 89 180 68 180 180 180 140 1017
100 280 OLDFIELD David GBR 156 0 166 180 180 180 142 1004
101 177 AVIRMED Amartuvshin MGL 194 149 18 178 91 180 180 990
102 265 KARGIN Cetin TUR 146 48 180 180 75 180 180 989
103 036 TZVETKOV Tzvetan BUL 210 180 81 48 100 180 140 939
104 125 SZÉKELYHIDI Attila HUN 210 180 180 0 180 180 0 930
105 298 YUNDIN Viktor UZB 75 129 90 180 180 89 180 923
106 195 NERENG Vegar NOR 41 180 58 26 180 180 180 845
107 175 AVIRMED Amar-Otgon MGL 124 76 132 82 151 180 86 831
Roger Morrell<