SEN 1295<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1471
Table of Contents - SEN 1295
Thermals and Gliding direction
Spring Cup Postponed
Old Sympos
Not so Nos Fora
Omarama Update
Thermals and Gliding direction
From Carrol Allen
R J Hoffman wrote in his book "Model Aeronautics made Painless" that thermals in the northern hemisphere rotate to the right as they rise therefore models should circle to the left. Has anyone confirmed this? I have been noting that thermaling rapators seem to circle left most of the time. Any thoughts anyone?
Carrol Allen
Spring Cup in Texas
IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION The Spring Cup has been postponed and will therefore NOT be held inn April. The Tri-City Club President has been in close communications with the Air Force and the Contractor and we are looking pretty good for holding the Cup in conjunction with the Bear Snyder annual in May (23-24). Should that date fall through we will look to selecting a date in September for the combined event.
The format of the combined event will basically consist of the events normally held at the Annual plus the FAI events from the Spring Cup. The only event that will be missing is Spring Cup Open Gas. We will E-mail a tentative entry form during the week of April 20th, so that everyone can plan their event days. Pete Reinhart and I will share the CD duties.
Please pass this information anyone you think might be planning on the April date.
Faust Parker
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Old Symposia For Sale from NFFS Publications Services
From: Bob Stalick
I have received another shipment of old NFFS Symposia. All are in good condition, intact and showing little wear. They are $10 each copy and shipment in the USA will be $5 for one to five copies. Contact Bob Stalick <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> for specific availability. Here is the list as of 3-31-09.
1969 - one copy
1972 - 2 copies
1974 - 2 copies
1976 - one copy
1978 - one copy
1979- one copy
1979 World Champs FF Report - 4 copies
1979 International Symposium - one copy
1979 International Plans Book - 2 copies
1988 - one copy
1989 - one copy
1991 - two copies
1992 - two copies
1993 - two copies
1994- one copy
1995 - one copy
1997- one copy
1999 - two copies
Of course, new back issues as well as the new 2008 Sympos are still available. Check the NFFS website <> for details.
Not so nostalgic Fora
To the gentlemen that is going to put a Fora on a 1/2A nostalgia. Although he can fly it in other events it would need a legal nostalgia engine to fly it in 1/2A nostalgia.
Terry Thorkildsen
Planning has started to, once again, have two
major international FF events in the South
Island next year. The excellent venue at
Omarama will be available for these events.
Planned dates are :
KOTUKU CUP Sun 11- Tues 13
OMARAMA CUPThurs 14 - Sat 17 Apr
(Spare Day Sun 18th)
These dates are set to tie in with the likely
Narrandera events that will probably finish on
Easter Monday (5 April).
Each contest will feature World Cup rounds in
F1A, F1B and F1C,
In addition there will be supporting open and
mini events.
The Omarama Cup will also serve as the Trans
Tasman challenge for selected 3-man teams
from Australia and NZ in each class of F1A,
F1B and F1C.
Robert Wallace, 956 Riverside Road South,
Hastings. +64-6-878-4993
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Chris Murphy, Flat 5/126 Bishop St,
Christchurch. +64-3-3743384.
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Relevant web sites:
2009 Free Flight Trials
Herewith the schedule of trials to select the NZ
teams in F1A. F1B and F1C for the 2010 Trans
Tasman. In all cases, the primary flying day is
the Saturday; Sunday is the wind date.
Southern Area
Miners Road, Yaldhurst. 8am start for Jun trial;
7am start all other trials
16-17 May, 20-21 Jun, 18-19 Jul, 15-16 Aug,
19-20 Sep, 17-18 Oct, 21-22 Nov
Craig King 03-342-8443 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone Craig by Thursday evening to confirm
Northern Area
Kawera. 8am starts.
4-5 Apr, 9-10 May, 6-7 Jun, 10-11 Oct, 7-8
Nov, 5-6 Dec.
Linclon Vincent 07-576-2262
Central Area
Carterton. 7am start
11-12 Apr, 9-10 May, 25-26 Jul, 29-30 Aug, 26-
27 Sep, 10-11 Oct, 14-15 Nov, 12-13 Dec
Paul Squires 06-355-1749. Antony Koerbin 04-
Roger Morrell