SEN 1289<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1461
- Walt and Bob Program to help US Juniors
- SEN 1288
- Looking for B and C stuff
- More temp and Trim
- Even more temp and Trim
- Stonehenge - Luddites welcome
Walt and Bob program to help US Juniors*
Below is some information about the F1B and F1P Junior program that Bob VanNest and Walt Ghio operate for Juniors who want to try out for the United States World Championship teams which will be held this coming July at the AMA flying site in Muncie Indiana.
In a few weeks, Walt will have four Suprima models produced by Igor Vivchar available for Juniors who want to try out for the Junior F1B team finals. Two of the models will have normal wind up timers and two of the models will have Black Magic electric timers. These are basic F1B models that are excellent for juniors who are starting out in the Wakefield event.
Bob VanNest has produced new Astrostar kits for the Junior F1P program. If you are a Junior and want to get started in FAI power competition this is a great model to start with. These are complete kits. Also available are rib sets along with a full size plan. Each kit has selected contest grade balsa. These kits are also available for purchase by anybody who would like to build this model. The complete kits are $75 and the rib set with plans is $27 including postage. You may contact Bob by phone at 831-663-5254 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in purchasing the kits.
F1P Cyclon engines are still available for any Junior who shows that he or she has a model ready for an engine and are signed up for the Junior Finals.
Any Junior who is interested in competing for a team position may contact Walt for information about any of the above F1B or F1P programs.
* Walt and Bob do have some help with the program but they deserve credit for pulling it together- they donate their most precious item - their time
SEN 1288
Got bounced by Hotmail - maybe they will have realized we're OK now?
Looking for B and C stuff
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David Brawn
More on Temp and Trim
Hi Roger,
Thanks for SEN – keeping me in touch with Free Flight while I’m wandering in the F3K world. (F3K = RC Hand Launch Gliders)
In Reply to Air temperature and trim changes
Warning – the link below will take you to a site where radio-controlled gliders are discussed – do not click on it if this might upset you.
There is no doubt that some servos suffer thermal drift but another factor in trim changes is humidity. Line/cable materials react to changes in moisture content (as does the rest of the model structure). A gent in the UK is looking at this at the moment – see ( The thread starts off discussing servo drift but gets onto other reasons why trim might change. Try measuring your lines after keeping them warm and dry and do it again with them soaked in water.
Mike Fantham
(Enjoying F3K flying for now……..)Even More on temp and trim
[clearly a true Luddite World Cup event , if may be as bold to say so]
The Stonehenge Cup 2009
The 2009 Stonehenge Cup will be held on 9/10th May, at Salisbury Plain.
This World Cup event is for classes F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P and F1Q but in addition this year we will
have some extra classes eligible to fly alongside the main classes as detailed below.
The British Model Flying Association has been looking for ways to encourage broader
participation in international competitions and has some ideas on how this may be achieved. As a
test we plan to try some of them out during the 2009 Stonehenge Cup event. This year, in
addition to the usual F1A, F1B, F1C/P and F1Q classes, there will be three additional
‘Lower-tech’ A, B and C classes. The rules for these classes have been set with the aim to
provide an equivalent performance to the current F1A, B and C classes but without the current
technology. Entrants to these “Lower-Tech” classes will fly from the same flight line as the
World Cup entrants but on different poles. Scores for Flyers competing on this basis will still be
included on the main score sheets to show performance against the World Cup entrants.
Although those participating with alternative specification models will not be eligible for World Cup
points or the official trophies they will receive a certificate and a bottle of wine if they finish in the
top 3 overall or a bottle of wine if in the top 5 overall. They will also have the satisfaction of flying
against some of the top flyers in the world. Entry for flyers taking part in the “Lower-Tech” classes
will only be at the standard BMFA rate of £5 and of course an FAI licence won‘t be needed for
those flyers.
So if you would like to compete on the Lower-Tech basis please enter using the attached form.
Eligible alternative specifications will be as follows:
F1A-UK Glider
Surface Area………………………………………………….. 32 – 34 dm2
Maximum length of towline loaded by 5 kg ……….……………….. 60 m
There is no minimum weight requirement.
Tow Hooks are restricted to permanently fixed, non-moving types that do not permit any
movement of the models surfaces, either while connected to the towline or after launch.
Models are restricted to fixed non-moving surfaces – i.e. multiple-rudder movement,
variable incidence tails or wings, or any other ‘moving trim functions’ are not permitted. A
once-off rudder movement on launch is permitted, as is any form of DT.
F1B-UK Rubber
Surface Area………………………………………………….. 17 – 19 dm2
Maximum weight of motor(s) lubricated…………… ……………….. 40 g
There is no minimum weight requirement.
Models are restricted to fixed non-moving surfaces and folding, freewheel or feathering
propeller blades. Auto-rudder, variable incidence tails or wings, variable pitch or diameter
props, delayed or remote prop releases, or any another ‘moving trim functions’ are not
permitted. Any form of DT is permitted.
F1C-UK Power
Surface Area………………………………………………….. 25 – 37.5 dm2
Maximum swept volume of motor(s) ….…………… …………… 2.5 cm3
Maximum duration of motor run ……… 10 seconds from release of model
There is no minimum weight requirement.
Motors are restricted to plain bearing types using fixed (non-folding propellers) – fuel is
not restricted and pressurised supply is permitted. Models are restricted to fixed
non-moving surfaces – i.e. auto-rudder, variable incidence tails or wings, or any other
moving trim functions’ are not permitted. Any form of DT is permitted.
We must emphasize that running the above extra classes alongside the
main World Cup classes will not be allowed to affect the World Cup event.
The flying site is situated off the B 390, between Shrewton, and Chitterne (See maps). For those
unfamiliar with the site, it is a large area of rolling grassland, normally used by the Army, for
training purposes. Retrieval is normally by foot, but under certain wind directions, a mountain bike
can be used to advantage on tracks which cross the area.
The event site is in a holiday area and there are well appointed camp-sites and hostelries within
reasonable distance. Please see attached list.
Due to the location, the logistics involved and the lack of paved roadways we are unable to
provide on field catering.
Last year we arranged a Saturday evening meal which proved to be disappointing so this year we
have changed the venue We have made arrangements with the Plume of Feathers at Shrewton
for the use of a room and the bars where we can meet up on the Saturday evening. The Inn will
provide a selection of two course meals and has given assurance on quality and quantity. To
assist the Inn we need to give details of our meal requirements in advance so attached is a meal
request form showing the options available. Any competitors and helpers who would like a
meal should complete the attached meal form and include full payment with their entry to
reach Peter Williams no later than 19 April. Please be aware that we cannot accept requests
for meals without advance payment. Meal tickets will be included in the competitor packs issued
at control.
All competitors will receive a Stonehenge mug, and sticker. Additional mugs and stickers will be
available at a small charge.
Competitors information packs with details of pole positions, round times etc., will be available
from Contest Control.
As a registered World Cup Championship event the relevant sections of the FAI Sporting Code
will be followed.
The organisers reserve the right to vary the programme if unforeseen circumstances should arise.
World Cup competitors must hold a valid FAI licence. Competitors in the Lower-Tech classes
must have either BMFA membership or an FAI licence.
Saturday 10 May F1B, F1C/F1P + Lower-Tech B & C -5 rounds plus fly offs.
Sunday 11 May F1A, F1Q + Lower-Tech A -5 rounds plus fly offs.
09.00 hrs. Start, subject to weather conditions.
Entry Fees:
World Cup events 28 Euro / £25 for 1 class, and 6 Euro / £5 per additional class.
Juniors (under 18 on 31/12/09) 6 Euro / £5 per class.
Lower-Tech events Seniors 6 Euro/£5 per class, Juniors free
Entry Forms:
To arrive no later than 19th April.
Late entries will incur a 50% surcharge, and field entries will be double.
Prizes for World Cup entrants will be awarded down to 5th place of those
entrants regardless of the Lower-Tech positions. Prizes (as detailed
above) for the Lower-Tech classes will be awarded to those who finish in
the top five overall. The prize giving will take place at Contest Control on
Sunday evening.
We will aim to have at least one official timekeeper per pole, but more
than 1 person per pole can fly at any given time if another flyer is
available to time. Volunteer official timekeepers will receive a
Stonehenge mug, sticker and a bottle of wine. Your help with this will be
much appreciated.
For entry forms please contact as follows:
Peter Williams
Old Coach House
Hunts Common
Hartley Wintney
RG27 8AA
E Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recent previous entrants whose details are known have been sent entry forms.
Entry forms will also be available on the BMFA Free Flight Technical Committee web site
Roger Morrell<