SEN 1285<
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- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 2109
Table of Contents - SEN 1285 -
Cal Cup F1E
FF in Turkey
Fooking form F1B help in FL
Derek on Ike
Liked the Biffma proposal
Serious J stuff
F1E California Cup 2009
Hi Roger,
The following is for SEN, please.
The 4th Annual California Cup for F1E class gliders was successfully flown on 10 Feb, 2009 at Holloway Gypsum's
largest mesa.
It is located about 1 mile SE of the Lost Hills, CA flying field.
It is located about 1 mile SE of the Lost Hills, CA flying field.
Eight rounds were flown on a beautifully clear day, beginning
@ 0900, with the ending @ 1600.
There was a short break for lunch, as well as short stoppages to
move flight line positions in attempts to utilize upslope air.
This guessing game was only somewhat successful.
Breezes were light[0-3m/s max] & shifty, but there was nice PM temps for the attendees.
@ 0900, with the ending @ 1600.
There was a short break for lunch, as well as short stoppages to
move flight line positions in attempts to utilize upslope air.
This guessing game was only somewhat successful.
Breezes were light[0-3m/s max] & shifty, but there was nice PM temps for the attendees.
That made it very much a performance contest, with some gliding
into small patches of lift or down air out in the landing areas.
into small patches of lift or down air out in the landing areas.
Results follow:
1. Peter Brocks USA 84018 716.96%
2. Tom Ioeger USA 94350 620.17
3. Dave Parsons USA 6280 589.51
2. Tom Ioeger USA 94350 620.17
3. Dave Parsons USA 6280 589.51
4. Bob Sifleet USA 18326 566.40
5. Brian Van Nest USA 23122 558.30
6. Ian Kaynes UK 21003 526.14
7. Norm Furutani USA 9408 425.02
5. Brian Van Nest USA 23122 558.30
6. Ian Kaynes UK 21003 526.14
7. Norm Furutani USA 9408 425.02
[Note: Maxes were 180 sec, except rds 1, 4 & 5 were 120 sec]
Congratulations go out to Peter for his fine effort, winning for
third year running.
Many thanks to all the folks on the hill who assisted in making
Many thanks to all the folks on the hill who assisted in making
this event a nice occasion again this year.
Yr hmbl CD srvnt,
Istanbul Free Flight Cup-2009
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To all Free Flight Aero-modelers;
Istanbul Free Flight Cup-2009 will take place on April-2009 Friday, 24 and Saturday, 25.
Please find attached the first bulletin of the competition.
The web site is:
Please send all your inquiries to us. We will provide all kind of support for accommodation and transportation in Turkey .
It will be a pleasure for us to see you in Istanbul FF Cup-2009.
Best regards,
Looking for Help in FL
From the NFFS Web site
Hi All,
I've been in this group for a little while now, and decided to go ahead and throw this out there, so here goes. I'm legally blind, I can still build & see/follow sight of models in flight, it just wouldn't be wise at all to drive an automobile. I also walk with a cane due to a severe car crash in 1995. I posting to get everyone's thoughts on the feasability of what I'm wanting to do and advice, suggestions, & recommendations on how to possibly accomplish it. I've been building & flying models for about 30 yrs. FF for about 10 yrs. I'm wanting to enter the realm of F1B competition, I live in N FL & realize there is only one other active F1B flyer in the state right now. I would be looking to share rides, travel & fuel costs as well as split hotel/ motel costs with other fliers of any class FF models to a few contests around the country throughout the year, I am self sufficient other than driving and would need some chase assistance at the flying field. Again just wanted to put this out & see what everyone thinks, I'll be posting on other groups also, as well as NFFS site. you may reply to me via grp/ web post or directly (off group) if you prefer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. anyway, just wanted this out there B-4 I put out @ $3K and wind up with equipment that I can't use.
Thank You All In Advance For Any Replies,
James Strickland
All model aircraft fan,
James Strickland
All model aircraft fan,
James Strickland
Issacson Contest (Long)
Posted by: "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:02 am (PST)
I made it back in one peice from the 19th Annual Issacson Classic at Lost Hills, CA. After many weeks of excellent flying weather in central CA the weather pattern changed with rain forecast for Thursday-friday before the contest. Central CA is suffering a drought so the rain is certainly needed but not good for a free flight competition.?I arrived on the field Friday afternoon to see people spread out all over the place test flying. Shortly thereafter a steady rain began and then it poured! I decided to go and check into the Motel 6 and work on one of my planes which had been damaged due to a low DT. The weather cleared up a bit so I walked over to Denny's. I had an enjoyable evening talking Free Flight with Don Deloach, Mark Covington and Lee Hines. Lee is an encyclopedia of information concerning Free Flight and it was fun hearing the stories from the past.
I slept in a bit on Saturday and made it out to the field around 8:30. The FAI lines were in full swing and I visted many friends on the WAkefield line along with the F1Q's. The weather was a bit chilly but flyable. Saturday turned out to be an excellent day for flying. It was raining all around the field and a bank of fog came quite close but we were able to fly for the whole day.? Some impressions:
Classic Glider:? Mark Covington from Colorado beat Tim Batiuk by four seconds. Mark missed the 2 minute max by 1 second, the three minute max by just a little bit and needed to max the four minute to win. He launched into a booming thermal and took first place.
P-30: Don Deloach had 5 maxes plus a bit more to win. His wing tip broke on a retrieve. Don glued it all back together and went on to max a couple more for a well deserved win. My P-30 developed a nasty power stall which defeated my attmepts to correct and I maxed one round and dropped the other two. Not a very good showing but my old Majesyk needs to be retired. It has flown very well for me but it's time for a new one.
Gollywock: Hal Cover continued his dominance for the third straight year. His gollywock is an amazing plane. It has maxed 40 straight three minut rounds. He lost it on the fifth round and had to pull out a back up for the mass launch which he won as well. He later found the lost gollywock with his sons help. Hal's Gollywocks are built to around 75 grams all up weight. That includes the rubber motor. He uses a long motor run and it glides very well.
Hand Launch Glider: Lee Hines pulled out the win. When you see the contest report you will notice that two very well known glider flyers will not be listed. Both Tim Batiuk and Stan Buddenbohm chose to wait to fly on Sunday. At previous Issacsons most of the event were flown on specific days. P-30 and HLG on Saturday with FAI catapult and Nos. Wake on Sunday. This year you could fly several events on either day. It tuned out that Sunday was blown out so Tim and Stan did not get to fly. We will see how it works out next year.
I vollunteered to time in the F1B flyoffs. 12 had maxed out. 10 made the 5 minute round. I timed Bob Piserchio in the 7 minute round and witnesed one of the best flight I have ever seen. Bob broke two motors winding outside the? model. His third held together and he luanched late in the 10 minute window. The power pattern was perfect and the plane glided magnificently. It DT'd at 7:10 and was still at least 100 feet off the ground. It could of done 9 minutes in calm evening conditions! Awesome. It turned out that another flyer (Tom Ioger "sp?") )made the 7:00 minute round. They flew the nine minute round. Right in the middle of the the ten minute window a cold wind began to blow. Bob P. launched right before the wind hit and his timers lost it around the 5 minute mark. I timed Tom's flight. He launched after the wind was blowing and was down at a little over 3 minutes.
Frank Pollard won F1Q. I like how those planes fly. The itch is growing to give it a shot.
Three Flyers had made the 9 minute round in F1A! Five flyers made the 7:00 minutes in F1C. There was a nasty cloud bank heading our way so the rest of the flyoffs were postponed to 7:30 Sunday morning. A lightning storm hit just south of the field and everybody ran for cover.< br />
Sunday was sunny and calm at the Motel 6. I was excited to get out to the field for some Nos. Wakefield. As I turned onto the dirt road i noticed several packed up vehicles heading my way. That's not good! And it wasn't. When i got to the parking area there was a cold wind blowing. It was around 20 mph. All flying had been postponed. Many of us hung out at Sloan's Catering tents talking free flight until the contest was called around noon with the wind having strengthened. Awards were given out for the completed events.
One of the fun traditions at the Issacson is that they have a drawing for Stan Buddenbohm glider kits at the award ceremony. For the fourth year straight year one of the people standing next to me won! It's pretty funny but one of these year it will be me!! That afternoon I headed back to my parents house in Fresno. They were going to try to fly the FAI min events on Monday. I have not heard how any of that tuned out.
Some of the discussion in the tents on Sunday had to do with a proposal from the Brits that would change FAI flying as we know it. It was in the latest SCAT news which can be found here: http://www.faifreef index.php? option=com_ content&task= view&id=1389& Itemid=2
An iteresting proposal based on the BMFA contest experience from the past couple of years. Hopefully it will get a hearing.
Ridgefield, WA
I like FAI, I can afford AMA!
Re: Isaacson Contest
Posted by: "Norm Furutani" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. tilka89
Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:00 pm (PST)
Hi Derek,Thanks for the Isaacson report! You got to see more than I did! In spite of the weather, we had 83 on the AMA form 11 and 145 entered in events. 102 actually did fly. Saturday turned out very well, Sunday was a wash. The FAI mini folks wanted to fly in the light rain on Monday, so they did! That ended with 5 maxed out in F1H. Sun came out just for the fly-off. The view was pretty spectacular, snow covered all the hills and mountains to the west.
The Ike F1E didn't happen, Cal Cup F1E did.
The Leeper's 12 inch Challenge is on hold and I'm still waiting for F1C fly-off times.
All results will be posted on SEN.
Thanks to all of you who showed up!
- Norm
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Liked the Biff Ma FAI proposal !
From: Lee Campbell <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
I agree that the proposal as submitted is very good.
The handicapping provided would make me interested in F1A and F1B flying once again.
Lee Campbell
Anderson, Indiana
Note that this and full details are on the FAI web site
Serious F1J Stuff for Sale
From: Jim Haught
Sierra Cup 2005 was my last FF competition. I still have five (5) complete F1Js, and they are for sale.
All are trimmed (or were as of 2005) and are KC powered, with Seelig timers, some of which have been modified for extended run time.
I also have an aluminum Batiuk model box (holds 3 models) and a larger wooden box (could fit 4-5 models), plus assorted engine mounts, bunt mechanisms, etc.
There are two (2) Achterberg Odyssey six-panels; one four-panel that I bought from the Ed Keck estate; and two other four-panels. One was built from an Achterberg "kit" and I believe the oldest one has W-Hobby wings.
I will deliver model(s) to the Muncie Nats if desired -- that's better than risking them in shipping.
Serious offers only, please. A portion of the proceeds will go to SEN.
Jim Haught
Roger Morrell