SEN 1171 - 10 Jan 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1334
Table of Contents - SEN 1171
- International Indoor 2008
- SWR Eloy
- Miklos Szabo
International Indoor Fly In 2008
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Dear modelers and flyers,
I am pleased to announce to you a new international free flight
contest: the International Indoor Fly In 2008. Our aim with this
contest is to perhaps capture some of the spirit that was in the
Flemalle contests and Interscale, and to fill the void that was left
by these contests. The date is 15 and 16 March.
The classes flow will be F1D, F1M, F1M small, Sainte, F4F, F4D, F4E
and pistachio. The venue used is a cat. I hall (ceiling at nearly 8
meters.) with a fairly smooth and unobstructed ceiling. Area is
nearly 2400 sq. metres.
Please look at for more information, such as
invitation, accomodation list and entry form. In the coming week the
site will be updated with an entry list, and the rules we will use
(especially for the scale classes, for duration normal FAI rules
will be used.).
Kind regards,
Roel Lucassen
Southwest Regionals Eloy
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The long range weather forecast for the 58th Southwest Regionals in Eloy looks good. See and
Officials will be on the field Thursday, Jan. 17. The contest is Jan. 19 - 21. For further info see . We will have FAI fuel for the F1C flyers. Also, food service will be available on the field on Sat, Sun and Mon - there will be a full lunch and limited number of breakfast and evening items.
Bad News from Hungary
Hi Roger,
Miklos Szabo, the well known manufacturer of free flight model parts (Szabo Hungary), had got a serious stroke on Sunday.
Miklos Szabo left for the everlasting thermals...
He died in this morning.
Ferenc Kerner
Roger Morrell