SEN 1195 - 19 March 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1387
- Was Pandora's Box Electronic ...
- Scrapping the 20 second rule
- I can't believe they agree...
- Looking for the SailWing %0
- Vintage F1A's ready in the Attic
- Gill Morris Kerswap Thanks
- F1Q section
- Ross on Queue
- Cuban Q Ideas
- Gentlemen Charge your Batteries
- Look at the NFFS Forum
Was Pandora's Box Electronic and did it have a Radio ?
From: Jim Parker
I wrote a short, side line question on the NFFs forum contrasting my experience with re-latching tow hooks and the M&K impulse hook. This simple question was, "Is extending a 3 minute set DT time to 5 minute FO flight via RDT was legal?" See the NFFs formum for this discussion.
"It would be nice if the rule makers could fix the current loophole in the FAI rules that leaves it perfectly legal to use the RDT to obtain an attempt as Jim did. Why can't the rule be fixed before a protest happens? Why does the burden of this loophole have to fall upon the model flyers?" [My editorial: I think Ken is confusing the RDT to get an attempt which by his account is perfectly legal and therefore unreasonable to protest with a previous SEN message quoting Ian Kanes to say he was waiting for someone to protest a flyer using a model with “trimmable RC functionâ€.]
Surely with all the discussion since 2001 and the enactment of the "Stamov DT" rule (no attempt if the flight is terminated by DT) to the recent rule changes allowing RDT in F1A and B and removing of the "Stamov DT" rule, the rule makers understood that RDT could and therefore it is reasonable to believe it would be used to achieve an attempt. There is no "loop hold". I believe that Ken's fear is that RDT would be rescinded.
Scrapping the 20 secs rule
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Good afternoon,
I read with interest the note of Martin Gregorie about the problem posed by radio DT and 20 sec.s rule, and using the rule in a, may be, unethical way.
He suggests scrapping the 20 sec.s rule, nobody would be more happy than me about this solution.
This rule was already put in the bin many years ago, only to be resurrected by an high enough number of countries who succeeded in reinstating it at the CIAM technical meeting.
Just because of this "new use" of the rule together with radio DT, I put again on the table the idea to scrap it in the last CIAM meeting, with the support of some other members, but the opposition of some more.
I also suggested as an alternative to change the rule to a time down to 10 or less seconds (I would like 5 sec.s), because this would still give a way to correct mayor dramas, but make "smart" use of the rule virtually impossible, this also was considered not interesting.
Are there any flyers who could be interested in discussing the 20 sec.s rule and/or any adaptation of it ?
PS: this note, if published, risks to come rather close to the 1st of April, but it's not an "April fool" message (Pesce d'Aprile or Poisson d'Avril for other readers).
Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Sincères salutations
Anselmo Zeri
Can't believe it !
Jim and Amselmo agree - will they together stop Ian from getting lynched ? - maybe with some help from Henning?
Looking for the Sailwing 50
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone know where to get a building plan of the Sailwing 50 by Frank Zaic which appeared in his 51/52 Year Book. According to the text in this book, there was also a kit available when the design was made in the late 40s just after the war. Maybe someone has one in the loft ot attic?Any help would be appreciated
Mike S
Vintage F1A's ready in the attic
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gil Morris Kerswap Thanks
Thanks to all that replied with contact details for Gil. I have now been in
touch and the relevant info has crossed the Pond.
Tony Shepherd
F1Q Section
Ross on Queue
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note On Electric FF:
I am just as confused as you about motor and model size. I have not pursued a solution for myself (to many other things on my plate). My interest is in converting an existing F1J or F1C to electric. I have done nothing to pursue my idea, but I have some suggestions.
I was editor of the 2001 sympo which featured three articles on electrics - indoor, scale, and outdoor. The outdoor article by Charles Groth sets up a systematic scheme for designing a model around the power plant, i.e. batteries and motor. It is a really good article that should help you develop a plan of action.
Rogers comment about the technology jump is surely true, however it is our own fault that this gap still exists. Electiric free flight models are sold at Walmart for goodness sake. And the R/C guys have understood electrics very well for nearly two decades. They know motor sizes like we know engine sizes - almost intuitively. If we get friendly with some of these guys we might get the answers we need to quickly shortcut the techno-gap. Maybe an R/C electric guru could publish an article in the Sympo or the Digest. (Maybe we could read the R/C electric columns in the magazines too.) Some commercial web sites give thrust data on motors, that we could compare to similar data on well known gas engines. A few hours of research on the web could yield a table comparing motors to engines.
Who will do it is the question.
Cuban Q Ideas
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi . ROGER and friends
I was a F1C flyer , (VERBITSKY¨S PUPIL)(I AM CUBAN ,LIVING IN Barcelona)and now I practic F5J electric RC glider (national formula same as f1c but RC)
My OWN DESIGN ""models are all composites (all parts ) made by my self , Dbox , carbon booms , nose etc
In this moment my models in 32 seconds climb 250-270 meters or plus"" and gliding more than 6 min (easy)
The span , 2230 mm and weight 690 grams , all included (rc devices battery,ready to fly)
The prop is folding Aeronaut CAM CARBON 14x9 (in 6:1) and 14x8(in 5:1) the BATERY IS LiPo 2s 1000 mamp(7.4 V) or NiCd 1200 ma mp 6 elements(8.4V) the comsum is abouth
16 AMP AND PULL 700 -800 GRAMS
SOMETIMES I USE NEUMOTOR 1105/3y (3500 rpm/v )+6:1 +14X10 AND PULL 900-1000 GRAMS (17-18 AMP)
I use a Z hub made in CNC (BY ME)
The airfoil is a mix of selig 4083 and 3021 7.5% + FLAPS , have good perfomance, in tail (drela Ht 18) The area is
38 dm square in wings and tail 3.6 dm2
Now Iam making a folding I hope good results too
The last year my model was the champion (invict in 5 contest) in BARCELONA province ,champion OF Asturias AND 2nd in SPAIN NATIONAL
I think that this parameters culd help the FF ELECTRIC MODELS
best regards
manolo ( EX cuban F1C TEAM)
Gentlemen Charge your Batteries
from: Faust Parker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
F1Q will be flown at the Spring Cup on Sunday April 27 with the mini events. Unfortunately there will be no awards this year, but it will count toward Americas Cup points. We will see how it goes and may include it in all of our contests later in the year.
Gentlemen, charge your batteries!
Look at the NFFS Forum
from: rich ivers Jr. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Hello Ed Mate, Look at NFFS forum under pending AMA electric B record. You will see the details of my F1Q. The model climbs with the same vigor as a nostalgia model with a hot .15
Roger Morrell