SEN 1201 - 10 April 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1950
Table of Contents - SEN 1201 -10 April
- FFQ April 2008
- Amselmo - where are you ?
- SEN e-mail status
- F1C wing
Free Flight Quarterly for April 2008
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Congratulations on publishing the fine report by David Brawn of the AFFS and Southern Cross Champs at Narrandera. I had to miss them this year and his report re-creates very well the special atmosphere of these contests, even the agony of flying and timing surrounded by the most determined flies in the world. His final advice on flying at Narrandera is perfect.
The April 2008 issue of Free Flight Quarterly is being mailed now. This is a special 64-page issue of the magazine. It continues with the F1A theme, containing articles by Per Findhal on his new flapper as well as the second part of Brian Eggleston's article on new airfoils for F1A with smaller drag during the zoom and bunt phase. Both Findahl's and Eggleston's approaches have shown great promise, as discussed in the articles. Michal Dvorak describes his electronic tow-hook and Erik Knudsen continues with his fascinating account of early 1950's Nordic A-2 competitions which include some very rare photos of these events. Max Hacklinger's analysis of the perfect glide trim is presented in a version annotated and illustrated by Jean Wantzenriether.
This issue also starts the topic of Tailless models , with extensive articles by John Pool on sweptback rubber models and by Dave Dent on plank gliders. There are introductions on tailless models by Ron Warring, and also on Tailless Model Design.
In other topics, Aram Schlosberg contributes the first part of his very comprehensive look at the F1Q category, describing the equipment, motors, controllers, batteries, timers and some simpler models, to be followed next July with a look at the more advanced models on this category. There are also French Coupe designs by Bernard Michaud and a formidable P30 by Per Thomas Skjulstad.
John Lorbiecki tells the remarkable story of his son's progress in F1J and the very successful trip to the Junior W/C, and there is also the continuation of the Martin Simons' history of airfoil development, this time the attention is on laminar flow airfoils. Last but not least, a remembrance of Bond Baker's great win at the 1958 Wakefield competition, our last win, 50 years ago, in a FAI Free Flight W/C. Further details and a detailed table of contents in our website:
Sergio Montes
please print it out this time and not only the people who agree - or - Anselmo again
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Anselmo,
my Italian is not so good, so before giving any comment to your thoughts about “In quest for a fair approach to competition flying” I would like to know if this text is meant:
- ironically / provocative
- a too early 1st of April joke
- serious ???
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Kind regards
Gerhard Aringer
Editorial Comment - I explained in the issue that I was not here on 1 April so this was intended to be the 1 April issue - What I did not say was that Anselmo had sent me this earlier and asked me to hold it for the 1 April issue. From this I assume that he was not intending to make this a rule change proposal. But he still might be being ironic or pointing out to us how ridiculous we are over some of these matters.
SEN by E-mail Status
We DID have good news. We have worked with our service provider, who provided additional and support and have been successful at resolving most of the blocking issues.
However ... with SEN 1199 sent on 6 April
Pacbell ... who are all the same blocked SEN again
as did Comcast
and possibly some more - about 80 out of 650 were blocked
These were unblocked but a number for smaller ISPs were blocked for SEN 1201 this included Xtra in New Zealand that has a number of subscribers. I have not had the time to follow up on these. If you are not getting SEN but think you are subscribed please check with us or go to your ISP and see if it is blocked.
There is still an outstanding issue with Yahoo. It appears that Yahoo silently discards SEN [and other mail of an equally dubious nature ] when under heavy load. I have pursued this without success with both Yahoo and my service provider. It also appears that if you have a Yahoo mail account that you pay for the mail is not discarded!
F1C wing needed!
A friend is looking for a raw, uncovered F1C wing frame with matching stab...something competitive, over 100" span. Please contact Bill Gieskieng, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thanks!
Roger Morrell