SEN 1233 - 30 July 2008

Table of Contents - SEN 1233 - 30 July 2008

  1.  Junior World champs F1A
  2. 34 th Calif Invitationa - Livotto
  3. Western States Flying Aces 2009
  4. Huron 2008


F1A Junior World Champs

Plc         Name           Nat   1    2    3    4    5    6    7  Total
1  ZACH Guy                ISR 1260+300+297                       1857
2  SLOKAR Tomaz            SLO 1260+300+294                       1854
3  BARRON Timothy          USA 1260+300+254                       1814
4  MACHEFERT Samuel        FRA 1260+300+240                       1800
5  GRUSHKOVSKYY Dmitriy    UKR 1260+300+225                       1785
6  KULCSAR Henrik          HUN 1260+300+218                       1778
7  SIFTAR Rok              SLO 1260+300+191                       1751
8  SVOBODA Petr            CZE 1260+300+183                       1743
9  JONES Kyle              USA 1260+231                           1491
10 PARKHAEV Egor           RUS 1260+215                           1475
11 SELL Janar              EST 1260+183                           1443
12 SEREN Johannes          GER 1260+170                           1430
13 BOHUS Martin            SVK 1260+145                           1405
15 NALOEV Alim             RUS 1260+0                             1260
15 VRTOVEC Ambroz          SLO 1260+0                             1260
16 VAHTRA Mikk-Kaspar      EST  180  177  180  180  180  180  180 1257
17 CAI Oliver              USA  180  180  180  180  180  173  180 1253
18 JURINA Marek            CZE  180  164  180  180  180  180  180 1244
19 GUMIENNY Przemyslaw     POL  157  180  180  180  180  180  180 1237
20 BARAN Kamil             SVK  180  180  180  180  180  131  180 1211
21 SYCHEV Alexander        UKR  180  180  180  180  180  130  180 1210
22 ZARINS Janis            LAT  180  180  180  180  180  180  112 1192
23 BERNOTAS Aurimas        LTU  180  108  180  180  180  180  180 1188
23 VOLF Norbert            HUN  180  108  180  180  180  180  180 1188
25 ROGOVSKY Jozef          SVK  180  99   180  180  180  180  180 1179
26 SINSKIY Denis           RUS  180  180  180  180  98   180  180 1178
27 GAIDE Edouard           FRA  180  180  180  180  118  148  180 1166
28 BUDOVAS Paulius         LTU  180  135  180  180  180  180  125 1160
29 HERWIG Willi            GER  180  78   180  180  180  180  180 1158
30 DROZDZINSKI Tomasz      POL  180  180  180  180  180  76   180 1156
31 SAHNO Alexey            UKR  69   180  180  180  180  180  180 1149
32 BOLKO Oskar             POL  180  81   180  180  180  146  180 1127
33 HORVATH Tamas           HUN  180  180  109  180  180  110  180 1119
34 TOPI Penttila           FIN  180  180  180  47   180  180  168 1115
35 MIRON Roee              ISR  180  180  180  180  180  99   103 1102
36 AMAR Matan              ISR  180  40   180  180  156  180  180 1096
37 ZILINSKAS Emilis        LTU  180  180  180  180  63   180  132 1095
38 PLUME Andris            LAT  180  180  147  23   180  180  180 1070
39 RUBENCIKS Jurijs        LAT  180  180  180   3   180  180  121 1024
39 LIETZ Martin            GER  31   180  180  180  93   180  180 1024
41 VOSEJPKOVA Tereza       CZE  180  180  115  180  180  180   0  1015
42 HENRIKSSON Mikael       FIN  180  37   69   168  180  180  180  994
43 MAUSSION Valentin       FRA  180  78   96   180  180  78   180  972
44 BARDAROV Nikolay        BUL  180  29   77   180  59   180  165  870
45 HYUNG GU Lee            KOR  76   91   69   34   180  31   152  633
-  DONG YEUP Kim           KOR   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    -

                                41   32   38   40   39   35   36
                                41   29   26   24   21   16   15

F1A Teams
Plc Team                                1    2    3    4    5    6    7  Total
1  Slovenia                            540  540  540  540  540  540  540 3780
2  USA          & nbsp;                      540  540  540  540  540  533  540 3773
3  Russia                              540  540  540  540  458  540  540 3698
3  Slovakia                            540  459  540  540  540  491  540 3650
5  Ukraine                             429  540  540  540  540  490  540 3619
6  Hungary                             540  468  469  540  540  470  540 3567
7  Poland                              517  441  540  540  540  402  540 3520
8  Czech Republic                      540  524  475  540  540  540  360 3519
9  Israel                              540  400  540  540  516  459  463 3458
10 Lithuania                           540  423  540  540  423  540  437 3443
11 Germany                             391  438  540  540  453  540  540 3442
12 France                              540  438  456  540  478  406  540 3398
13 Latvia                              540  540  507  206  540  540  413 3286
14 Estonia                             360  357  360  360  360  360  360 2517
15 Finland                             360  217  249  215  360  360  348 2109
16 Bulgaria                            180  29   77   180  59   180  165  870
17 Korea                               76   91   69   34   180  31   152  633

Flying Aces Western States Regional 2009
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Roger...The Flying Aces will be holding its 2nd Western States Regional in October 2009 in Gainsville Texas.  The first regional was held in Perris Ca. in 2007.At that premier event we had over 200 aircraft and 64 entries. Our email distribution list now has over 1000 modelers all over America. We changed the name of this event to assuage our friends in Eloy and renamed it WESTFAC II. How do I get it on your event calender for 2009..????  Roger Willis


The call for papers is still in the Digest for the 2008 issue.  The editor for 2009 has not been selected yet, but I will collect them until then.

Rick PangellThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

34th. California F.A.I. Invitational

OCTOBER 4th. And 5th. 2008


FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J


SATURDAY OCT. 4th.   F1-A, F1-B and F1-C


SUNDAY OCT. 5th. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J


F1-A, Saturday October 4th. 2008 ** First Flight 210 Seconds

F1-B & F1-C, Saturday October 5th. 2008  ** First Flight 240 Seconds

7 - One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours


Fly Offs will start at 4:30 PM “FIRM” Depending on weather

Otherwise there will be a 10 minutes flight, 10 minutes window on the

Following day starting at 07:15 for F1-A, 07:30 for F1-B and 07:45 for F1-C



F1-G, F1-H & F1-J  Sunday October 7th. 2008

First Flight for the 3 events will be 180 Seconds

-5- One-hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours

Fly-Offs will start shortly after the 5th. Round with the 5, 7, 9 etc. min. increments


***There will be NO timers provided, Please find someone to fly and time with you***



Perpetual Trophies to winners

Medals 1st. through 3rd. place for all events


NOTE:  Per AMA directive, ALL competitors must have AMA insurance



Entry Fee US$ 20:00 for F1A, F1-B & F1-C

$10:00 for F1-G, F1-H & F1-J

(Juniors ½ prize)


Contest Director:  Juan A. Livotto, 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066, USA


Phone (310) 391-5986…….e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






Year 2007 WINNERS


F1-A:  M. McKEEVER                    F1-B:  P. CROWLEY                        F1-C:  E,CARROLL

F1-G:  VANANDINGHAM             F1-H:  B. VAN NEST                        F1-J:  G, MENANO                       


Huron Cup 2008
F1A Total

Tzvetan Tzvetkov BUL 120 180 180 233 180 180 180 1253

Brian Van Nest USA 120 164 180 240 178 180 180 1242
Andy Barron USA 120 180 130 240 136 180 180 1166
Todor Boiadjiev USA 120 144 75 210 180 180 180 1089
Kyle Jones (Jr) USA 120 85 125 236 141 180 180 1067

Shlomi Rosenzweig CAN 120 180 122 240 129 100 154 1045

Tzvetan Tzvetkov 120 180 180 233 180 18

Peter Allnutt CAN 120 110 180 55 180 180 180 1005 7th

Igor Fradkin USA 120 118 126 240 180 89 80 953 8th

Leslie Farkas CAN 120 91 180 203 81 180 91 946 9th

Jiri Horak CAN 120 163 79 118 180 180 85 925 10th
Bob Sifleet USA 120 149 180 228 63 180 — 920 11th

Vidas Nikolajevas CAN — — — 185 105 180 — 470 12th

F1B Total Place

Greg Simon USA 120 180 180 240 180 170 180 1250 1st

Paul Crowley USA 120 175 149 240 180 180 180 1224 2nd

Aram Schlosberg USA 120 151 175 234 180 180 180 1220 3rd

Ladi Horak CAN 120 180 180 240 180 162 158 1220 4th

Roger Morrell USA 120 180 180 240 172 180 139 1211 5th

Charlie Jones USA 120 180 180 240 103 180 180 1183 6th

Carrol Allen USA 120 180 170 226 180 125 107 1108 7th
Doug Rowsell CAN 120 55 180 240 178 177 — 950 8th

Evan Simon (Jr) USA 120 122 — — — — — 242 9th

John Clapp USA 69 — —- — — — — 69 10th

F1C Total Place

Yury Shvedenkov CAN 120 125 131 — 50 56 — 482 1st

F1G Total
Tom Ioerger 120 72 120 120 120 552

John Clapp 87 67 112 120 81 467

Carrol Allen 75 58 120 120 85 458

Charlie Jones 120 120 — — —- 240

Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 600

Bob Sifleet 62 95 92 69 66 384

Roger Morrell