SEN 1250 - 6 Oct 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1359
Table of Contents SEN issue 1250
- Livotto Flash
- Seguin Status and Autumn Cup
- leaping on FFQ
- Standalone radio D/T
- 20 secs
Livotto Flash
A to Kulmakko in just over 5
B to Andriukov in 7:25
C to Babenko in just over 9
.. what else matters ... the food was up to the usual standard
- I need to bring you up to date on the status of the Seguin Field and also the Autumn Cup [.as of Oct 3]
First of all, let me address the Status of the Seguin field due to the Air Force resurfacing all of the runways (and I hear the Taxi strips). This is to be a year long project. The Air Force has told it's contractor to start on Monday November 10, 2008. Yes, this is the day after the Autumn Cup competition is to be held. (The Air Force and the Tri-City MAC met on this start date and we were able to get the date set to follow the Autumn Cup.) So there are two things that need to be remembered here. First, the Seguin Field will not be available to us for the year of 2009, although we are working with the Air Force to see if there is the chance to hold the Autumn Cup next November based on the status of the project. Second, The Air Force has told the Tri-City MAC that we are all (RC and Free Flight) welcome to come back and have access to the field in 2010. This is great news for us. And it is to the credit of the Tri-City MAC and its new President Chuck Krupczak, they have rebuilt the relationship with the Air Force after it basically reached a critical point this past spring. Chuck, A great big Thank You from the Texas Free Flight community for all your efforts in supporting us this past year.
Next FFQ - includes the Leaper..
Could you please include in your next issue of SEN this announcement? And congratulations of the award by the NFFS of SEN as a publication of special merit. You have developed and maintained a very special tribune for the FAI flyers which fills a unique role and for which we should be very thankful.
Your readers will be interested, no doubt, on the long Leeper article in this latest issue of FFQ.
Sergio Montes
The October issue of Free Flight Quarterly is out , and the theme of this new issue is Mulvihills, the great American version of the Open Rubber model, and its immediate development, the Dawn Unlimited designs.
A perspective of this category is given by the very extensive article by Jim O'Reilly on the state of the art in Mulvihill design, an article that has been specially updated for this issue. Then we present a selection of Mulvihill designs of fame which include some of the big names in this category. George Perryman of course, with his several Speckled Bird designs, many of which are not well known, and which won for him and for fellow flyers the Mulvihill Trophy many times. Bob Bienenstein with his Equalizer, Bob White Twin Fins, Lenderman's Le Nomade, and other noted designers are also present. The Dawn Unlimiteds, extra light development of the Mulvihills, are shown with the examples of Clarence Mather's Lean Machine and the amazing model of Carl Redlin, the Day Break. Still on the subject of Open Rubber models, Paul Rossiter uses his powerful computer models to define an optimum 50 gr. Open Rubber, following the introduction of this new restricted formula in the UK.
Other topics: this issue of Free Flight Quarterly contains also the full story of the development of the F1A designs by Lee Hines: his famous AL series in honour of Andres Lepp as well as the Buntbone and Buntero and his newest design the Eos ( Morning Goddess). Markku Tahkappa, the Finnish modeller so successful in the 1960's is interviewed for Free Flight Quarterly and shows his remarkably beautiful gliders and tells us his life story...Markku is still active in Vintage flying in Scandinavia. Finally we remember Nathan Sturman, the well known Scale specialist whose plans of Japanese aircraft of WW2 made him justly famous.
The full contents of this issue as well as the cover of the new edition (with a smiling George Perryman) are available, as always, from our website:
Sergio Montes
Stand alone Radio D/T
could you please mention on the next SEN issue that a new
stand alone RDT system joins now my products. The system
makes it very easy to add RDT to any model of any class.
Full details available at
20 Secs and the Rules
From: Bill Shailor
I think the 20 second attempt is a good thing. In this day and age of what some may call overly-technical models, some allowance for unintended mechanical failure needs to be recognized. There are plenty of world-class F1B fliers out there who have experienced a malfunctioning prop delay. I'm sure they wouldn't be in favor of a rule that says when this occurs, and it does occur, they'd be happy to simply call the contest as being over for them and pack their things and go home.
What seems to be driving this discussion this time around is the use of R/C D/T to bring a model, in this case, a glider, to the ground in the event of a bad launch. How about changing the rule to where a flier can't "sabotage" a bad flight by taking action to abort the flight before 20 seconds of flight time have elapsed?
This would prohibit the aforementioned practice.
Bill Shailor
Roger Morrell