SEN issue 1094 - 20 May 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1412
- Zeeked Out
- Poles
- USA Junior F1B Program
Zeeked Out
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A reminder that thanks to you guys I have CAD plans for About every Zeek published, kitted or flown by major competition flyers. This includes the original Ray Acord kit plan supervised by Lew Mahiu. He did the plans also. A little more than dozen in all. The only one i know of that I did not draw is the Zeek 1500. Also blue line copies of hand drawn "Baby Sailplane" plans. Contrary to general thinking it was not designed, buit or flown by Carl Goldberg but was by Dave Kloepfer. If you want to see a pic of the original model Carl is holding it in his early article on dethemalisers. It took me 80 hours to get it right with then design approval guru Bob Larsh. It was done as a personal favor as requested by the late great Mitch Post. Mitch died unfortuneately as i finished the plans. He said John Pond had his request and data he sent for 5 years. One of the first to purchase the plan was George Aldrich who as far as I know never built it. The first to build it was Charles "Chucko"Klivans who had it powered with my suggested Elfin.15. He was very happy with it. Power was great but at times he had glide problems. Maybe attributable to the fact that he used a flat bottom Zipper stab section instead of a scaled down underchambered Sailplane stab. These plans are for sale. Ed Mate
Posted by: "Fred Tellier" on the Yahoo FFML
Here is the link to an ebay seller that has a 40' pole for $99.00. Quite a
few of us Indoor flyers have done business with him and these a good poles
for the price.
http://cgi.ebay. com/ws/eBayISAPI .dll?ViewItem& item=26011844720 4&ssPageName= ADME:B:FSEL: US:1
USA Junior F1B Program
From: "Walt Ghio" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
I would like to announce a new program for F1B Junior flyers. Jim Parker had made reference to an F1B program in a SCAT web site message about the Junior team selection program several months ago.
I had been in contact with Igor Vivchar about purchasing several of his “simple” models for this program. Igor did not have all the models available that I wanted so they had to be produced. The models just arrived from Igor. I did not wanted to announce the program without having the models on hand. There is two months left before the team selection and a junior still has time to get the model flying and prepare for the team finals in Muncie.
Two of the Prima models are available and four of the Suprima models. Please review the below program and send the application to me. Distribution of the models will be based on the date application were sent to me.
We all would like to thank Roy Hanson who made a donation to me for this complete junior program. His support paid for the six models and rubber that are included with the models. Without his donation this could not have happened so readily.
Below is a new Junior F1B program. Any junior who is interested in trying out for the Junior FAI Free Flight Team program may utilize this program. We have made the program plan as simple as possible to encourage junior flyers and their parents or supporters to sign up. The goal is to support new or present Junior F1B flyers for the upcoming 2008 team selection and also the 2010 team selection. Please read the program and e-mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.
Junior F1B Program
Provide F1B rule information and general model information along with an Igor Vivchar “Prima” model. The Prima model is a beginner F1B airplane intended for young modelers who are starting the sport of “Wakefield”. This model uses a mechanical timer with an auto-rudder. Included also will be pre-made motors from Alex Andriukov. The intent of Stage 1 is to introduce first time 8-13 years old FF flyers to Junior FAI FF Team program that wish to fly F1B rubber powered models.
Provide F1B rule information and general model information along with an Igor Vivchar “Suprima” F1B model. Igor’s Suprima model is the next step for learning / flying F1B models above the basic Prima model. It is a more competitive model along with using an instant prop release system, mechanical timer, VIT and auto-rudder. Included also will be pre-made motors from Alex Andriukov. The intent of Stage 2 is to provide a model for the Junior’s that have mastered the beginner stages of Wakefield flying and want to step up to a more competitive model. To qualify for this stage the Junior must demonstrated some level of flying F1B models to the program administrator.
Program Entry:
- For Junior FAI flyers that will be under the age of 19 throughout the entire calendar year of 2008 are eligible.
- Submit a Junior FAI FF Team Selection Application. Please contact Lisa Johnson at AMA for registration.
- Submit a Junior F1B Registration Form of interest. (see attached)
Upon the receipt of a completed Junior F1B Application, a start-up package with event rules, photo’s of the models and applicable web sites, etc will be sent to the Junior’s home address. After reviewing the application and if accepted the model of choice will be mailed to the Junior flyer who sent in the application free of charge.
Support for the Junior Program Entry:
If so requested on the Junior F1B Registration Form, every effort will be made to link the interested Junior flyer with an experienced F1B FF flyer via Team Selection Committee, FF Clubs, NFFS and SCAT Web site (SEN).
Walt Ghio is administrator for the Junior F1B Program. Walt will coordinate distribution of the Prima and Suprima models to the qualified Juniors.
Roy Hanson is the main supporter for this F1B program. The Florida Modelers Association, Magnificent Mountain Men, Max Men, Sierra Eagles, Southern California Aero Team and Stockton Gas Model Association, clubs have committed to supporting this program financially along with the present F1P Junior program. Additional support and assistance is welcomed. Please contact Walt Ghio.
Junior Flyers Name: ____________________________
Address: _________________________________ _________________________________
Date of Birth _______________
Phone Number: _______________________
Email __________________________
AMA No. __________________
Parent’s Name: ___________________________
Check the stage(s) of interest
Stage 1 __ Prima model
Stage 2 __ Suprima model
Requirement: List previous contest results for F1B models
Please complete and return form to: Walt Ghio, 1380 Elkhorn Dr, Stockton, CA 95209, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date: _____________________
Roger Morrell