SEN 1003 - 16 Apr 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1339
SEN 1003 16 April 2006
Table of Contents
Bob Junk loses house to fire - Grogan and Clewsan
Looking for a Cyclon 06 - Bryant and Monks
Issue 1000 - Hinson
Hans Thomann model Aquila - Kleine
The Skyscrapers at 70 - Hatschek
Looking for Stanislaw Zurad - Woodhouse
2006 AmCup Results - Parker
Bob Junk loses house to fire
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi All:
I received this message from Joe Clawson. Apparently Bob Junk's
house burned down and they had no insurance. I am going to send him a
check to help out, and I hope you do the same. His address is below and
it will be forwarded to their new temporary location. The town should be
spelled Cantonment.
[I also recieved this message from other sources. ]
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----- Original Message -----
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 7:17 PM
Subject: District V contest cordinator
Hey Guys I'm sure that like me you get several requests for
donations. Well put my request at the head of the list as some one that
is part of our group needs help. Last weekend a fellow modeler, CD
,Contest Corodinator district V, and Naval Retiree , Bob Junk and his
wife returned home to find that their house had burned to the ground and
they had no insurance coverage. They lost every thing . Regardless as to
why or how of no coverage, if you have the means to do so pleasesend a
check to help them out. They do not know that I am doing this. Any mail
will be forward to their tempory address. Bob Junk 984 Williams Ditch
rd Contanment Fl 32533 Ph 850-968-9619 There are several people that
I do not have info on Hatcheck , Acton and other members of the
Skyscrapers , VanDover and other members of the Brainbusters Dick
Colvalt and other members of the CIA . Please pass along Joe Clawson
Pres FMA
Looking for a Cyclon 06
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger.
Would you please include this in the next issue of SEN:
My friend Ray Monks is looking for a Cyclon 06 for F1J. Has anyone out there
got a (preferably) new engine surplus to requirements? A very good-condition
used engine might be considered.
Graham Bryant.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I think I can locate "Aquilla" data if I can have a date reference. Ed Mate
Issue 1000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
A thousand thanks for 1000 issues.
Lets see, with issue 2000 will we have electric F1C, Electric winches
for F1A, and electric heaters for the 10gms of rubber in F1B?
Rex Hinson
President, NFFS
Hans Thomann model Aquila
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Hi Roger,
For SEN: Hans Thomann drawings
I have the original drawing 1:1 of Hans Thomann model AQUILA,
published in 1958.
I can send a copy to "Leeper".
Ralf Kleine, Germany
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The Skyscrapers at 70
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On April 1, 2006, the Skyscrapers celebrated their 70th birthday, But first,
back to the beginning. In 1936, the Sky-Scrapers was founded in Brooklyn,
New York.
In 1961, to celebrate its 25th anniversary, a group of at least
eight Skyscrapers gathered in Bill Dunwoody=B9s shop to build a full-size
replica of Sal Taibi's Powerhouse. Strip wood was ripped out of a 2 by 4, by
the way, and the basic job was done over a single weekend. The model was
suitably decorated with aluminum foil cutouts (it was the silver
anniversary, after all) and appropriate tissue lettering was applied, a
shown on page 1 of the club=B9s website ( Club
members autographed the stabilizer and a piece of yellow silkspan was
mailed to Sal for his autograph, which was doped to the stab.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary, the Skyscrapers invented the
F1J small power event, pushed the USA delegation to the annual CIAM meeting
(the FAI's aeromodeling branch) to sponsor it - it wasn't a very hard push,
by the way. The FFTC (Free Flight Technical Commitee) saw fit to slightly
modify the proposed rules and the CIAM voted to accept the new class and it
is now a world-wide event. Also, of course, it spurred the development of
new 1/2A and .061 engines world-wide.
Which brings us to this celebration of our 70th anniversary.
First event of the celebratory year was the Skyscrapers Reunion on April 1 -
a gala gathering in White Plains, NY, attended by 98 Skyscrapers and their
friends, ranging in age from toddlers (Barron offspring) to several
octogenarians (three of whom were charter members of the club). Attendees
came from as far as Florida, Texas and California.
A number of models were on display throughout the affair,
including a miniature Shulman Skyscraper powered by a Cox .020 (the club was
named after the original in 1936) and four SpitBalls (the Early Nostalgia
1/2 A for which one-design events will be held at three major Skyscraper
meets in 2006). Also running throughout the gathering was a movie of
Skyscraper footage put together by Al Abriss from ancient 8-mm film and
subsequent films and videotapes.
Door prizes galore were handed out to everyone: Stopwatches for
the flyers, wristwatches for the ladies, and two NFFS memberships (donated
by Walt Rozelle, editor of the NFFS Digest). The memberships were awarded to
Dennis Phelan and junior flyer Marian Whitney.
Following an excellent repast, it was time for speeches and
awards with skyscraper president Dave Acton acting as master of ceremonies.
He was also recipient of the first award given: The AMA President's Award,
which was presented to the Skyscrapers by District II vice president Dave
Mathewson standing in for Dave Brown, who could not attend.
The microphone then went to awards chairman Jean Pailet, who
presented the club's highest award, the Modeler of the Year trophy, jointly
to Sal Taibi and Leon Shulman (both present) along with life memberships in
the Skyscrapers. The Youth Achievement Award went to 11-year-old Brian
Pacelli. Brian will be flying F1P on the US Team going to Europe this summer
for the Junior World Championships.
Bob Hatschek next took the floor to tell the tale of the
creation of the Skyscrapers Royal Order of the Purple Shaft. He concluded by
giving a miniature of this trophy to Bill Dunwoody, for whom it was created
in 1957. Dunwoody then presented the award to Jim Bocckinfuso for disasters
overcoming him in 2005.
The Skyscapers will continue to celebrate throughout their 70th
year with three major competitions at Bryton Barron Memorial Field in
Wawayanda, NY: the Skyscrapers International Challenge (May 27-28); the
Skyscrapers 70th Anniversary Annual (July 1-2); and the Skyscrapers Fall
Contest (Oct. 21-22). These meets will all feature a special one-design
event for Skyscraper Bob Hatschek's 1951 SpitBall 1/2A (see Frank Zaic's
1951-52 Model Aeronautic Yearbook, page 119 and NFFS Digest, Mar. 2006, page
9). The events will be run according to NFFS Nostalgia rules and it is hoped
that at least one of them will be ROW.
Other meets scheduled for Barron Field in 2006 will be the
Eastern US FF Championships (June 10-11) relocated because of
unavailability of its usual Maryland site and the Wilbur & Orville Contest
(August date TBA).
As a postscript to my the above email about the Skyscrapers 70th Anniversary
Reunion. Pictures of the gala affair can be viewed on the club's website
Looking for Stanislaw Zurad
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The last time I saw Stanislaw he was at Zulpich and was living in Germany,
this was in the very early 90's.
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
Free Flight Supplies has secure internet credit card facilities.
All mail to: -
web site: -
2006 AmCup Results
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It seems the 2005-2006 AmCup banquet was just a few days ago but here we
are a third of the way through the year. To the 2006 winners, I'll be
sending your engraved plates in the next 2 weeks.
Here's the first installment of 2006 AmCup results. As always, please
send me corrections.
Jim Parker
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America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 19 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 25 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 28 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 11 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 McKeever, Mike 77 SWR-1 Ike-2 SCA-2
2 Barron, Andrew 50 Ike-1 MM-3
3 Parker, Jim 45 SWR-4 MM-1
4 VanNest, Brian 35 SWR-2 MM-5
5 Zink, Don 32 Ike-4 SCA-3
6 Coussens, Ben(Jr) 27 SCA-1
7 Spence, Steve 25 MM-2
8 Puhakka, Risto 20 SWR-3
8 Brun, Pierre 20 Ike-3
10 Busnelli, Ernesto 15 MM-4
11 Hines, Lee 12 SCA-4
12 Jones, Kyle (Jr) 10 SWR-5
12 Bauer, Brian 10 Ike-5
14 Thompson, Mike 7 SCA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 15 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 21 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 30 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 9 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Jensen, Blake 61 SWR-2 MM-1 SCA-5
2 Jones, Charles 56 SWR-1 SCA-1
3 Batiuk, George 44 SWR-3 Ike-2
4 Tymchek, Bob 30 Ike-1
4 Andriukov, Alex 30 Ike-5 MM-3
6 Rohrke, Rich 29 SWR-4 Ike-4
7 Ghio, Walt 25 MM-2
8 Morrell, Roger 22 SCA-2
9 Clapp, John 20 Ike-3
10 Mulligan, Mike 17 SCA-3
11 Booth, Bill 15 MM-4
12 Peek, Jerry* 12 SCA-4
13 Bradley, Jim 10 MM-5
14 Biedron, Bob 9 SWR-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 17 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 20 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 6 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Carroll, Ed 71 SWR-2 Ike-5 MM-4 SCA-1
2 Poti, Norm 41 MM-2 SCA-3
3 Chesson, Don 40 SWR-3 Ike-2
4 Gewain, Matt 30 MM-1
5 Simpson, Roger 29 Ike-1
6 Archer, Randy 26 SWR-1
7 Parker, Faust 21 SWR-4 MM-5
7 Ellington, Jeff* 21 SCA-2
9 Perkins, Daryl 20 SWR-5 Ike-4
9 Servaites, Bucky 20 MM-3
11 Johannes, Dave 19 Ike-3
12 Joyce, Doug 11 SCA-4
13 Mennano, Guy 6 SCA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 18 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 18 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 20 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 3 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Emery, Jack 40 MM-3 SCA-1
2 Clapp, John 39 SWR-3 Ike-3
3 Schroedter, George 30 Ike-1
4 Murphy, Jerry 29 SWR-1
5 Bagalini, Larry* 25 Ike-2
5 Crowley, Paul 25 MM-1
7 Nelson, Elmer 24 SWR-2
8 Jensen, Blake 20 SCA-2
8 Ghio, Walt 20 MM-2
10 VanNest, Kurt* 15 Ike-4
10 Jones, Charlie 15 SCA-3
10 Vanlandingham, Ed 15 MM-3
13 O'Dell, Tiffany 14 SWR-4
14 Schroedter, Martin 10 Ike-5
14 Rohrke, Rich 10 MM-5
16 Firster, Ted* 9 SWR-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 9 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 12 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Parker, Jim 70 SWR-1 Ike-2 MM-2 SCA-3*
2 VanNest, Brian 60 SWR-2 Ike-4 MM-1
3 McKever, Mike 53 SWR-3 Ike-1 SCA-4
4 Coussens, Ben (Jr) 39 MM-3 SCA-2
5 Thompson, Mike 26 SCA-1
6 Smith, Norm 25 SWR-4 MM-5 SCA-5
7 Davis, Jon 16 Ike-3
8 Hines,Lee 13 MM-4
9 Archer, Ryan (Jr) 6 SWR-5
9 Sifleet, Bob 6 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 5 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 7 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 11 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 2 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Kerger, Terry 49 SWR-3 Ike-1 MM-4
2 Johannes, David 38 Ike-2 MM-3
3 Carroll, Ed 36 Ike-3 SCA-2
4 Parker, Faust 33 SWR-1 MM-4
5 Spence, Henry 27 MM-1
6 Poti, Norm 25 SCA-1
7 Spence, Steve 22 MM-2
8 Archer, Randy 21 SWR-2
9 Bartick, Don 11 SWR-4
9 Mennano, Guy 11 Ike-4
11 Robertson, Tony 6 SWR-5
11 Ferrario,Rocco 6 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 0 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 6 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 1 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Secor, Cody, Jr 51 Ike-1 MM-1
2 Ferrario, Anthony (jr) 21 Ike-2
3 Ferrario, Rocco 16 Ike-3
4 Andrews, Sean 11 Ike-4
5 Englesskirger, Jacob 6 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 0 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 1 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 0 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Schloxberg, Aram 25 Ike-1
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 0 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 8 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 0 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
1 Ioerger, Tom 26 Ike-1
2 Brock, Peter 21 Ike-2
3 Sifleet, Bob 16 Ike-3
4 Croghan, Vince 11 Ike-4
5 Davis, Jon 6 Ike-5
Roger Morrell