SEN 1053 - 20 Nov 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 2013
SEN issue 1053 20 November 2006
Table of Contents
What does it take to get a Nerd to recognize a Geek ? - Editorial
F1J survey - Kaynes
F1C Model Performance - Linkosalo
Rules changes: a modest proposal - Gregorie
Theory and Practice - Thanks Blake - King
Re- Blake's Fly off time message - Schroedter
F1B 5 Minutes is no Gimmie - Editor
Don't cut the line - Lenartowicz
kevlar towline - Zulic
Flapping in the sunset - Brokensapar
photos of 2006 Finals - Norvall
F1C Performance Limiting - Lorbiecki
rule changes - Ackerley
Forgotten and found in LH
Patterson Results
America's Cup Report
America's Cup Results
The ultimate Heresy or is F8 the small field solution
or what does it take to get a nerd to recognize a geek ?
========================== =============================
In browsing the FAI web site I came upon a new model class F8 for
autonomous flight. This is there for record purposes. It defines model
specifications - for electric and I/C powered as well as glider for
the standard record classes, duration, speed, distance , etc.
That fly without human intervention ! wow.
Of course all our F1 models [except extensible motor, clearly a gross
over sight to omit such an ecologically green class ] qualify for this
class. In reality, there is nothing more autonomous that a simple hand
launched glider. It does however, permit models with nasty electronic
closed loop feed back systems. Note that while the F1 rules do not
specifically call out electronic feed back as bad, the common
interpretation of the rules permits mechanical [F1B variable pitch prop,
F1B torque operated incidence - Xenakis and Cole, floating trim tab,
...] , and aerodynamic feed [Dihedral..] However the purpose of
this article is not to comment on the narrow
mindedness of this decision, but rather the short sightedness.
So ..
Is a device that after the model d/ts points it back at the start point
and executes a long shallow dive back home F1 or F8
How about the same device that starts that trip back home when the model
has reached the altitude of 1000* feet and eases off when it gets to
400* feet until it maxes ? F1 or F8 ?
* you set the values BEFORE the flight.
How about the model that knows it should not fly over the houses on
Sunrise near Waegel field or the irate farmer or the pig pen .. or
unless it can get back on the field by when the flight ends F1 or f8 ?
The organizer gives you the GPS coordinates !
Same deal at Muncie, or Pensacola
How about a model where you can make it decide if it more that a certain
distance from the flight line to change it trim or direction of
flight to stay in sight ? F1 or f8 ?
You make a judgment call before the flight based on Age, Power of
binoculars, reputation and sobriety of the time keeper.
How about a model that will try and fly up wind to keep in sight F1 or
F8 ?
How about a model that will slope soar of the ridge that's south of the
current Lost Hills flight line, near the original flight line used
in the 93 world Champs ?
F1 or F8 - one of my F1Bs does that now by itself - must be magic !
Maybe the short sightedness of the closed loop back decision not only
excludes these ideas that would make our pastime more enjoyable but
it excludes a population of geeks that we discourage by our luddite
thinking. After all back in the 60s, where a bunch of seem to belong
didn't the jocks at high school consider those who played with
toy airplanes some kind of mechanical nerd. So what does it to nerd to
recognize a geek ?
F1J survey
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am slightly confused by one aspect of the survey
questions. On the one hand a question is {Is the current
increase in flyoff times by 30 seconds appropriate} and then later
{Is a formal proposal to FAI to revise the current format appropriate}.
This seems to imply that 30 seconds increase in flyoff max times
is FAI format. Actually the current FAI rules call for 1 minute
The CIAM FF subcommittee has submitted a proposal
for the agenda of the CIAM March 2007 meeting that the F1J run be
reduced to 5 seconds.
Ian Kaynes
F1C Model Performance
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Peter Watson wrote:
> I was interested to know what Tapio's views are. Perhaps the time has
> arrived when we should at least mention the unmentionable. I have
> certainly heard it said that F1C would be better if folding wings, and
> geared engines had been banned, the second that they were conceived.
Ok, here goes. I have my asbestos suit on:
In my view, current F1C models are dangerous. The danger is not solely
from the motor power, but to a great extend from their weight and low
drag. They move fast, even motor shut, and if they come in from
they can kill. F1J shows an improvement on safety, they dive in at much
slower speeds. Yet they are ridiculously overpowered.
Motor power from 2.5cc motor is excessive to even current airframe
size and weight. cutting down motor run is a path that we have gone to
end. Going to 4 or 3 seconds is just a bad joke.
Gears are a must in modern F1C. They give clear increase in performance.
Yet they require very high-tech engineering, that only a handful of
can produce. Practically anyone who uses them, needs to buy them. Even
though the builder-of-the-model -rule was lifted, and I am NOT in the
favour of reimbursing it, I feel that the spirit of FF is such that
can build their models if they wish.
Folders. They can be a safety issue as they increase the wing loading
quite a lot. In A and B there is a minimum limit of wing area. If this
is implemented in C, it would automatically van folders
Based on these my view of F1C rules is:
-Surface area 32 to 34 sq. dm. (the same as F1A).
-minimum weight 450 grams (could be 500, if practical. But I'd prefer low
weight related to the area. Keeps surface drag up and limits speed)
-max motor size 1cc (we have decent motors for F1J, right?)
-no reduction gear allowed, prop must be attached to the crankshaft.
-motor run maybe 7 seconds?
I think and hope that this set of rules would make the models safer, cut
performance to similar level of A and B.
While standing on the soapbox I might add that F1A rules are fine, I
think. If we need to cut performance then add 40g ballast to bring the
model to 450 grams. In F1B, the VP hub should be banned. There is not much
affect in performance, but the same reasoning of device that gives some
use, thus must be used, but only few people can produce, applies. To cut
performance, maybe increase weight to 250 grams.
Rules changes: a modest proposal
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It seems to me that the first essential is to decide what we want from
rules changes. From the suggestions I seen so far these seem to amount
- allow the use of smaller fields
- improve participation
- make models cheaper
- make models easier to operate
- obsolete as few of the current models as possible.
My suggestions are intended to address as many as possible of these
Now, I hate the idea of decorating my models with ping pong balls or any
similar protrusion. Apart from being ugly, they'll probably make
recovery of models from trees much harder. I'd rather have some form of
cross section rule, but that would obsolete all current models, so its a
The following suggestions will, by and large, allow current models to be
used and at the same time reduce their cost and complexity and do it
without any ugly ping pong balls.
Qualifications to comment: I'm an F1A flyer with some F1J experience. My
physical situation makes it unlikely that I'll fly F1A again, but I
intend to fly either F1J or F1Q in the future, with a bias toward F1Q
because its quietness opens up additional trimming fields.
If you don't like my suggestions for other classes kindly remember that
they are worth what you paid for them and/or suggest something better.
That said, flame away!
Ban variable area and camber changing devices, i.e. no flappers or
folders in any class.
Ban thermal detectors. If nothing else, this will make F1A fliers happy
by removing the carbon forest from the flight line, but won't otherwise
affect them: our models *are* our thermal detectors.
F1A and F1H
None of the suggestions made so far, with the exception of reducing the
towline length, affect F1A performance. Reducing the line length is
undesirable because makes towing harder and penalizes older fliers by
putting a premium on athleticism. The same argument applies to banning
circle tow.
Banning bunt will simplify the models and reduce performance by at least
as much as a 10m line length reduction would do, so we only need one
additional rule:
- require a fixed horizontal tail surface. The only permitted
movement is for d/t.
F1B and F1G
Leave the rubber weight alone or even increase it. Performance,
complexity and cost can all be reduced with two rule changes. If you
change anything:
- ban VP props
- ban DPR
F1C and F1J
Performance reduction is difficult without making existing models
obsolete and producing an unattractive class. However, one additional
rule will reduce cost considerably, while reducing launch problems and
also have a small impact on performance:
- ban geared propellers.
F1J has an additional problem. The current run is clearly too long for a
2 min max, but just reducing it would make all engines except twin ball
race engines uncompetitive, thus removing engine choice and raising the
entry cost of the class. Introduce the following change:
- reduce the engine run to 5 seconds for twin ball
race glow engines and to 7 secs for other engines.
No apparent problems, so no changes needed.
The class has not yet had time to get established, so don't change it
yet but keep a watching brief.
Martin Gregorie
Theory and Practice - Thanks Blake
(Peter King)
I would just like to thank Blake Jensen for his very informative and
eminently sensible and well considered piece on F1B. I had noticed
exactly the same trend in fly off times and dropped flights in rounds, but Blake
has obviously worked really hard to collate comprehensive results data to
back up his argument. Everything you say Blake makes perfect sense
and I hope anyone changing the rules will study your excellent analysis
and follow your suggestions. i.e. In effect, don't change the models
or the rubber, it's not necessary if you follow Blake's well thought
line of reasoning on fly off timings etc. If my memory is right,
when we dropped to 30gms of rubber, Tan 2 was still widely available.
It is fast running out and what happens if there is
further rubber crisis. You can be sure, as soon as you drop to
25/20gms, Tan "Super" Sport will suddenly cease to be available and we'll
be flying on inferior Tan Sport, or worse. Even the 3 min rounds are now
no longer a free lunch, many good F1B flyers are missing maxes that they
would never have missed before the advent of the 30gm rule and the
loss of Tan 2..
Re- Blake's Fly off time message
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have to agree with Blake Jensen's comments in SEN 1052 with regards to
scheduling fly-offs later in the day. I too have not been happy with CDs
who immediately schedule long fly-off flights when there is still lots
of thermal activity. I especially dislike this when I am flying F1G. I
agree that it is nice to get on the road as early as possible Sunday
afternoons, but it is extremely unpleasant (and costly) to loose a
model. I'd rather drive home later with all of my models. Have I lost a
model in those conditions? No, but my son Martin has. A lot of time was
spent looking for it to no avail.
With the ABC classes, I would like us to return to the one-minute
increments in the fly-offs, but start with 5 minutes.
George Schroedter
F1B 5 Minutes is no Gimmie
Also following on from Blake Jensen's e-mail, if we look at the recent
USA team selection, one of the morning rounds was flown in picture perfect
conditions, yet only 9 out of the 24 or 25 contestants made the 5 minutes.
Even taking into account that there might not some people who did not
have Tan 2, had a mechanical mal-function or did not have a performance
model that is not a very high percentage.
I had meant to try and find out if anyone did it with Super Sport rubber.
I did ask Bob Biederon what he used as he says he always uses Super Sport
but he did not do on this occasion, but said he could have.
In my case it was very clear that this flight was very critical and good rubber
was essential. I have done 5 minutes with Super Sport motors and have bragged
about, but when push come shove, discretion was the better part of valor and I used some
of my precious Tan 2. I had done a cruise test just before the start of the round
and did 3 minutes from only 300 turns, but when I flew about 10 minutes later
almost right on the 7:30 start buzzer I did about 5:35. The same model
two days before at the same time of day with very similar rubber that
was probably a little worse did over a minute more clocking 6:40 before d/ting.
On both days thermal detection equipment indicated pretty much flat line
for both temperature and wind. In looking back on the first day
there was an inversion layer that I helped me significantly, on the second
the model seemed to glide much faster in the official flight than it did
in cruise test.
At the recent Patterson contest I had a similar experience. A cruise test
looked good, The first part of the official was slow and it looked like the
model would stay up there for every, then it sped up and seemed
to drop faster. I did make the max 5 minutes in this case. But my flying partner,
Walt Ghio suggested that I crank up the stab a little and go right back up and
do an test, which I did and the model stalled ! So clearly the model was correctly
elevated on the official flight. All this time the thermal detection equipment did not indicate any thing of note, but I did talk
to F1A sportsman, Andrew Barron who found a sweet spot of air that got him to 5 minutes.
Don't cut the line
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I think that some are capable of flying on a 40m towline is not a surprise,
but it is no reason to have to force the same on the rest of the flyers. I
don't see a reason to do the same, but rather the opposite. Some are aces
with modeling almost a profession.
I am thinking of those that are older and those that are younger and less
experienced. Both need a towline of a safe length in windy weather. I
would like to see the 40m used safely in 7-9m/s winds without routine
It is hard for me to understand people who want to reduce the performance of
a category which has reached its peak in terms of performance and I don’t
think will evolve much further. Does everyone today find it easy to make a
3, 5, or 7 minute max? How many can do this on call. Sometimes you’re 1st,
sometimes 31st, even for the champions. The flyoff is what we strive for
and should not be removed under the argument that the contest is too long
because the models are too good. Every change will just add more to the
mess and increase costs.
I see a need to reduce the costs of the World and Euro Champs, as well as
proper selection of flying fields for appropriate events, even if events
where to be held on the same field in re-occurring frequency (like the World
Cups). They should be places liked and accepted by the flyers (note the
popular destinations amongst the Cups). The costs today are typically
covered 100% by the flyers for transportation, hotels, and most importantly
the entry for the World & Euro (why so high?). Finding ways to reduce these
would be progress, not reducing towlines, rubber, and wings.
If some think that the model flies too far or high, we can always control it
through timers. Before we launch we have an idea where the model will land,
and if anyone is interested in short flights there are other categories to
accommodate that (cheaper). F1A/B/C is an old category – no need to change
Chris Lenartowicz
F1A Canada
kevlar towline
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In World championskip's in Oct.2001 I am bought kevlar towline for F1A.
I bought this towline in 2002 by our's web site too, but I am lost
adress from this web site.
I need help, because I would like to buy kevlar towline for F1A again.
If anybody know for adress from theirs web site....................
Damjan Zulic,
Flapping in the sunset
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Well !
...consider that folders would be a new and separate class.
Original straight and flapped models go on into the sunset !
Gives us F1C, and a new F1F
( Hopefully the progress in using up availanle letters of the alphabet
mightl have this lucky coincidence -: F for Folders )*
Not bad...everybody's investment in straught F1C's continues
to find an arena.....the new folder guys ( and the industry segment
newly burgeoning in Ukraine ) has clear sailing....
until the next insult comes along.
* F1F seems already to be Helicopters. Shoot ! about F1C-F
photos of 2006 Finals
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OK Here we go. My daughter came home to visit from college and
schooled me on photobucket This new site should allow all to
see the photos taken at the 2006 Free Flight Finals at Lost Hills.
Enjoy Larry Norvall
F1C Performance Limiting
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The other two events have some pretty easy remedies (if so deemed) to
limit their performance without totally junking everything that one owns.
F1C is a bit harder. I think tho I have the solution. It does change the
use of gears (still allowable tho in this deal) but nothing else except
the prop.These changes should cut the duration of a 6 minute airplane to
4 or so. Very simple...
1. Reduce the engine run to 4.5 seconds. This means we will be flooding
at 4.1 or so, so it's not a big deal to do and still should be safe.
2.) No more folding props. I know this may kill the geared engines, but some
sacrefice may be needed.
3.) No cowls.
Items 2 and 3 are there instead of tennis balls. We know that a fixed prop is
probably worth 30-45 seconds in glide and the cowls is just a bit more in the
increase of drag for climb and power. Plus, if it is needed, how about a
2" disc at the prop hub? A 1/16" thick carbon plate would do. This would
further reduce some propeller effeciency plus it would increase glide drag.
All these items would make todays models still usable and it is stuff
that can easily checked. I would absolutely hate to see increased
weight (safety issue) and cutting the span down (obsoleting everyone's
fleet), even tho a wing span decrease would make quite a difference.
What do ya think??
John Lorbiecki
rule changes
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Dear Roger
All this talk of another round of rule changes to limit model F1B
performance by reducing the motor size is quite disturbing. Last week I had
the opportunity to get some reasonable autumn weather (10 degrees, calm
and overcast) and took out my last Canadian F1B model (Mathews,Rowsell
design). It flew very well on 30g without any of the contemporary gadgets
although the model didn't get as high as my current models which are the
same except they have all the bells and whistles. As you know we had a lot
of success during the early to mid nineties with these models. Of the world
championship flyoffs I have witnessed, perhaps the most interesting
examples were the Andriukov/Mathews flyoff in Yugoslavia in 91and the
flyoff the Canadian team all participated in 93 at Lost Hills. Alex clearly
outclimbed Tony in 91 but the glides were comparable. Again in 93 Alex
outclimbed everybody but Tony and Doug matched his glide but again lacked
the altitude. As a consequence they finished in 3rd and 5th respectively.
The advantage Alex had was the incredible height gained with his delayed
prop start and his ability to control the burst with his variable incidence
surfaces. This was also the year that the first high quality Tan 2 rubber
was used. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't need complex
systems to have a competitive model and a lot of the noticeable increase in
performance is not only due to the rubber quality but the ancillary gadgets
that have evolved over the past 25 years. Perhaps an alternative to the
proposed motor size decrease and all of the other rule changes being
bantered about in the other classes would be the banning of variable
incidence surfaces, or the imposition of restrictions to the way variable
incidence surfaces can be used. This would be more palatable to the junior
and would promote more innovative design changes to the model not gadgets.
I need only to remind everybody of the late Bob White as an example of an
individual who had a remarkable flying career with a string of top ten
world championship results culminating in a win. He did not use variable
incidence surfaces and the last time I saw him fly F1B, his models were the
equivalent of any on the field.
Kindest regards,
Cameron Ackerley
Forgotten and found in LH
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Someone left a blue tarp pegged to the ground in LH.
Contact me to claim.
Patterson Results
Here are the 2007 Patterson results. The written report will
There were no F1J or F1P flyers. Jim Parker for Hector Diez.
1 McKeever, Mike 1958
2 Parker, Jim 1927
3 Thompson, Mike 1918
4 Limberger, Rene 1906
5 Barron, Andrew 1901
6 VanNest, Brian 1885
7 Diez, Hector 1881
8 Jones, Kyle (Jr) 1842
9 Allnutt, Peter 1841
10 Hines, Lee 1836
11 Brun, Pierre 1825
12 Brocks, Peter 1778
13 Smith,Norm 1736
14 Tetrick, Logan (jr) 1592
15 Busnelli, Ernesto 1555
16 Zink, Don 840
17 Szura dnf
1 Jones, Charles 2400
2 Morrell, Roger 2303
3 Schroedter,Martin 2301
4 Jensen, Blake 1978
5 Wood, Dick 1931
6 Rohrke, Rich 1906
7 Schroedter, George 1868
8 Piserchio, Bob 1861
9 Bill Gannon 1741
1 Gewain, Matt 1749
2 Joyce, Doug 960
3 Carroll, Ed 111
1 Emery, Jack 1020
2 Ghio, Walt 970
3 Brocks, Peter 780
4 Jones, Charlie 776
5 O'Dell, Tiffany 597
6 VanNest, Kurt 578
7 Raymond, Aimee 563
8 Belfield, Mark 480
9 Gannon, Bill 474
10 Schroedter, George 240
11 Funk, Wes 174
1 McKever, Mike 1020
2 Thompson, Mike 1000
3 Jones, Kyle (Jr) 983
4 VanNest, Brian 862
5 Smith, Norm 542
6 Szura, Mike 407
Nostalga Wakefield
Funk, Wes 371
America's Cup
2006 Second to Last Report
Twenty eight complete and two more to go. Remaining are Eloy AZ at the
beginning of Dec. and King Orange the last weekend of Dec. As in
the end of the year in baseball, the first places are mathematically
up for grab but practically speaking, several of the events are
locked up. There are a couple of interesting events where a
bonus points in these last two contests could be critical.
The first of these is F1A were Mike McKeever re-took the lead from
Rene Limberger at the Patterson contest. Andrew Barron has been in
the chase as well flying at in for both the Las Vegas and Patterson
meets. Rene needs 3 bonus points (12 flyers) at Eloy and the
win to take make the lead. Andrew needs 4 bonus points. By current
count, Eloy may get the 12 F1A flyer; they had 12 last year.
F1B is open with a tie between Eddie VanLandingham and Charlie
Jones who won the Patterson. Eddie would win by tiebreaker if
neither score well at the last two contests. Charlie is counting
a 23 point contest so a 25 point win could do it. Eddie has been
at the Eloy the last few years- he needs bonus points to
his lead. Bob Bieron is one point down but needs bonus points to
gain ground. Blake Jensen has a shot being 2 points down and
is counting a 20 point contest.
Matt Gewain is looking good for first in F1C with a 5 point
The F1P Jr goal and silver medalists are in a tie with the tie
breaker going to the golden Jr- Cody Secor. His team mate, the
silver medalist, is putting on the pressure. I understand that
both are going to Eloy for a shoot out at the OK corral. Anthony
would need to win and Cody would have to place fourth or
lower for Anthony to capture the lead
Jack Emery took the lead in F1G with two 27 point wins in
October. Walt Ghio moved up in the standing when I fixed the
score sheet- I had his scores split on two Walt Ghio lines.
Walt is counting a 22 point contest and so is well within
striking distance.
My 5 point lead is looking even better in F1H. Both Mike
McKeever and Bob Sifleet would need large bonus points to steal
this one.
Faust Parker, new knees and all is in good shape with a 8 point
lead in F1J. Bonus points are hard to come by. Only one 30 point
contest (Nats) this year, no 29 point contest, and only one
28 point contest. 20 of the 28 contest flown had less than
5 flyers. Henry Spence and Gil Morris could take the lead
with a 25 point win. Austin Gunder could take the lead if
he could escape from football, maybe KO? Does Stanford have
a bowl shot?
The provision events of F1Q and F1E are coming along. Q had
seven contests flown and E had four.
AmCup 2007 - the only change under consideration for the
2007 season is the extension of bonus points, 21 flyers 6
24 flyers 7 points and perhaps 27 flyers for 8 points. We will
be looking at this change carefully in that the bonus points
are key to winning the AmCup and the current range of bonus
points have resulted in excellent results through the years.
Just like Doubleday setting bases at 90 feet, how did Al
Hotard establish a point system that has served so well?
simply Genius. My continual reminder to those that have ideas
to better select the 'best' flyer of the year is that the
foremost purpose of the AmCup is:
The purpose of the America 's Cup Competition is to foster the
development of flyers and models across North America in the FAI
F1 (free flight). This coast-to-coast competition requires
flyers to attend multiple contests each year in the United
States and Canada in order to win.
We are seeing growth in many of the smaller contests and will
be careful not to sway the balance so that there is a focus
of attending only the "big" contests.
Please review these results, check the bonus points! They are
critical. Email corrections are comments. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jim Parker
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 19 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 25 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 28 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 11 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 5 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 9 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 4 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 1 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
SkC 12 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 19 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 1 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 5 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 6 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 9 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 6 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 21 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 9 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 8 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 1 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA 3 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 4 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 7 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 23 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 24 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 13 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 3 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 16 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 McKeever, Mike 109 SWR-1 Ike-2* SCA-2* NCA-2 BAl-1
NWF-4* NW2-4* CFA-2* SWC-4* PC-1
2 Limberger, Rene 107 NCA-1 MMM-1 NWF-3* NW2-1 DC-4*
CFA-1 PC-4*
3 Barron, Andrew 106 Ike-1 MM-3* EFF-2* SkC-2* TCC-1
SkA-5* USO-5* AFA-1 CC-1 CFA-3* SWC-5* PC-5*
4 Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 102 EFF-1 IFA-1 SkC-5* SkA-2* USO-1
5 Parker, Jim 96 SWR-4* MM-1 BAl-2 USO-2 NW2-3
CFA-5* PC-2*
6 Spence, Steve 80 MM-2 SCT-1 TCC-3 Scu-4
7 Sifleet, Bob 79 IFA-4 SkC-3 HC-1 ESF-1
8 VanNest, Brian 73 SWR-2 MM-5 Scu-5 SWC-1
9 Jones, Kyle (Jr) 62 SWR-5 IFA-3 MMM-4 HC-5 USO-3
10 McQuade, Pete 61 MMM-2 DC-1 CFA-4
11 Zink, Don 59 Ike-4 SCA-3 NWF-1 NW2-5*
12 Thomson, Ben(Jr) 55 SkC-1 SkA-1
13 Hines, Lee 54 SCA-4 NCA-3 NWF-5 DC-2
14 Lenartowicz, C 51 CC-2 Scu-1
15 Thompson, Mike 46 SCA-5 BAl-3 PC-3
16 Smith,Norm 37 NCA-5 BAl-5 NWF-2
16 Nikolajeras, Vidas 37 HC-2 CC-3
18 Troutman, Mark 35 SCT-3 TCC-5 ACT-3
18 Markos, Chuck 35 IFA-2 AFA-3
20 Barron, Peter 32 SkA-4 AFA-2
21 Puhakka, Risto 30 SWR-3 NCA-4
21 Busnelli, Ernesto 30 MM-4 BAl-4
21 Brown, Gerald 30 SCT-2 TCC-4
24 Coussens, Ben(Jr) 27 SCA-1
25 Parker, Dallas (Jr) 25 Scu-2
25 Jenkins, Williams 25 McL-1
25 Fedor, Mike 25 ACT-1
28 Brocks, Peter 24 MMM-5 SWC-3
29 Secor, Randy 23 SWC-2
30 Farkas, Leslie 22 HC-3 CC-5
30 Allnutt, Peter 22 HC-4 CC-4
32 Diez, Hector 21 NW2-2
33 Hanford, Bob 20 ACT-2
33 Erguner, Omer 20 EFF-5 SkC-4
33 Brun, Pierre 20 Ike-3
33 Andrewa, Malcom* 20 TCC-2
37 Schlosberg, Aram 17 EFF-3
37 Cai, Oliver 17 SkA-3
39 Davis, Jon 16 MMM-3
40 Tetrick, Logan (jr) 15 USO-4
40 Smitz, Willard 15 DC-3
42 Lachman, Rama 12 EFF-4
43 Bauer, Brian 10 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 15 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 21 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 30 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 9 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 4 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 6 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 14 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 10 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 7 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 12 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 1 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 8 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 2 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 10 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 25 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 7 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 5 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 1 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA 4 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 7 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 28 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 24 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 7 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 5 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 9 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Vanlandingham, Eddie 106 SCT-2* McL-1 TCC-2* MMM-2* USO-1
DC-1 CFA-3* Scu-4* ACT-1
1 Jones, Charles 106 SWR-1 SCA-1 IFA-2 CFA-5* PC-1
3 Biedron, Bob 105 SWR-5* EFF-1 IFA-1 Sky-1 SkA-1*
HC-4* Scu-2
4 Jensen, Blake 104 SWR-2 MM-1* BAl-5* NWF-4* NW2-2
CFA-1 Scu-1 PC-4*
5 Wood, Dick 97 SCT-1 BAl-3* TCC-1 MMM-5* NWF-1
NW2-5* DC-2 SWC-5*
6 Batiuk, George 93 SWR-3 Ike-2 BAl-1 CFA-2* SWC-2
7 Ghio, Walt 86 MM-3 NCA-2 USO-3* NWF-2 NW2-1
8 Schlosberg, Aram 71 IFA-5 Sky-2 HC-1 USO-4
9 McGlashan, Jerry 63 EFF-3* IFA-3* Hcu-2 Sky-3 USO-2
10 Rohrke, Rich 60 SWR-4 Ike-4 NW2-3 SWC-3
11 Emery, Jack 51 NCA-1 MMM-1
12 Radziunas, Sarah 47 EFF-5 Sky-4 SkA-2 USO-5
12 Horak, Ladi 47 MM-2 HC-2
14 Ioerger, Tom 45 ESF-1 Scu-3
15 Morrell, Roger 44 SCA-2 BAl-4* PC-2
16 Andriukov, Alex 38 Ike-5* MM-4 BAl-2 CFA-4* Scu-5*
17 Seymour,John 37 Hcu-4 AFA-1
17 Crowley, Paul 37 HC-3 AFA-2
19 Clapp, John 31 Ike-3 SWC-4
20 Tymchek, Bob 30 Ike-1
21 Wiley, Ed 27 MMM-4 DC-3
21 Peck, Jerry* 27 SCA-4 NCA-3
21 Jones, Ryan 27 Hcu-1
24 Piserchio, Bob 26 SWC-1
25 Brown, Gerald 25 SCT-3 TCC-4
26 Felix, Ron 21 EFF-2
27 Shailor, Bill 17 Hcu-3
27 Schroedter,Martin 17 PC-3
27 Raymond. Joel 17 NCA-4 Hcu-6
27 Mulligan, Mike 17 SCA-3
31 Pratt, John 16 NWF-3
31 McGluckin, Derek 16 NWF-5 NW2-4
31 DeLoach, Don 16 MMM-3
34 OReilly, Jim 15 TCC-3
34 Lacey, David 15 AFA-3
36 Bradley, Jim 13 IFA-4
37 Simon, Evan (Jr) 12 Hcu-4
38 Jones, Darold 11 DC-4
38 Barron, Andrew 11 EFF-4
40 Booth, Bill 10 MM-5
41 Simon, Greg 7 HC-5
41 Fitch, Jerry 7 SCA-5
43 Scheiman, Philip 6 Sky-5
43 Reynolds, Ted 6 DC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 17 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 20 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 6 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 4 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 0 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 6 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 3 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 2 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 15 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 2 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 5 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 1 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 2 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 2 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 12 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 3 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 3 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 1 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA 4 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 1 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 6 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 19 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 17 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 2 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 4 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 3 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Gewain, Matt 105 MM-1 BAl-4* NWF-2* NW2-1 SWC-1 PC-1
2 Chesson, Don 100 SWR-3* Ike-2* SCT-1 McL-1 TCC-1
CFA-4* ACT-1
3 Carroll, Ed 97 SWR-2 Ike-5* MM-4* SCA-1 CFA-1
SWC-2 PC-3*
4 Spence, Henry 88 SCT-3 TCC-2 USO-1 Scu-2
5 Kirilenko, Andrei 84 Sky-1 SkA-1 USO-4 CC-1
6 Mathis, Dick 79 SCT-2 BAl-2 TCC-3 ACT-2
6 Gutai, Bob 79 IFA-2 USO-3 CFA-3 Scu-3
8 Poti, Norm 76 MM-2 SCA-3* IFA-1 Hcu-1 AFA-1*
9 Morris, Gil 60 IFA-5* Hcu-3 HC-1 USO-5* AFA-2
10 Mc Burnett, Ron 59 BAl-3 NWF-1 NW2-3
11 Schlachta, Frank 56 HC-2 ESF-1 CC-4
11 Gunder, Craig 56 IFA-3 Sky-1 SkA-2
13 Etherington, Chuck 55 TCC-5 MMM-1 DC-1
13 Archer, Randy 55 SWR-1 BAl-1
15 Parker, Faust 51 SWR-4 MM-5 SCT-4 McL-2
16 Servaites, Bucky 50 MM-3 Hcu-2 AFA-4
16 Roberts, Mike 50 NWF-3 NW2-2 Scu-4
18 Simpson, Roger 38 Ike-1 BAl-5
19 Gunder, Austin 34 IFA-4 USO-2
20 Joyce, Doug 31 SCA-4 PC-2
21 Happersett, Ken 30 Scu-1
22 Kerger, Terry 25 CFA-2
23 Pecherski, R 21 CC-2
23 Ellington, Jeff* 21 SCA-2
25 Perkins, Daryl 20 SWR-5 Ike-4
26 Johannes, Dave 19 Ike-3
27 Mennano, Guy 16 SCA-5 CFA-5
27 Condon, E 16 CC-3
29 Troutman, Mark 15 ACT-3
29 Semour, John 15 AFA-3
31 Schifelbein, Carl 10 TCC-4
31 Hanford, Bob 10 ACT-4
33 Sugden, Dave 6 CC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 18 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 18 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 20 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 3 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 4 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 4 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF -X- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 4 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 3 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 6 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 7 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 4 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 7 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 14 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 5 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 5 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 30 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 10 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 4 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 2 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA 4 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 9 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 11 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 11 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 4 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 11 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Emery, Jack 104 MM-3* SCA-1 NCA-1 BAl-2* MMM-5*
SWC-1 PC-1
2 Ghio, Walt 102 MM-2 NCA-2* USO-1 NWF-5* NW2-1 PC-2
3 Vanlandingham, Ed 98 MM-3* SCT-1 McL-2* TCC-1 USO-2 CFA-2
4 Wood, Dick 94 SCT-2 TCC-5* NWF-2 Scu-1 ACT-1
5 Crowley, Paul 90 MM-1 IFA-2* Hcu-1 HC-4 AFA-1
6 Ioerger, Tom 86 IFA-1 Sky-2 HC-3 ESF-1 Scu-4*
6 Clapp, John 86 SWR-3 Ike-3 SkA-2* HC-1 SWC-2
8 Murphy, Jerry 76 SWR-1 TCC-2 DC-1
9 Brocks, Peter 61 BAl-1 MMM-4* CFA-3 Scu-3* SWC-3
10 O'Dell, Tiffany 52 SWR-4 BAl-3 NW2-3 Scu-5 PC-5*
11 Belfield, Mark* 51 BAl-4 CFA-1 SWC-4
12 Simon, Greg 50 HC-2 CFA-5 Scu-2
13 Buss, Bill 41 Sky-3 SkA-1
14 Leppard, Bill 40 MMM-1 DC-4
14 Cooney, Ralph 40 MMM-2 NWF-3
16 Rohrke, Rich 37 MM-5 NWF-1
17 Jones, Charlie 32 SCA-3 HC-5 PC-4
17 Edmonson, Dave 32 USO-3 CFA-4
19 Lacey, David 31 EFF-1 AFA-2
19 Gannon, William 31 NWF-4 NW2-2
21 Schroedter, George 30 Ike-1
22 O Reilly, Jim 28 TCC-4 MMM-3
23 Ivers, Dick 26 Sky-1
24 Rousseau, Don 25 SkA-5 ESF-2
24 Hepler, Eric 25 McL-1
24 Bagalini, Larry* 25 Ike-2
27 Nelson, Elmer 24 SWR-2
28 Branca, Richard 22 DC-2
29 Seymour, John 20 Hcu-2
29 Reinhart, Pete 20 ACT-2
29 Markos, Chuck 20 IFA-4 AFA-4
29 Jensen, Blake 20 SCA-2
29 Hepler, Tom 20 McL-3
34 Gray, Mel 17 DC-3
35 VanNest, Kurt* 15 Ike-4
35 Seymour, Zach 15 Hcu-3
35 Masterman, Paul 15 USO-4
35 Konefes, Ed 15 IFA-3
35 Hoffman, Mark 15 TCC-3
35 Hatschek, Bob 15 SkA-3
35 Hanforn, Bob Sr 15 SCT-3
35 Davis, Bill 15 NCA-3
35 Blom, Fred 15 AFA-3
44 Schroedter, Martin 10 Ike-5
44 Pardue, Al 10 McL-4
44 Kamla, John 10 USO-5
44 Jensen, Gene 10 NW2-4
44 Jaju, Chinmay 10 NCA-4
44 Hanford, Robert 10 ACT-4
44 Brown, Gerld 10 SCT-4
44 Allen, Carrol 10 SkA-4
52 Firster, Ted* 9 SWR-5
53 Wiley, Ed 7 DC-5
53 Booth, Bill 7 SWC-5
55 VanNest, Bob 6 BAl-5
55 Pelatowski, Larry 6 EFF-2
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 9 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 12 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 2 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 2 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 4 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 2 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 3 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 6 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 6 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 4 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 3 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 6 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 2 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 20 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 4 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 3 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 3 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA -x- Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 2 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 13 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 9 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 3 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 5 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 6 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Parker, Jim 107 SWR-1 Ike-2* MM-2* SCA-3* BAl-1
USO-1 NWF-1 NW2-2* CFA-5* Scu-2* SWC-2*
2 McKever, Mike 102 SWR-3* Ike-1 SCA-4* NCA-1 BAl-2*
NWF-2* NW2-1 CFA-3* Scu-3* PC-1
3 Sifleet, Bob 100 Ike-5* IFA-1 HC-1 USO-2 ESF-1
4 VanNest, Brian 94 SWR-2 Ike-4* MM-1 BAl-3* USO-3
NWF-4* SWC-1 PC-4*
5 Pailet, Jean 86 EFF-2 Hcu-2 Sky-4* McL-1 SkA-2
6 Smith, Norm 73 SWR-4 MM-5* SCA-5* NCA-2 BAl-5*
NW2-3 Scu-4 SWC-3 PC-5*
7 Davis, Jon 69 Ike-3 MMM-1 CFA-1
8 Brown, Gerald 60 SCT-1 TCC-2 ACT-3
9 Troutman, Mark 55 SCT-2 McL-4 TCC-4 ACT-2
10 Thompson, Mike 53 SCA-1 BAl-4* CFA-4* Scu-1 PC-2*
11 Jones, Kyle (Jr) 51 HC-2 USO-4 PC-3
12 Pangell, Rick 45 MMM-2 DC-1
12 Markos, Chuck 45 IFA-2 Hcu-1
14 Phelan, Dennis 41 EFF-1 SkA-3
15 Coussens, Ben 39 MM-3 SCA-2
16 Berry, Dan 35 TCC-1 ACT-4
17 Hines,Lee 28 MM-4 MMM-3
18 Pelatowski, Ed 26 SkA-1
19 Whitney, Marian(jr) 25 EFF-4 Sky-2
19 Fedor, Mike 25 ACT-1
21 Terzian, Fred 23 CFA-2
22 Radziunas, Kathy 21 Sky-3 SkA-4
23 Smitz, Willard 20 DC-2
23 Nippert, Vic 20 ESF-2
23 Jenkins, Bill 20 McL-2
23 Ivers, Rich 20 Sky-1
27 Troutman, Jim 15 McL-3
27 Reeve, Mike 15 TCC-3
27 Limberger, Rene 15 NWF-3
27 Ellis,Art 15 EFF-3
27 Campell, Lee 15 Hcu-3
32 Batiuk, George 10 USO-5
33 Pelatowski, Larry 6 SkA-5
33 Archer, Ryan (Jr) 6 SWR-5
35 Hanford, Bob 5 ACT-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 5 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 7 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 11 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 2 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 9 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 3 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 1 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 3 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 2 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 1 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 6 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 2 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 2 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 3 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 1 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 12 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 1 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 2 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 2 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA -x- Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 3 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 6 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 6 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 2 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 4 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Parker, Faust 93 SWR-1 MM-4* SCT-3 McL-1 ACT-1
2 Pailet, Jean 85 Hcu-2 Sky-1 McL-2 SkA-2 ESF-2*
3 Spence, Henry 81 MM-1 SCT-4* TCC-1 USO-4 Scu-3
4 Gunder, Austin 78 NCA-1 IFA-1 USO-1
5 Morris, Gil 70 IFA-2 Hcu-1 HC-1
6 Spence, Steve 69 MM-2 SCT-1 TCC-2 CFA-5* Scu-5*
7 Kerger, Terry 68 SWR-3 Ike-1 MM-4* BAl-1 CFA-1*
8 Roberts, Mike 67 BAl-5 NWF-1 NW2-1 Scu-4
9 Archer, Randy 63 SWR-2 BAl-2 CFA-2
10 Hanford, Robert 62 SCT-5 TCC-4 DC-1 ACT-2
11 Gutai, Bob 59 SkA-1 USO-3 CFA-3
12 Carroll, Ed 56 Ike-3 SCA-2 SWC-2
13 Johannes, David 55 Ike-2 MM-3* USO-5 CFA-4* Scu-1
14 Poti, Norm 48 SCA-1 USO-2
15 Roundsaville,Dave 37 BAl-3 Scu-2
16 Carstens, Fred 35 MMM-2 DC-3
17 Robertson, Tony 31 SWR-5 SWC-1
18 Mollendorf, Joe 25 ESF-1
18 Kerr, Tom 25 EFF-1
18 DeLoach, Don 25 MMM-1
21 Mace, Marvin 22 SCT-2
22 Parsons, Dave 20 NW2-2
22 Oliver, Ken 20 NCA-2
22 Murphy, Jerry 20 DC-2
25 Sheffer, Jackie 15 TCC-3
25 Pacelli, Brian 15 IFA-3
25 Ferrario, Anthony (Jr) 15 NCA-3
25 Berry, Dan 15 ACT-3
25 Abriss, Alan 15 SkA-3
30 Secor, Randy 11 BAl-4
30 Mennano, Guy 11 Ike-4
30 Bartick, Don 11 SWR-4
33 Lissotchenko, Larry 10 ACT-4
34 Ferrario,Rocco 6 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 0 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 6 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 1 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 4 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 2 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 1 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 1 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 1 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 1 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 5 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 0 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA 0 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 5 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 1 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 5 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Ferrario, Anthony (jr) 76 Ike-2 NCA-2 USO-4 Scu-1
1 Secor, Cody (jr) 76 Ike-1 MM-1 BAl-1* Scu-2* SWC-1
3 Ferrario, Rocco 56 Ike-3 NCA-1 USO-5 Scu-4
4 Simpson, Reid 50 SCT-1 USO-1
4 Troutman, Mark 50 SCT-4 TCC-1 ACT-3
6 Pacelli, Brian(jr) 45 Sky-1 USO-2
7 Sheffer, Jackie 40 SCT-3 ACT-1
8 Fedor, Mike 35 USO-3 ACT-2
9 Kerr, Tom 25 EFF-1
10 Irwin, John 20 SCT-2
11 Narek, Gabrielian 15 Scu-3
12 Andrews, Sean 11 Ike-4
13 Hanford, Bob 10 ACT-4
14 Englesskirger, Jacob 6 Ike-5
15 Brown, Gerald 5 ACT-5
15 Secor, Randy 5 Scu-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 0 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 1 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 2 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 2 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 1 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 2 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 5 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 0 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA 0 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 2 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Nippert, Vic 65 EFF-1 Sky-1 SkA-2* USO-3
2 Schlosberg, Aram 50 Ike-1 MM-2 USO-5
2 Oldenkamp, John 50 MM-1 SWC-1
4 Ivers, Dick 25 SkA-1
4 Pollard, Frank 25 USO-1
6 Acton, Dave 20 EFF-2
6 Jennings, Jim 20 USO-2
6 Beecroft, Bob 20 SWC-2
9 Groth, Charlie 10 USO-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 0 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 8 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 0 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 10 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
EFF 0 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 4 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
MMM 1 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW2 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
ESF 0 ESFFC, Geneseo, NY
AFA 0 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Brocks, Peter 66 Ike-2 BAl-2 MMM-1
2 VanNest, Brian 47 SCA-2 BAl-1
3 Sifleet, Bob 33 Ike-3 SCA-3
4 Bauer, Ken 27 SCA-1
5 Ioerger, Tom 26 Ike-1
6 Parsons, Dave 15 BAl-3
7 Davis, Jon 13 Ike-5 SCA-5
8 Furutani, Norm 12 SCA-4
9 Croghan, Vince 11 Ike-4
10 Carroll, Ed 10 BAl-4
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reference Bob Stallick's item in SEN 1051concerning the 2006 BMFA Free
Flight Forum Report, never fear! When the NFFS stock has run out you can
still obtain the 2006 Reports (and the rest back to 1985, heaven help us)
airmailed direct from me at just 14 pounds. We take credit cards too. Contact
me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This year's Forum will take place on Nov. 26th at the Holiday Inn, Coventry
at 10 a.m. The papers and speakers will be:
Phil Ball - New Rules for Open Rubber;
Nick Aikman/Mark Benns - An Indoor Initiation by F1D;
George Seyfang - Gurney Flaps;
Martin Dilly - An Adjustable D-Box Press;
Ron Pollard - Open Rubber New Rules;
Mike Woodhouse/Clive King/Mike Evatt - Rubber Testing (with audience
Stuart Darmon - BMFA Combined Glider Contests;
Seyfang - Outboard Horizontal Stabilisers;
Bob Bailey - Variable Pitch
Propellers for Indoor Models;
Mike Evatt - Take the Tension Out of Winding;
Peter King - 50 Gram Open Rubber;
Martin Gregorie - Effects of Changing
Towline Glider Tailplane Airfoils;
Dave Greaves - Oven-Baked Propeller Blades;
Mike Woodhouse/Chris Strachan - FF Rule Changes for 2007.
In case the flights from the West Coast are full, and you can't make it to
Coventry in person; the papers will form the next Forum Report and should
appear around May next year, unless I drop to the ground exhausted before
it's all edited together.
Roger Morrell