SEN 1058 - 18 Dec 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 2055
SEN 18 December 2006 issue 1058
Table of Contents
F1E California Cup
ISAACSON WINTER CLASSIC, February 10, 11 & 12, 2007 Lost Hills, CA - Furutani
New Tracking Radios Technology - Gewain
RC Model Trade Show Visitors Invitation
Banning Everything - Jones
2006 Arizona Cup changes to the AmCup Standings
SEN - Watson et al
The saga of the CCCP models
Rules? Phoeey! - Segrave
desert challlenge - Norton
Lessens from another FF discipline - Deloach
-- Lost Hills Free Flight Model Airfield Association Dues Notice --
F1E California Cup
The 2nd F1E USA World Cup Contest
PLACE: Holloway Hill near Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills,
DATE: Feb. 13, 2007 (Tuesday between the Isaacson Winter Classic
and the MaxMen F1ABC World Cup)
SCHEDULE: Eight (8) 45-minute rounds
7:45 Meet at Holloway Hill
1st round 8:30- 9:15
2nd round 9:15-10:00
3rd round 10:00-10:45
4th round 10:45-11:30
11:30 Lunch Break
5th round 12:30-13:15
6th round 13:15-14:00
7th round 14:00-14:45
8th round 14:45-15:30
Fly-off to be announced
RESERVE DAY: Feb. 14, 2007
Perpetual Trophy to high time winner.
1st through 3rd place award Open, 1st Place award Junior.
Awards at SCAT Banquet Feb. 17, 2007.
Use MaxMen Entry Form to order SCAT Banquet tickets.
ENTRY FEE: $25.00 Open, $10.00 Junior
Current FAI Sporting Code will apply.
WARM-UP CONTEST: Isaacson Winter Classic F1E on Feb. 12, 2007
(Monday) at 12:00 noon.
Jim Parker
9524 Ruffner Ave North Hills, CA 91343 USA
Telephone: 818-892-4110
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1E California Cup 2007
NAME: _________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________
CITY, STATE & ZIP: ___________________________
COUNTRY: _________________________________
F.A.I. LICENSE NO.: ___________________________
Open ($25.00) _____________
Junior ($10.00) _____________
Jim Parker
9524 Ruffner Ave North Hills, CA 91343-2616 USA
- U. S. competitors can copy entry form and mail in with fees.
e-mail entries from U.S. fliers will not be accepted).
- Non-U.S. competitors may e-mail entry form and pay upon arrival.
- All non-AMA & Canidian fliers must pay an additional $28.00
AMA affiliation fee.
ISAACSON WINTER CLASSIC, February 10, 11 & 12, 2007 Lost Hills, CA
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Last year's Isaacson had over 200 entries! This year we are adding
National Cup Events, Nos Gas, Classic glider and HLG.
February 10, 11&12, 2007 Lost Hills, CA
NEW for 2007!
In addition to last years Moffett, F1Q and FAI Style Catapult, this year we
add HLG, Classic Glider and Nostalgia Gas!
All FAI classes are America's Cup. AMA and NFFS classes, except CLG and
Gollywock are National Cup.
This is a Cat. II contest.
Saturday - F1A, B, C, P & Q
Round 1, 8:00am!
Round Schedule:
1 8:00am�9:00am
2 9:00am�10:00am
3 10:00am�11:00am
4 11:00am�12:00am
5 12:00am�1:00pm
6 1:00pm�2:00pm
7 2:00pm�3:00pm
Round One Maxes:
F1A 210 seconds
F1B/Q 240 seconds
F1C/P 240 seconds
Fly-Off Schedule:
Round eight, 5 minute max.
F1A 3:30pm�3:40pm
F1B/Q 3:45pm�3:55pm
F1C/P 4:00pm�4:10pm
Additional rounds to be announced
Sunday - F1G, H, & J
Round one, 8:00 am! Champagne Flyoff! Time to the ground.
Round Schedule:
All events two minute max.
1 8:00am�8:45am
2 8:45am�9:30am
3 9:30am�10:15am
4 10:15am�11:00am
5 11:00am�11:45am
Fly-Offs will begin at 12 noon and finish by 3:00. At 3:00, any remaining
ties will be broken by using Champagne Flight Times.
Monday, Slope Soaring
12 noon � 5:30pm
F1E / Mini F1E
Five rounds, 45 minutes each, starting at 12 noon. Event director - Peter
Saturday, Special Events:
8:00am � 3:00pm
Five, 3 min. max. 8:00am�3:00pm. A Bob White Event!
Moffett - AMA rules
1/2A, Early 1/2A & 1/4A Nos. Gas
Combined award, separate Nat. Cup Points. NFFS rules
Hand Launch Glider - AMA rules
Sunday, Special Events:
8:00am � 3:00pm
P - 30 - AMA rules
Classic Glider - NFFS rules
Nostalgia Wakefield - NFFS rules
A Bob White Event!
A, B & C Nostalgia Gas - NFFS rules
Combined award, separate Nat. Cup Points.
FAI Style, Handheld Catapult Glider
Flights to be in rounds, concurrent with Mini Events. Flights must be flown
from the CLG flightline.
90 sec. Max. One 20 sec. attempt per round.
Handheld rubber launcher, 6 gm. max. No restrictions on configuration,
strands or length. Launch stick optional, 6" max. length.
No BOM or limit on number, size or functions.
Entry Fee:
$15.00 - includes one event. Additional events $5.00 each.
(Must be current member AMA, MAAC or AMA Affiliate. Also Lost Hills Assoc.
Lost Hills Free Flight Association Membership
Contact: George Walter
2412 Deerpark Dr.
Fullerton, CA 92835
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
$10 one event, $20 one year, $35 two years
Make checks to: Lost Hills Free Flight Association
Jr.-Sr. Open Class combined.
First through third, each event.
Perpetual Gollywock and Nos. Wake awards, courtesy of Bob White
RAFFLE at Awards Ceremony, Buddenbohm glider kits, winners MUST be present!
Contest Directors:
Norm Furutani
15423 Haas Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 323-1943
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Roger Morrell
1916 B Gates Ave.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 374-2136
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sloan箂 Catering
Jay and Lois will have their food service on the field all week!
Support our Lost Hills friends.
In memory of
our dear friends,
Bob and LaVera Isaacson
New Tracking Radios Technology
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Earlier this week I was talking with a guy from the Kern National Wildlife
Refuge and we were talking about the current methods used to track migratory
birds. The tracking radios we use are originally manufactured to locate
Some of the current radio transmitters are powered by solar cells so there
is no more problems with batteries. And even more interesting there are
transmitters that weigh only 25 grams that send the GPS coordinates of the
bird you are trying to find up to a satellite. Then you can use a wireless
link to the Internet to retrieve the GPS coordinates of the bird. This way
you are never out of range of the transmitter. These are expensive because
you have to buy satellite time to get your data.
Matt Gewain
RC Model Trade Show Visitors Invitation
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sir or Madam:
We sincerely invite you to visit our trade show---The 4th Shanghai Internatio
nal Model Exhibition
Brief Intro
We hold professional trade show for RC models in Shanghai China. Our main pur
pose is to let more and more overseas people understand the best quality and th
e lowest price of Chinese products in RC model. We want to set up an internatio
nal, multi-roles platform for the communication between Chinese domestic manufa
ctures and overseas trade buyers.
All of our exhibitors are famous Chinese RC models manufactures. In our exhibit
ion they will show their newest products of the year.
Date:June.2-4, 2007
Venue: Shanghai East Asia Exhibition Hall Shanghai China
Our Official Website:
Forum: RC Groups
Online Registration
You will get below advantage in SIME if you make pre-registration on our offi
cial website:
·The passport card for 3 days free entering will be sent to you at the Recep
tion Booth besides the entrance of our exhibition hall during June 2-4, 2007
·Update news of SIME will be sent to you by e-mail or post
·More lovely gifts and chance of attending important events will be sent to
Simultaneously Events
Aviation model flying show
RC Model technology seminar
New products and new material press conference
Award from tickets
Mr. Elfie Yeh
International Manager
Shanghai Hope International Exhibition Company
Tel: +86 21 6483 7603
Fax: +86 21 6482 6717
Mobile: +86 13818884941
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Add: Room103, No.8 Kangjian Road, Shanghai, China, 200235
Banning Everything
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger et al,
Just a few comments from me, Ray Jones, to add to the debate on how to
most effectively destroy the future of free flight...
The UK in its most infinite wisdom has decided to table a motion to CIAM
to ban the use of mechanical thermistors from FAI Competition. They see
this as a more acceptable method of limiting performance that would not
require changes to model specification.
Unfortunately it dosen't address any of the percieved problems - instead
of 80% of the entry flying out of the small field, we would have 50% -
because thermistors only measure temperature and wind and are not a fool
proof indication of rising air, and most models would still contact a
few good thermals during the contest rounds.
Note too that this proposed UK ban would not affect F1A models that
circle tow.
No one seems to have looked objectively at the situation with glider.
The other F1 classes fly from a fixed launching position, but circle tow
allows the flyer to steer the model to any part of the field to launch. In
many cases this will be a long way down wind in order to piggy back into
lift indicated by other models, therefore shortening the distance to the
boundry and adding to any retrieval problems.
Circle tow also provides much better, direct indications of lift and
allows the flyer to pass up average thermals in preference for stronger
ones. This results in F1A models often climbing much higher than the
other classes and drifting much further in the same wind conditions.
It is also important to remember that bunt launching was invented for use
during still air fly-offs and is only of minimal use during the thermal
rounds. So simply banning this part of the launch would make little
difference to model performance or the field size needed for
At this point I should make it clear that I am not advocating any changes
to the present rules - banning thermal detection, circle tow and reducing
model performance to a minimum would result in a huge and unnecessary loss
of interest in the international classes.
However, if you do ban thermistors then it follows that you ban circle
tow as well.
Ray Jones F1B
2006 Arizona Cup changes to the AmCup Standings
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No new score sheet but only a write-up of the interesting
impact of last weekend's Arizona Champs on the America
Cup's leaders.
Saturday was gorgeous desert winter day. Just what Rene
Limberger and Andrew Barron needed in addition to many
flyers needed for the bonus points to knock off the F1A
leader, Mike McKeever. Amazingly 13 flyers signed and
two more were recurted for a total of 15. One other
detail, rene or Andrew had to win the contest to knock
Mike out of the lead. Andrew dropped in a tricky
thermal round. Rene dropped in the 5 minute flyoff.
I f I had won, I would have tied Mike but the
tie breaker would go to Mike. Never the less,
I really wanted to beat WC. At the start of the 7
minute, Lee Hines had also been watching the
conditions. He went and launched but looped-weak
battery. The model recovered low. I worked
down wind and Lee's model was gliding well,
my model was holding so I launched. It looked
good but it was early in the round. I've been
here before. Randy Secor was chasing for me
but I made a fast ride down wind to catch up to
my model and watched the last 2 minutes of the
flight. I then spotted Mike's model gliding.
It was a bit higher than mine over the same area
but landed in the about the same spot. Jim Farmer
was packed up with his boys and drove by to say good
bye and shared that Mike (WC) had beaten me by 15 seconds
or so. Unless Andrew and/or Rene can arrange to get
12 to 15 flyers to the King Orange, it looks like we
are going to have a repeat F1A winner.
F1B could have been a similar story but the second (Charlie
Jones) place and third (Blake Jensen) place flyers had not done
as good a job recruiting flyers. Both Charlie and Blake
had two good scores at each Eloy and Lost Hills. Blake
won the flyoff but the win only increased his points by
1 which moved him into a tie for third with Bob Biedron.
If there had been a sixth flyer, the one additional bonus
point would have put Blake into a three way tie with
Eddie and Charlie with Blake winning the tie breaker.
Charlie dropped a thermal round but even if he had won,
it would not have changed his score, he too needed
the sixth flyer. Because both Charlie and Blake are
counting a 23 and 24 point contests, a win at KO
would put them in the lead. Regardless, Eggie Vanlandingham,
the current leader already has plans for KO. Tiffany
and Jerrelyn-I think I know what the boys want for
No changes in F1C-looks like Matt Gewain has this wrapped-up
with a 5 point lead.
In F1P Cody Secor secured his first place with a win with
a 25 point lead! His Jr Team partern , Anthony Ferrario,
could not catch him even with a win so he elected to go
for the Jr National Cup win and flew several other events.
Sunday morning was not as kind as Saturday with a brisk wind
in the morning developing to 12-15 mph latter. The F1G
flyers are tough dudes and completed the contest. Eddie
Vanlandingham's win added 2 points to his AmCup score
but it was not enough to move him up from his third
place position. Second place Walt Ghio did not come
so unless he is planning a surprise visit to KO where
a win would put him in the lead, Jack Emery's lead
looks good.
My F1H lead is holding with a 5 point margin. Ryan Archer
and I dropped the first round. After a long chase and
find on my second round max, I through in the towel.
Mike and Ryan did like wise. So Mike got the contest
win but no one received AmCup points.
A similar situation shaped up in F1J. Austin and Craig
Gunder showed up. I guess Stanford's football record (1W
and 10L) was not quite good enough for a bowl game so Austin
came to take the lead. Terry Kerger and Randy Archer
stopped flying early. Austin finished the five rounds
to earn his win and captured the lead position
with a ten point lead.
Several lead changes were possible as a result of the
Arizona Champs but only Austin knocking Faust Parker
out of the lead happened. Unless the KO has a much higher
than usual attendance, the first place glider and power
events have little chance of leader change. However,
both rubber events have a realistic chance of the
current leaders being knocked out of first place.
We'll see.
Thermals, Jim Parker
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have for some time been receiving SEN in an erratic fashion.
The recent history is, via E mail, issues; 1047 1048 1051 1052 1057
When I go in to
and look under latest news , there is issues 1044 1049 1053 1054
Is there anything you, or I can do to rectify this.
With thanks,
[Peter - and others
It appears that when we send SEN out , under some conditions
SEN does not get sent to everyone.
We will investigate .. but because of other pressures
probably will not resolve it quickly.
Secondly because of the way the software works, when we travel,
which is too often, and maintain SEN remotely the bulletins
get added to the bottom of the list not the top, ..
so if you went when you did but to the bottom of the list you should
find those missing items ...]
The saga of the CCCP models
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What? You do not read French? No importance. All the texts are doubled
in English and German. With probably some faults of writing or taste.
As for the drawings, they make 80 percent of the surface, and you will
be delighted. In a friendly way. JW
Rules? Phoeey!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My father used to say, if you have a problem with a company, you shuold go
to the highest level. the president. In this case of rules(?) and the
company being the FAI, you sould go to the president,for it is he who
defines the running of the company. If we have a problem with reducing
numbers and very,very few young or otherwise coming into the spoort, then it
is the fault of the President, is it not?
At the 2003 FAI/CIAM meeting in Lausanne,a certain Gerhard Wobekking
proposed a beginner's model, small electric powered all foam pusher which he
said was available in the shops quite cheaply. The Chinese delegates also
said that they had something similar in their country, with a huge number of
youngsters competing or taking part. A figure like 4,500 was mentioned.
This was passed and referred to A COMMITTEE!!!! Since then,NOTHING. NOTHING.
Why you ask? Because the whole meeting that I attended was peopled by sosies
i.e., copies, some smaller than the originals and some taller. Well known
personalities such as Kaynes,Dan Tracyy,Jack Humphreys, and Martin Dilly
were all taller while Chaussebourg was smaller. They were the only ones
that I knew personally but the others must all have been imposters as well.
In other words, the whole meeting was sham. You might think that far fetched
but listen to this. It was the first time I had seen Wobekking and standing
close to him at the coffe breaks, he seemed to be the same height as myself.
But at the Salzland 2005 and 2006 and Junior W/C he was very much taller.
Similarly, Dan tracy was about my heiight when we met at the 95 W/C in
Domsod but he was about 6 inches taller in Lausanne.
As well, at a F1E meeting in Germany in the fall of 2005,I was surprised to
see the tall Wobekking there so I asked him what happened to the smalll
electricv ships. His face went blank and he said he knewnothing about any
small electric ship!!!! QED
Can someone tell us what is going on?
Mike S
desert challlenge
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Couild you please post this on SEN.
Desert Challenge contest will be held on 6 Jan 07 at Gardner Field
in Taft. Hours are 8:00 am until dark. There will be three catagories -
- Glider, Rubber, and Power - - any class. The most maxes in each
cataagory wins . No rounds.
The real attraction is the bonfireand cookout, bring your own food
and something to share. Lt. Commander Allnutt RCAF ( Retired Canadian
Acquisitor Firewood ) assures me that this year`s stocks are up to
Any questions to Bob Norton at 661 395 0261 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lessens from another FF discipline
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear FAI Flyers:
While you are debating the pros and cons of FAI rules changes consider the
following data:
--The Flying Aces Club flies generally low performance models.
--Flying Aces Club events are for mostly balsa and tissue models under 24"
--The average FAC model is comprised of $10-20 worth of materials, some even
--The FAC still rigidly enforces the BOM rule.
--Fifteen years ago the FAC had only a half-dozen FF scale events. Today it
boasts more than thirty events, nearly half of which are non-scale/duration.
--The average FAC field is much smaller than Lost Hills or Muncie. Large
fields aren't required for the average FAC model which flies only 40-120
--Smaller fields are much more numerous and closer to major cities.
--Very few FAC flyers use chase bikes.
--Very few FAC flyers use radio tracking equipment.
--FAC, unlike the serious FF duration disciplines, is not highly technical.
There exists more of a balance of art and science.
--The average age of FAC flyers is still advanced, but not as old as the
average duration FFer.
--FAC has generally done a better job of attracting brand new participants
who've never done FF or had a parent/relative do FF.
--The Flying Aces Club has grown fifteen-fold in the last twenty-five years.
There are now as many FAC members as NFFS members (1500).
I am no Ludditte. I'm not going to go into a tirade against FAI, bringing
back the BOM, etc. This is not a philosophical debate. The debate, as a
previous writer said, is about how best to secure the future of our sport by
bringing in new blood.
I want everyone in FAI FF community (and the FF community at large) to
understand is this: The Flying Aces Club is a huge success story. They are
the only large organization in recent FF history to GROW steadily, and at an
amazing rate (1500% growth in 25 years). We would all be very foolish not to
study their success closely.
I believe what the public wants which FAC is clearly delivering is
SIMPLICITY. Granted, the top FAC flyers are not building simple models. But
the perception in the mind of the guy standing on the sidelines of an FAC
meet is "Gee this looks cool. It is very cheap, no huge van or other
expensive support equipment is needed, and I can fly a FF scale model on the
small field near my house. Balsa, tissue, glue, and rubber. Simple."
In contrast, the average visitor to a FF duration meet has the following
perception: "Wow. Impressive, but too much stuff is required (chase bike,
radio, expensive engines, gadgetry, etc). This is high tech, expensive,
complex, difficult. I have no place close by to go to fly these things. I
think I'll take up golf." Obviously, duration FF is a tougher sale.
One of the major lessons we can all learn from the FAC is this: The masses
don't really care that much about ultimate performance in FF model
airplanes. What they care about-and what they've clearly been gravitating
to-is having fun with model airplanes. Dead air performance is way down the
list of things they care about, right before "wingspan minimum" and right
after "structure must be black."
Based on this analysis those F1P rules are starting to look very smart.
Limiting aspect ratio may be the future of duration FF. It will lessen the
dependence on composites which will open FAI competition back up for balsa
builders. It will also limit ultimate performance which will lessen our
dependence on huge fields. Simple models flown on small fields-hmmm, sounds
a lot like FAC!
--Don DeLoach
(Marketer, and lover of ALL FF disciplines)
-- Lost Hills Free Flight Model Airfield Association Dues Notice --
It is time to renew your membership in the LHFFMAA. The first contest
of 2007 is the Isaacson Winter Classic to be held the weekend of
February 10, 11 & 12th. If you are considering flying in this contest
you need to send in your dues now. In addition, the directors have
approved a dues policy which gives a $5 discount if you pay for two
years by Feb. 15th., i.e., one year is $20 and two years are $35. Make
checks out to LHFFMAA and mail to:
George Walter
2412 Deerpark Drive
Fullerton, CA 92835
Membership stickers will be send out starting in early January along
with a short newsletter.
Questions? e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call at 714-528-0774,
however, I will be out of town from Dec. 16th until the 28th.
If you are a member who paid for two years last year disregard this
George Walter
Sec/Treasurer LHFFMAA
Roger Morrell